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0 Views · 3 months ago

For Native Americans, putting dinner on the table was a terrifying, oftentimes death-defying, and always full-time job. While many of their foods aren't even around anymore, others have cropped up as trendy new dining options. This is what Native Americans ate every day before Europeans came.

While the Clovis likely weren't the first people to set foot on American soil, they were responsible for some of the earliest settlements, and they were such good hunters they've been blamed for the mass extinction of one of their favorite meals: The mammoth.

The rise of the Clovis does coincide with the downfall of the mammoths, along with other Pleistocene megafauna. Bones found across 19 Clovis sites suggest that while they were eating a lot of mammoth, they were also eating bison, mastodon, deer, rabbits, and caribou.

Their diet depended greatly on what was nearby, and megafauna seems to be the overwhelming preference. Clovis hunters in Mexico stalked the gomphotheres. As seen from this small section of a gomphothere jaw, they were massive, elephant-like creatures. They also went extinct during this period. In the far north they hunted something even more surprising: Camels. Camels roamed wide sections of what's now Canada, until the Clovis likely hunted them to extinction.

Watch the video for more about What Native Americans Actually Ate Before Europeans Came!

#NativeAmerican #Food

The Clovis | 0:00
The Folsom | 1:03
The Plano | 2:04
The Yurok | 2:55
Poverty Point | 3:42
The Anasazi | 4:32
The Hopewell | 5:45
The Oneota | 6:41
The Fort Walton Culture | 7:37
The Cahokia | 8:32
The Pueblo | 9:19

Read full article: https://www.grunge.com/223850/....what-native-american

0 Views · 3 months ago

Paraiso Filipino Native Foods - Lakewood, WA

0 Views · 3 months ago

Classic Deli Favorite Turned Vegan! Which Chicago Vegan Restaurant has the better Reuben? Karyn's Cooked or Native Foods Cafe?

Konnichiwa こんにちは、my name is Zac. One time, I got really fat. But now, I'm very close to losing 200 pounds. Follow me as I vlog about how I am able to keep off nearly 200 pounds on my High Carb Low Fat (HCLF) Vegan Diet.

My goal is to help and inspire others making similar lifestyle changes. I especially want to help those who are extremely obese.

Website: http://www.findingzac.com
Email: ZaC@findingZaC.com
Twitter: @FnDNGZaC

Song: The Singularity by Chaotrope:

0 Views · 3 months ago

Here is one of my favorite fast food vegan restraunts called Native foods cafe. This place has alot of healthy vegan options and uses alot of healthy practices and ingredients. I appreciate the selection is so many different categories. from lunch brunch to dinner and dessert. Beverage selection is also good and healthy I rate this place a 7.8 out of 10

0 Views · 3 months ago

A delicacy is usually a rare or expensive food item that is considered highly desirable, sophisticated or peculiarly distinctive, within a given culture. Irrespective of local preferences, such a label is typically pervasive throughout a region. ... Delicacies vary per different countries, customs and ages.

0 Views · 3 months ago

Happy Monday!!!
On today's video we will be taking you over the KWVegan Fair (Kannabis Works Vegan Fair) to see what they have to offer in the vegan department.
You can check their Instagram for upcoming event popups and what vendors to expect.

After we check out the vegan fair, we head over to The CAMP in Costa Mesa to get some lunch at Native Foods. It was a good day.

That is it for today's video. I hope you had fun and thank you for hanging out with us! See you on tomorrow's video!


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Hello there! I am Lisa Pinelli; professional model, cosplayer, and aerial performer who loves living life everyday in the present. Welcome to my adventure through this beautiful life.

This is my daily life vlog. I love theme parks, animals, plants, nature, fitness, and I live a plant based lifestyle. I strive to share positivity, love, motivation, and adventure with the world. Be sure to say hello and hit that SUBSCRIBE button.

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If you want to collaborate or message us, you can message us or send an email to bookings.lisapinelli@gmail.com or on my Facebook page, http://facebook.com/LisaAPinelli



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#LisaPinelli #Vegan #Foodie

0 Views · 3 months ago

Lunch time at Native Foods Cafe, an all-vegan restaurant. The restaurant in Palm Springs is the original. Really good food!

2 Views · 3 months ago

Native Foods Vegan Cafe has reopened their Palm Springs location! This was the first Native Foods outlet, originally opened in 1994. Now bigger and improved! For more info, visit http://www.NativeFoods.com

1 Views · 3 months ago

Native Foods Cafe in Irvine, CA
December 2017

0 Views · 3 months ago

Sitara and Ryan review Native Foods Cafe, a vegan restaurant in Los Angeles. Sitara always prefers to prepare her own food at home to know what exactly is going into her meal. Since Ryan is still in the process of transitioning to becoming Vegan...going out to a vegan restaurant once a week is a great way to show him the ropes!
Sitara's Social Media
Instagram: https://instagram.com/silly_sitara/

Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/SetarehKhatibfref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SetarehKhatibi

Other You Tube Channel- http://www.youtube.com/channel..../UC4pAb_9dUaG1ADDv53

0 Views · 3 months ago

There was an opening of a new Native Foods location, and we were invited to try it out! It was awesome!

0 Views · 3 months ago

Tocabe American Indian Eatery is the only Native American restaurant in the Denver area. As I hail from the East coast, specifically New Jersey, I have never been exposed ever to American Indian cuisine so for me it is the only Native American restaurant I have ever been to!

Native American food can include many different items, but Tocabe in Denver, CO specializes very much in fry bread. Fry bread is a staple in American indigenous food, and it has some controversial origins. Many people within the Native American community view Native American fry bread as representing oppression and tragedy, as it was invented out of necessity due to its ingredients consisting primarily of what the US government rationed to American Indians on reservations. To me though, food is always uplifting, and while we should never forget the dark aspects of history we can also see foods such as fry bread as a symbol of resilience and creativity in difficult times. For example budae jigae, also known as Korean army stew, after all was also created due to rationing and necessity but today Korean people still love to eat it and there are even restaurants that specialize in it.

No matter how you view the history however, my take is American Indian fry bread is delicious. Tocabe offers variations of the dish, such as stuffed fry bread recipes, however in this video I opted for the Indian taco. Also known as a Navajo taco to some, it is sort of like a Mexican huarache dish, with fry bread as an edible plate with delicious toppings on top. I opted for ground bison here. I also wound up getting some of the famous Tocabe bison ribs.

This is one of the most unique video topics I have ever done and I cannot wait to share this topic with you all. I hope you all learned a thing or two about the Tocabe Native American fast casual restaurant, as well as Native American food in general!

Like and Subscribe if you like my vids!

Restaurant Deets:
Tocabe, An American Indian Eatery
3536 W 44th Ave, Denver, CO 80211

Music from @musicforvideolibrary

0 Views · 3 months ago

This food was so tasty! We will definitely be going back! Thanks for coming along with us on our adventure. Please give this video a "thumbs up" , and if you are new to our channel, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! ;) Thank you for watching! We'll see you in the next video! Coming up next is a Disneyland vlog! :)

-Jackie and Jaclyn


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Please share and check out our other videos! :)
If you want to send us stuff!:

My Moments with Mom
P.O. Box 80435
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

0 Views · 3 months ago

Hello and welcome to Old Ways Gardening and Prepping.🍀 Would like to welcome you each in to the woods by our home. It has been a long time since I have been able to make these war clubs and happy as can be.

Depending on the warriors preferences they would either use a stone or wooden headed war clubs. The wooden war clubs were lighter to carry long distances and were as deadly as the stone headed axes. As time went on and the trading with white settlers became more often the metal headed tomahawks replaced both prior war clubs. However some still held on to the traditional war clubs and didn't like the metal made tomahawks. At some powwows you will still see more Traditional dancers carrying the old version of war clubs.

Hope this video encourages you to also try your hands at making your own wooden war clubs. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comment section below I will answer them as soon as possible. Everyone take care and have a blessed day. ❤️🍀🦉

Teresa 🦉

#traditionalwoodenwarclub #novemberisnativeamericanheritagemonth #keepingtraditionsalive #cherokeepride #selfsufficiency #oldwaysgardeningandprepping

You can check my merchandise out at the link below. All profit from sales goes back in to helping me buy cattle panels and praying to have a small greenhouse one day.


You can contact me through email at:


Old Ways Gardening and Prepping
Teresa Horn
227 County Road 2230
Booneville, MS 38829

Please donate if you can so I can build more raised beds for vegetables and medicinal herbs.


To send donations to Paypal so that I will be able to buy alcohol to teach how to make tinctures. Will keep the receipts to show exactly what donations are spent for.

My PayPal ID is: @Cedar

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Yes I will make a small commission from your order but it will not cost you anything.

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Yes I will make a small commission and receive gifts for you using my personal link for ordering but at no extra cost to you.

I'm on Instagram as @old_ways_gardeningandprepping. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

Come join me on MeWe! It's the only social network built on trust, control and love.: https://mewe.com/i/teresahorn

Wanted to say thank you for making music for those who can't afford to pay for it:

Tranquil Native American Flute
Music by UNIVERSFIELD from Pixabay

All videos are made and edited by me Teresa Horn.

0 Views · 3 months ago

The creativity with which Native American groups brought ingredients together reflected an awareness of and respect for the environment. When it comes to what kind of foods Native Americans ate in the past, their meals were often about both sustenance and ceremony.

Native American groups thrived on staple foods like corn, beans, and squash. When available, meat, fruit, and other vegetables were mixed in, not to mention roots and greens. Many foods Native Americans ate were high in fat, protein, and carbohydrates - intentionally loaded with nutrients in order to combat potential hardship and struggle. Food was also used for celebrating and bringing people together.

#NativeAmericans #FoodHstory #WeirdHistory

0 Views · 3 months ago

When people think of Australian food, meat pies and Vegemite come to mind. The truth is, Indigenous Australians have been baking bread and cultivating and harvesting native ingredients for more than 60,000 years. With a dark history of colonialism and displacement, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island knowledge of native foods is at risk of disappearing. Thankfully people like Nornie Bero are sharing ancient ingredients in modern restaurant and cafe settings. All we have to do is eat, listen and learn.

Hosted by Sofia Levin
Filmed and edited by Liam Neal

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Cafe featured: Mabu Mabu, 13 Anderson Street, Yarraville, https://www.mabumabu.com.au/

0 Views · 3 months ago

Filipino cuisine is composed of the cuisines of more than a hundred distinct ethno-linguistic groups found throughout the Philippine archipelago.


2 Views · 4 months ago

The 2nd Edition of the Bunyoro Native Food Festival is on from 7th to 9th June 2024.
We are celebrating the indigenous dishes like Amacalya,Enyobwo,Ekimyedde,Nyeni,Enkoko,Omukaro,Eyobyo,Enswiiga, and foods like Akaro,Ebitakuli, Ebokoora,Ndwa,Emugude among others. Drinks like Etonto,Ensande and Ebikwete are also being served
Come eat and learn how to prepare these incredibly tasty native dishes

a production of Mosty Media / Films @ KabalegaTv
0772186766, 07532324955
mostymediaug@gmail.com #uganda

0 Views · 4 months ago

Nothing quite blows your mind as much as the combination of Fisherman soup and some hot fluffy pounded yam. Fisherman soup (also called Native soup) is popular in the South South zone of Nigeria and everyone loves it. I call Fisherman's soup a seafood lover's delight as it is filled with a variety of seafood. When making this soup no sea food is too much or too little to be left included; the more the merrier. Fisherman soup/ Native soup pairs well with every kind of swallow though pounded yam and fufu would top the chart while eba/garri would be my least favourite to pair with the amazing Fisherman soup. I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to be making this Fisherman's soup/ Native soup over and over again. Remember to share this awesome find with everyone.

Ingredients for Fisherman soup/Native soup

3 large snails
5 pieces Fish (I used Barracuda)
3 large Crabs and crab leg
1 cup Ngolo ( Whelk)
3 Jumbo Prawns
seasoning cubes to taste
salt to taste
1/4 cup minced onions
1/2 cup palm oil
Scotch bonnet peppers (yellow and red)
1 heaped tablespoon ground ofor (thickner)
1/2 cup ground crayfish'
2 ground uziza feeds
uziza leaves
1 teapoon cameroon pepper

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Send me an email for business: Ifyskitchen1@gmail.com

#fishermansoup #Nigeriansoup #ifyskitchen #nativesoup

Fisherman soup/rivers native soup/native soup/okra soup/nigerian soup/ fish soup/uziza soup/ofor soup/ achi soup/light soup/ seafood soup/ seafood okra/ seafood okro/ikwerre soup/ south south soup/ fisherman soup

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