Babies World

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Healthy Living Guidelines For Feeding Mothers: Feeding mothers should take utmost care for their and their
baby’s health. While they definitely need to take few foods, they need to avoid some. Watch this video to know what precautions feeding mothers should take

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2 意见 · 5 月 前

As per the WHO guidelines, any baby that is 6 months of age, that is term or pre term baby contains only breast milk. It contains all the nutrients that the baby requires till this age. So we need not give any water or any particular medicines as such. But however if the baby has any problems like gastroenteritis, then the pediatrician will be prescribing you with oral rehydration fluids or any other medicines as of required for the situation. So the baby is said to be exclusively breast fed only if the baby takes the breast milk along with any medication only if it is required. At any particular age before 6 months, that is no need to give any fluids or any water. The baby requires only breast milk for the first 6 months but in case the baby is on formula milk, we need not substitute or add on any other fluids. As it is the baby requires enough calories which is only attained by milk. 100 ml of milk contains almost 67 – 70 kilocalories and this is attained only if the baby takes milk. If you give fluids, it only fills the stomach and gives hydration to the baby and does not meet the calorie requirement that the baby requires. So if you feed the baby with water, the baby only attains a hydration and the net effect, the baby gets malnourished and there is an extra chance of infection for the baby as you are giving extra water to the baby which is already boiled and if it is boiled also it may contain germs and may result in gastroenteritis and may result in diarrhea and it results in the overall illnesses in the child. So it is not recommended to give water or any other liquids before 6 months.

3 意见 · 5 月 前

every new mother as a plenty of doubts in taking care of there new born babies, Dr. Sharmila. k MD (Pediatrics), has given in-depth explanation to MedPlus One TV on Do's and Don'ts for new moms in first few months of new born babies to avoid any kind of infection and viral fever viral fever etc. Temperature Maintenance, breastfeeding.
#newborn #newmother #newbornbabycare #newbornbabies #MedplusOneTV

for more video of children health care click here :
From Dr.Sharmila MD (Pediatrics) #apollohospitals Do Watch @MedplusOneTV

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1 意见 · 5 月 前

Good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth, and it's important to start early! In this video, Dr. Ipshita Suyash explains the basics of infant oral health care, including how to brush your baby's teeth. With our help, you can ensure your child has a beautiful, healthy smile for years to come. Watch the video to learn more!

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0 意见 · 5 月 前

By Global Health Media Project. Download link:

A newborn who doesn’t breathe at birth needs help immediately. This video, using a training doll, shows the basic steps of newborn resuscitation using the internationally renowned Helping Babies Breathe guidelines.

The intended audience is frontline health workers in the developing world.

Copyright © 2019 Global Health Media Project. All rights reserved.

1 意见 · 5 月 前

Is there a simple solution to improve the health of premature babies? A new Canadian-led study suggests there is. The study's results showed that by simply getting a premature baby's parents involved in the care process sooner, the baby gained 15 per cent more weight. There was also another effect — the parents also showed less stress.

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0 意见 · 5 月 前

Generally the earlier the baby is born, the higher is the risk of complications. That means in layman language, those babies who are born before 32 weeks of pregnancy, they have chance of developing complications more there are short term complications that might be aberrant during pregnancy and they can be handled very well in a tertiary care setup with the proper NICU care. But there are long term complications that are apparent only after the baby is discharged. The most common of one of the problem is cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy involves the brain of the baby. There is a permanent injury to the brain of the baby. The baby can manifest with abnormal muscle movements what abnormal postures the other problem can be with hearing. It is seen that hearing loss is very common due to the premature delivery because of the improper development of the hearing system of the baby. Some babies can also present with vision problems this happens because of the retinopathies of the prematurity. Retina is a very important part of the eye of any individual. Because of the prematurity of that retina, sometimes there are chances of premature separation of retina, which is known as retinal detachment. That sudden loss of vision in the babies. Most important thing that parents have to keep track is the impaired learning in these babies and the delayed development of milestone. So this is commonly seen and they might require certain amount of care to handle these difficulties. Other problem with decreased immunity is their immunity is not fully developed as a full term infants. So definitely chances of getting opportunistic infections like asthma or because of decreased immunity, more chances of infections are there. Then feeding problems, sudden infant death syndrome has been seen in these babies. So parents have to be counseled regarding the long term complications in these babies.

0 意见 · 5 月 前

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0 意见 · 5 月 前

Baby food || Weight gain & Brain Development | वजन बढ़ाने और मस्तिष्क के विकास के लिए शिशु आहार everyone!

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On our channel you will find delicious, simple and affordable recipes.
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0 意见 · 5 月 前

Young people are waiting longer to have children. But those later pregnancies come with risks.

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Kangaroo mother care, which involves skin-to-skin contact and exclusive breastfeeding, significantly improves a premature or low birthweight baby’s chances of survival. This five-part instructional video series teaches health workers how to support mothers and caregivers to practise Kangaroo Mother Care in variety of settings. Learn more about Kangaroo Mother Care:

1 意见 · 5 月 前

When a baby is really young, their parents tend to have a bunch of fears about their little one’s well-being and health. They try to guess exactly what their baby wants and what it is that might be causing them discomfort. But how do you understand babies without using words? Luckily, some experts decoded this unique baby language. Here're some clues you’ll need to figure out what your little bundle is trying to say.

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#parentingtips #havingababy


Types of cries

- A calling cry 0:39
- A hunger cry 1:05
- A pain cry 1:28
- A physiological cry 1:50
- A sleep cry 2:08
- A discomfort cry 2:42
- A bored cry 3:00

Other sounds your baby makes 3:28

Baby movements

- Arching their backs 5:20
- Rotating their head 5:49
- Grabbing their ears 6:05
- Clenching their fists 6:20
- Lifting their legs 6:43
- Jerking their arms 7:02

Music by Epidemic Sound

- Ever heard your baby cry for about 5 or 6 seconds, and then pause for the next 20 seconds? This means that your baby has been alone for a while and now desperately needs your attention.
- This type of cry is very similar to a calling cry with one little catch – if you don't get in there right away, the crying becomes hysterical quickly.
- If you hear a pain cry once, you'll never confuse it with any of the others. This crying is flat and constant.
- Babies deal with all kinds of bodily functions like us, from having gas to peeing and pooping. And these can cause them more discomfort than you think!
- Sleep is another problem for babies – sometimes they just can't! In this case their crying sounds like an offended and smooth whining, followed by loads of yawning.
- A discomfort cry sounds very irritated and often comes together with fidgeting. Your baby can also flail their arms and legs and arch their backs.
- This one is extremely common – your baby cries, you try doing everything you can but still can't figure out what's wrong. Easy, your baby is simply frustrated or bored!
- “Neh” means “Hey, I'm hungry here, feed me!” This sound comes from your baby pushing their tongue up to the roof of their mouth, triggering the sucking reflex.
- “Eh” is “I think I'm gonna burp now!” With that, the excess air starts leaving the baby's esophagus, and your baby tries to release it from their mouth.
- “Owh” means “I'm so sleepy and tired!” Your baby just folds their lips before yawning and this sound comes out!
- “Heh” is baby speak for “I'm not feeling it, I’m uncomfortable.” The main reason is probably an unpleasant feeling of some sort. The baby can give away their feelings by constantly moving and jerking their hands and feet as well.
- “Eairh” indicates “I have a sore tummy, help!” This strange sound can turn into a moan, as your baby stretches the belly and exhales. Don't ignore these symptoms - take action right away.
- If your baby arches their back during eating, it's a sign of reflux, after eating it means they're full.
- If ear rubbing is followed by intense crying, you should definitely visit the doctor to find the source of the problem.
- Fist or no fist shows how hungry your baby is. A perfectly relaxed hand means that they're full, while strong fist shows that they need baby food right this minute.
- During the first months of your baby's life, colic and tummy pain are almost inevitable. Your baby tries to cope with it on their own by lifting their legs to ease those unpleasant sensations.
- Loud sounds, bright lights, and sudden wake-ups provoke the startle reflex in little babies. As a result, they jerk their arms out of fear.

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0 意见 · 5 月 前

If you think your skin is delicate, just wait until you learn about your infant's outer layer! Watch this!

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Dr. Michelle Dempsey and her daughter Casey show us how to keep Baby's teeth and gums clean!

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Courtney Jane Wusthoff, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences
Packard Children's Hospital

Dr. Wusthoff looks at the brain's amazingly rapid development in babies' first months and years and some of the differences in how preterm babies' brains mature.

0 意见 · 5 月 前

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#drjaquline #drmother #ayurvedam #malayalam #homeremedy #forchildren #forinfants #forbabies ayursatmyam

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Topic: Superfoods for Growing Children

Guest: Speaker Samia Tasnim. BSC, MSC (DU- Food and Nutrition). Consultant, Nutritionist & Diet, Lab aid Hospital Ltd.
Hotline: 16484

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Why is baby not gaining weight
8 Common Reasons for Weight Loss in Babies

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Does your baby throw out milk after feeding? Is Milk indigestion a big challenge for your infant? Buy HOOPA Feeding Pillow, designed by doctors for feeding. Doctors instruct mom to pay special attention to infant’s feeding position. WHO recommends that during feeding and after feeding too, infant must be kept in reclined position.

@HoopaBabyStore When infant’s head is in low lying position, milk travels back through esophagus into newborn’s mouth causing milk throw out. Ergonomically contoured HOOPA Feeding Pillow enables mother to conveniently recline baby at any angle. Milk, is held within lower region of stomach and gets easily digested. Infant is happy and healthy. #HoopaFeedingPillow

Holding infant with 2 hands – 1 below the neck and other at baby’s buttocks, leaves the fragile spine unsupported. Infant’s backbone can bend or be damaged due to delicate structure. HOOPA Feeding pillow gives a strong support in back rest position to spine and entire back. Infant is safe and strong.

HOOPA Feeding Pillow is dual use product with other use as Infant Carrier. Indoor or outdoor, while infant is reclined in HOOPA your Small princess too can carry.

For newborn upto 4 months, tested as per US Consumer Product standards

0 意见 · 5 月 前

By Global Health Media Project. Download link:

A newborn who doesn’t breathe at birth needs help immediately. This video, using live footage, shows the basic steps of newborn resuscitation using the internationally renowned Helping Babies Breathe guidelines.

The intended audience is frontline health workers in the developing world.

Copyright © 2019 Global Health Media Project. All rights reserved.

0 意见 · 5 月 前

If you’re a new parent navigating the world of newborn baby skin care, this video is tailored just for you. We understand how delicate and sensitive your baby’s skin is, and we're here to guide you through the essential steps for ensuring it remains soft, smooth, and healthy.

In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover practical baby skin care tips that are easy to follow and highly effective. From choosing the right products to understanding the best bathing practices, we cover all the basics and beyond. Learn how to take care of baby skin with our expert advice, designed to help you avoid common pitfalls and maintain that precious baby glowing skin.

We dive into the must-know techniques for keeping your baby’s skin hydrated and free from irritations. Whether you're dealing with dry patches or just want to ensure your baby’s skin stays healthy and radiant, our tips are perfect for you.

Don’t miss out on these crucial insights—watch now to give your baby the skin care they deserve. Join us in creating a nurturing and loving environment for your little one’s delicate skin.


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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors or any health professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Hi, I am Teena. weight gain is one of the crucial things in a baby's life. feeding coconut oil is one of the magic tricks that allows your baby to gain healthy weight fast. This method is advised by the pediatrician. Do try this method. Do let me know in the comments section of this is useful to you.
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Olive is a premature baby born at 30 weeks. handling preemies can be a bit challenging.

0 意见 · 5 月 前

AMITA Health neonatologist, Anthony Bell, MD, discusses special care offered to babies in the neonatal intensive care unit.

1 意见 · 5 月 前

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on newborn care at the Birthing Pavilion! In this video, we cover everything you need to know about your baby's first few days of life, including the importance of skin-to-skin contact, safety measures, and essential tests and procedures. Learn about the benefits of bonding with your baby and how the Birthing Pavilion provides a comfortable, private, and calm environment for you and your little one.

Learn More:

Discover helpful tips on caring for your newborn, including:

- The power of skin-to-skin contact for both baby and mother
- Safety precautions at the Birthing Pavilion, such as infant security tags and identification bands
- Important tests and procedures, like the newborn metabolic screen (PKU test), jaundice testing, and hearing screening
- The significance of the hepatitis B vaccine for your baby's health
- Hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective for babies
- Newborns require special oxygen tests to check for heart conditions
- Babies need to eat often due to small stomachs, cluster feeding is common
- Feed babies when they show hunger cues, not on a strict schedule
- Breastfeeding has numerous health benefits for both mother and baby
- Nurses and lactation consultants can assist with breastfeeding difficulties
- Monitor wet and dirty diapers to gauge baby's eating and health
- Babies lose some weight after birth, but regain it within two weeks
- Create a safe sleep environment for baby; avoid bed-sharing
- Learn calming techniques for fussy babies; never shake a baby
- Circumcision is a personal choice; check insurance coverage
- Birth certificate and initial medical appointments will be arranged
- Clinical resource coordinator helps with discharge needs and community resources
- Use an approved car seat for baby's safety; rear-facing for the first year
- Nurses and doctors will teach parents about baby care and address any medical concerns

Dartmouth Health Children’s is the only comprehensive pediatric healthcare system in the region. Fully integrated in Dartmouth Health and anchored for more than 30 years by CHaD - Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH - Dartmouth Health Children’s promotes health, advances knowledge, and delivers the best patient and family-centered care for infants, children, and adolescents across New Hampshire and Vermont. Dartmouth Health Children’s conducts groundbreaking research and educates the next generations of health professionals as the primary pediatric partner of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Highly skilled and collaborative child health professionals provide care in multiple settings across the region. Outpatient specialty visits and same-day surgery services are available at CHaD and Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Manchester. Primary care appointments in general pediatrics are available at Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics in Bedford, Concord, Lebanon, Manchester and Nashua, NH and Bennington, VT; as well as at Dartmouth Health members: Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital, Cheshire Medical Center, New London Hospital and Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center. For more information about Dartmouth Health Children’s, visit or contact us at (603) 650‐KIDS.
00:00 Introduction
00:54 Birthing Pavilion at DHMC
01:14 Your Baby's First Few Hours
01:26 Skin to Skin Contact
02:36 Antibiotic Eye Ointment
02:51 Vitamin K Shot
03:23 Security in the Birthing Pavilion
04:42 Early Tests and Procedures
09:39 Feeding Your Baby
14:08 First Few Days of Poop
15:48 Sleep Patterns
17:36 Naptime and Visitors
18:32 Purple Crying
20:39 Further Tests and Treatments
21:34 Other Birthing Pavilion Activities

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Order 'Build, Don't Talk' (in English) here:
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Disclaimer: This video is intended solely for educational purposes and opinions shared by the guest are his personal views. We do not seek to defame or harm any person/brand/product mentioned in the video. Our goal is to provide information to help audience make informed choices.


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00:00 - Introduction
02:31 - Parenting mistakes
04:37 - Top 5 parenting myths
07:24 - Problems with milk production
09:24 - Painful breastfeeding
12:34 - Kissing newborns
14:14 - Age of starting solid foods for babies
15:24 - Don't force-feed babies
17:37 - Chai and milk is bad for babies
19:30 - Unhealthy “health drinks”
24:37 - Lactose intolerance in babies
25:36 - Ideal age for having children
28:08 - Effects of never getting pregnant
30:23 - Child obesity
34:13 - Is Cerelac bad
35:28 - Age of using toothpaste for kids
37:20 - COVID vaccine effects on kids
38:55 - Important vaccines
42:49 - Government healthcare in India
45:22 - Parenting myths or facts
49:29 - Weird parenting practices
55:42 - Paediatrician salary
59:03 - Thank You!


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Canon EOS 200D II 24.1MP DSLR Camera:
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Yunteng Aluminium Tripod (Vct-690, Black):
Zoom H6 All Black (2020 Version):
Shure SM7B Cardioid Vocal Dynamic Microphone:
Shure MV7 USB Podcast Microphone:
GODOX SL150II 150W LED Video Light:


In today’s episode of Figuring Out, we have Dr. Imran S Patel in conversation with Raj Shamani. He is an MD and paediatrician, recognized as one of the world's favorite Pa ediatric Dr. Influencers, and Co-founder of the Asian Children's Hospital.

In this episode, we discuss common mistakes new parents make, debunk 5 myths about baby care, and explore alternatives to breast milk that are good for babies. We also cover topics such as the appropriate food for newborns after 6 months, the suitability of health drinks like Horlicks and Complan for children, and whether Cerelac is healthy for babies. We also discuss the ideal age for family planning and the potential side effects if women delay conception.

Towards the end, we address why childhood obesity is increasing, when kids should start using toothpaste, and the potential side effects of COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines on individuals. We also touch upon unconventional practices that new parents might undertake and debunk common myths. The conversation concludes with insights into the earnings of paediatricians in India. For more insightful episodes, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel.

Follow Dr. Imran Patel Here:


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Follow Raj Shamani On ⤵︎

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0 意见 · 5 月 前

#babyfood #babyfoodrecipes
Baby food 3+ years || Elders can too Drink this Summer Coolant & healthy Hello everyone!
We are glad to see you on our culinary channel Priya Vantalu.
This channel is all about simple and easy, delicious food recipes that can be made easily at you can cook your food without any difficulty.
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0 意见 · 5 月 前

From birth to two years old is marked by great cognitive, emotional, social and physical development in children, and the brain is growing at a rapid pace. Research has enabled professionals and parents to identify developmental milestones for assessing a child’s progress across time. Although children develop according to a predictable sequence of steps, they do not necessarily proceed through them in the same way or at the same time. Every child’s development is unique, influenced by genetics, prenatal development, the care he/she receives after birth, and the experiences prompted by his or her environment. So there is a wide range of what may be considered 'normal' development. Leading scientists will review both basic and clinical research and discuss factors that influence child development from birth to two-years old, helping us understand what to look for, how to interpret what we observe, and what, if anything, can be done to intervene if something goes “wrong.” Please join us as we delve into the world of infant mental development, with Lisa Freund, Pat Levitt, Lisa Shulman, and Mark Frankel.

The Neuroscience & Society series is a partnership between The Dana Foundation and the American Association of the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Professor Rob McLachlan from Andrology Australia discusses what men can do to keep their sperm healthy and increase their chance of having a healthy baby.

0 意见 · 5 月 前

Babies are too little to be able to communicate their problems or discomfort in any way other than crying. This is why we, as parents, must watch out for any suspicious signs of health problems in babies. We have put together for you six changes in your baby that you must never ignore. They can be early warning signs of health issues in babies and need immediate attention.

Our little ones keep us going with their giggles, innocence, and unadulterated love. Therefore, caution is a mother’s best friend when it comes to her baby. Watch out for these changes, be on your guard, and you’ll be able to keep your baby protected from all harm. Do share this video with your fellow parents so they can also stay on guard for their little ones' optimal health. Happy Parenting!

#signsofhealthproblemsinbabies #babyhealth #babycare #babyhealthproblems

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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors or any health care professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before proceeding.

The images shown in the video are illustration purpose only.

If you have any queries about pregnancy, parenting, child health and care, get answers from experts at FirstCry Parenting's Q&A section. Visit Now-

0 意见 · 5 月 前

As a new parent, you naturally want to ensure your baby is thriving. In this video, we’ll cover the 10 signs your baby is healthy, helping you understand what to look for to know your little one is growing and developing well. From weight gain to developmental milestones, we’ll break down the key indicators of good baby health.

Wondering how to know if your baby is healthy? This video will give you peace of mind by highlighting the positive signs that your newborn is doing great. Whether it’s their sleep patterns, feeding habits, or those adorable little movements, these signs will help you confidently monitor your baby’s well-being.

We also share important baby health tips to keep your newborn on the right track. If you’re seeking expert advice on baby health care, this video is packed with valuable information every parent should know.

Don’t miss our helpful insights and newborn baby tips that can make all the difference in your parenting journey. Watch now to learn about the reassuring signs your newborn is healthy and feel more confident in caring for your little one. Remember, a healthy baby is a happy baby, and we’re here to help you every step of the way!

#SignsOfAHealthyBaby #HowToKnowIfBabyIsHealthy #SignsYourNewbornIsHealthy #BabyHealth #BabyHealthCare #NewBornBabyTips #BabyHealthTips #Baby

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Content used in this video is for informational purpose only and should not be considered as a substitute for advice from doctors, nutritionist or any health professional. We strongly recommend seeking medical/expert's advice before proceeding.

If you have any queries, get answers from experts at FirstCry Parenting's Q&A section. Visit Now-

0 意见 · 7 月 前

✨ Subscribe and enjoy Baby Shark Official's best videos! ✨

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Let's learn colors with Baby Shark!✨😍

You're watching "Grandpa Shark's Ice Cream Truck", a super fun and easy song to learn colors for kids! Enjoy this super catchy song presented by Baby Shark Official! Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo

★ Lyrics

Baby Shark's Rainbow World

The whole world is a rainbow!

Red, orange, yellow.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Green, blue,
purple, and pink.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo.

Red world,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Full of hearts,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Love you,
doo doo doo doo doo.

Orange world,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Bright flame,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Feels warm,
doo doo doo doo doo.

Yellow world,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Shining sun,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
So bright,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Feels good,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.

Rainbow world.
Rainbow world.
Let's swim in the rainbow.
Doo doo doo,
doo doo doo doo.

Green world,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Fresh grass,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.

Blue world,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Wild sea,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
So deep,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.

Purple world,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
So fun,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.

Pink world,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Cotton candy,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
doo doo doo doo doo doo.
So sweet,
doo doo doo doo doo doo.

Red, orange, yellow.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Green, blue,
purple, and pink.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo.

Subscribe to Baby Shark's Official YouTube channel for children's favorite songs and stories made with Baby Shark and Shark Family!
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Copyright © 2022 The Pinkfong Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#babyshark #learnenglish #babysharksong
#babysharkhomeschool #forkids #babysharksingalong #colors #learncolors

0 意见 · 7 月 前

Baby's World x Eastside 80s - New Jack City
(Official Music Video)
Shot By @kogoloud

0 意见 · 7 月 前

*Music Video*
Babys World - Money Different

LED Productions
"The Visual of the Streets"
Directed by: Erik Thomas
Edited by: Erik Thomas
Follow the business!
LED Productions

Follow the director!
Erik Thomas
For video inquires text/call (947)517-7393 or email

0 意见 · 7 月 前

Baby’s World - “Grown Man” (Official Video)




0 意见 · 7 月 前

It’s bed time for Nina and Nico! Mommy and daddy put them to sleep but they keep waking each other up! Watch this educational 3D learning video by Little World #littleworldnurseryrhymes #learningsongs #kidssongs

(🔔) Subscribe To Little World Adventures ►►

Sleepy time, babies
It’s time for bed
Sleepy time, babies
It’s time to rest
Sleepy time, babies
It’s time for bed
Sleepy time, babies
It’s time to rest

Brother brother
Wake up with me
Brother brother
I’m not sleepy

Brother brother
Wake up with me
Brother brother
Come play with me

Brother brother
Now we can play
Brother brother
It’s fun to play

Babies babies
It’s time to rest
Babies babies
Go back to bed

Sister sister
Wake up with me
Sister sister
I’m not sleepy

Sister sister
Wake up with me
Sister sister
Come play with me

Babies babies
It’s time to rest
Babies babies
Go back to bed

Sleepy time, babies
It’s time for bed
Sleepy time, babies
It’s time to rest

Sleepy time, babies
It’s time for bed
Sleepy time, babies
It’s time to rest

Listen To Other Little World Songs:

Doctor Checkup + More ►►
No No Play Safe + More ►►
Fireman, Policeman and Doctor ►►
Wheels On The Ambulance ►►

Listen To Our Popular Playlist:

Good Manners and Good Habits ►►

#littleworldkidsvideos #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs

These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading, and writing skills.

Animations by: Moonbug Inc.
Copyright 2022 Moonbug

0 意见 · 7 月 前

*Music Video*
Babys World x Drego x Baby Money x 40Glock Boy - "Further Than Close"

LED Productions
"The Visual of the Streets"
Directed by: Erik Thomas
Edited by: Erik Thomas
Follow the business!
LED Productions

Follow the director!
Erik Thomas
For video inquires text/call (947)517-7393 or email

0 意见 · 7 月 前

While Nina enjoys her ritual for Potty training, Nico is reluctant to go when he has to go because he doesn’t want to stop playing!
#littleworldnurseryrhymes #learningsongs #kidssongs

(🔔) Subscribe To Little World Adventures ►►

Potty dance!

Time to go potty
Time to go potty
So run run run with me Run to the potty

I pull my pants down
I sit down and try
And when I’m done then I wave goodbye!

Wave goodbye then potty dance!

Time to go potty
Time to go potty
So march march march with
March to the potty

Oh! Oh!
I’ve gotta go!

I pull my pants down
I sit down and try
And when I’m done then I wave goodbye!

Wave goodbye then potty dance!
Time to go potty
Time to go potty
So twirl twirl twirl with me
Twirl to the potty

Oh! Oh!
I’ve gotta go!
Potty dance!

I pull my pants down
I sit down and try
And when I’m done then I wave goodbye!

Wave goodbye then potty dance!
Time to go potty
Time to go potty
So skip skip skip with me
Skip to the potty

Oh! Oh!
I’ve gotta go!
Potty dance!

I pull my pants down
I sit down and try
And when I’m done then I wave goodbye!

Wave goodbye then potty dance!

Listen To Other Little World Songs:

Doctor Checkup + More ►►
No No Play Safe + More ►►
Fireman, Policeman and Doctor ►►
Wheels On The Ambulance ►►

Listen To Our Popular Playlist:

Good Manners and Good Habits ►►

#littleworldkidsvideos #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs

These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading, and writing skills.

Animations by: Moonbug Inc.
Copyright 2023 Moonbug

00:03 The Potty Dance
03:06 Yes Yes Yummy Vegetables
06:16 Police Car Song
09:24 ABC Song 2
12:45 Bingo
15:13 Garbage Truck Firetruck Ambulance
18:18 Teddy Bear Song
21:35 Doctor Check Up Song 2
24:01 Pretty Pretty Princess
27:22 Superheroes Song
31:01 Jumping Animals Song
34:23 Baa Baa Black Sheep
36:57 Christmas Morning Song
39:56 Farm Animals Song
43:16 Hula Hoop Fun
46:40 This Is The Way
49:26 Halloween Boo Song
52:37 Fireman Policeman And Doctor
55:36 Head Shoulders Knees And Toes
58:48 Flavor Song

0 意见 · 7 月 前

Edit by @artlavigne
Prod by Okay Jones

EL Baby out now on all platforms

0 意见 · 7 月 前

Babys World - " Money N Power "
(Official Video) Shot By @Corey Watts




0 意见 · 7 月 前

🌱 Name: Funny Baby Videos - Try Not To Laugh With Funniest Babies Moments
🌱 Link:
Welcome to the Little Ones. Their cuteness is about to rule the whole planet so we'd better watch out! If you are Babies lovers, you are in the right place. Little Ones is where you can love and live with babies from all over the world. Make sure to hit the small red button called "Subscribe" to get more videos about them.

Contact us:

#BabyChuckles #cutebaby #baby #funnybaby #trynottolaugh #funnyvideos #funnybabyvideos

0 意见 · 7 月 前

🌱 Name: Funniest Baby Moments Caught on Camera - Funny Baby Videos
🌱 Link:
Welcome to the Little Ones. Their cuteness is about to rule the whole planet so we'd better watch out! If you are Babies lovers, you are in the right place. Little Ones is where you can love and live with babies from all over the world. Make sure to hit the small red button called "Subscribe" to get more videos about them.

Contact us:

#BabyChuckles #cutebaby #baby #funnybaby #trynottolaugh #funnyvideos #funnybabyvideos

0 意见 · 7 月 前

🌱 Name: Funny Baby Videos - Watch These Funnist Baby Videos and Try Not to Laugh!
🌱 Link:
Welcome to the Little Ones. Their cuteness is about to rule the whole planet so we'd better watch out! If you are Babies lovers, you are in the right place. Little Ones is where you can love and live with babies from all over the world. Make sure to hit the small red button called "Subscribe" to get more videos about them.

Contact us:

#LittleOnes #cutebaby #baby #funnybaby #trynottolaugh #funnyvideos #funnybabyvideos

3 意见 · 7 月 前

🦆🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🎶 Let's quack and sing along with joy! 😊🌟

5 Little Ducks song | Newborn Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes

Five little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only four little ducks came back
Red, green, blue, yellow

Four little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only three little ducks came back
Red, green, blue

Three little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only two little ducks came back
Red, green

Two little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only one little duck came back

One little duck went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But none of the five little ducks came back

Sad mother duck went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
And all five little ducks came back

Five little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, “Quack, quack, quack, quack"
And all of the five little ducks came back!

0 意见 · 7 月 前

🌱 Name: Funny Baby Videos - The Cutest Moments You'll See Today
🌱 Link:
Welcome to the Little Ones. Their cuteness is about to rule the whole planet so we'd better watch out! If you are Babies lovers, you are in the right place. Little Ones is where you can love and live with babies from all over the world. Make sure to hit the small red button called "Subscribe" to get more videos about them.

Contact us:

#LittleOnes #cutebaby #baby #funnybaby #trynottolaugh #funnyvideos #funnybabyvideos

0 意见 · 7 月 前

🌱 Name: The Ultimate Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Funny Baby Videos
🌱 Link:
Welcome to the Little Ones. Their cuteness is about to rule the whole planet so we'd better watch out! If you are Babies lovers, you are in the right place. Little Ones is where you can love and live with babies from all over the world. Make sure to hit the small red button called "Subscribe" to get more videos about them.

Contact us:

#BabyChuckles #cutebaby #baby #funnybaby #trynottolaugh #funnyvideos #funnybabyvideos

0 意见 · 7 月 前

A MUST: 30 Minutes of Funniest Baby EVER! || Cool Peachy.
► Link video:
0:00 Intro
0:08 Little brother, come play with me!
1:34 Baby Mother!
2:42 Don't bother me!
5:13 I like it, Mom!
6:54 My baby, don't cry!
11:12 Climbing up is fine, but when coming down...
14:44 Twins but different interests
► Our playlist:
♥️ Best funny video:
♥️ Funniest Baby Videos Compilation:
Cool Peachy is a channel which upload videos of cute and funny babies. We believe that the innocence and silliness of babies will make your day brighter.
Thanks for watching! Wait to see more new videos every day on Cool Peachy!
Copyright: AFV
Editor: Minh Hoa
#coolpeachy #funnybaby #funnyvideo #baby #funny #trending #babyfever

0 意见 · 7 月 前

🌱 Name: Best Videos of the Cutest and Funniest Baby Moments - Funny Baby Videos
🌱 Link:
Welcome to the Little Ones. Their cuteness is about to rule the whole planet so we'd better watch out! If you are Babies lovers, you are in the right place. Little Ones is where you can love and live with babies from all over the world. Make sure to hit the small red button called "Subscribe" to get more videos about them.

Contact us:

#LittleOnes #cutebaby #baby #funnybaby #trynottolaugh #funnyvideos #funnybabyvideos

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