Preaching & Teaching

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Pastor Paul Arthurs addresses the purpose of women in his Living on Purpose series.

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Welcome to Wheaton Christian Center! There’s a whole LOT of LOVE waiting for you here! Today, we will hear from our Founding Pastor, Carlton Arthurs! Get your Bibles, your pen & paper, and invite a friend, because we are expecting God to move mightily today!

#KBKids Virtual Worship Volume 76

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Why is it important for Christians to pray for Israel? Founding Pastor Carlton Arthurs reminds us of the importance of having the heart of God during these turbulent times.

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Join Founding Pastor, Carlton Arthurs, and the West Austin Campus for a time of intimate worship and a continuation of the message series with a focus on preparing people for the Lord's soon return.

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Pastor Paul Arthurs continues his powerful teaching on Living on Purpose.

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Pastor Carlton Arthurs | Wheaton Christian Center Aurora

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Recorded on March 27, 2010, live at CJ Arthur's in Wilmette, Illinois. Jazz quartet: Meredith Carlton Kramer & Janz: Will Kramer; Robin Meredith; Scott Carlton; Wally Janz

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Pastor Paul shares truths from the Bible about how to live in these uncertain times.

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Pastor Arthurs shares some great facts about Belize with some CSCA Students.

2 Views · 1 year ago

Founding Pastor Carlton Arthurs continues his sobering, yet timely message, The End Times and What to Expect.

0 Views · 1 year ago

It is interesting to note that before God created the vegetation, the celestial bodies or the animals, God commanded light to shine in the midst of darkness. In the same manner, God has spoken through His Son who is revealed as the Light of the World. Only when our lives have been illuminated through the revelation of Jesus will we be able to break the power of darkness that causes us to wander through life without direction. Today, I encourage you to allow the Sun of Righteousness to arise in your heart to push back the darkness and be a Lamp to your feet and a Light to your path towards your purpose.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of BECOMING!

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Our values are not demonstrated in what we say, but in how we steward our lives.

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In Acts 4, we begin to see the cultural impact of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that began at Pentecost as it influenced the early church. This is a people that were alive and growing, but the growth was felt beyond the attendance. Something was spreading like a contagion, and that was the outpouring of the love of God. Something was happening among those who responded to the call to come out their old life of religious righteousness and into true faith in the Messiah. It was in Him that they discovered an immediate connection of life and purpose. People from all walks of life began to actually care about each other to the extent that they were enthusiastic to release what they had in order to bless someone else. The result of this love fest resulted in great grace to demonstrate to the world that Jesus was risen from the dead.

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In Part 7 of this critical series, Living on Purpose, Pastor Paul addresses the importance of submission.

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In these times of uncertainty the only way to differentiate between what is authentic versus what is counterfeit will be our fruit. God prioritized fruitfulness in the origin of human history as the first instruction of man, but sin corrupted the fruit and revealed our need for salvation. In Part V of this powerful message series, Pastor Paul Arthurs encourages believers to apply the Fruit of the Spirit in every aspect of our lives, as that is what brings glory to God.

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Why is it important for Christians to pray for Israel? In the sixth message in this relevant series, Founding Pastor Carlton Arthurs reminds us of the importance of having the heart of God during these turbulent times.

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In a time when it is easy and even encouraged to isolate, Pastor Paul admonishes us to build and maintain strategic relationships in challenging times.

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The writer of Hebrews admonishes us to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise. In order to possess the promise, we must have Patience that is not based on our human efforts but naturally flows from faith.
In, The Waiting Room, Part II of his focus on Patience, Pastor Paul explains that the real evidence of the Holy Spirit's activity in the life of a believer can be clearly seen in the fruit of Patience. While we are experiencing the work of Patience we feel the agony that comes with waiting, but only when we allow the process to run its course, can we enjoy the fruit that is produced from a Spirit-led life.

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In this special Mother's Day message, Pastor Fiona reminds parents that it is important to be spiritually and emotionally healthy, so that we are a blessing and not a stumbling block in our children's lives.

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In these times of uncertainty the only way to differentiate between what is authentic versus what is counterfeit will be our fruit. God prioritized fruitfulness in the origin of human history as the first instruction of man, but sin corrupted the fruit and revealed our need for salvation. In Part II of this new message series, Pastor Paul Arthurs encourages believers to apply the Fruit of the Spirit in every aspect of our lives, as that is what brings glory to God.

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Pastor Paul Arthurs continues to address the purpose of women in his Living on Purpose series.

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When you are in a season of shifting, the systems in our lives often need to be upgraded so that we are living the lives that God created us to live.

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Why is it important for Christians to pray for Israel? In the Fourth message in this series, Founding Pastor Carlton Arthurs reminds us of the importance of having the heart of God during these turbulent times.

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In order to shift to the next level in life, we have to take an honest look as the systems that are at work in our lives.

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Pastor Paul Arthurs continues his study of the Fruit of the Spirit, with a focus on Peace that Christ brings.

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Ever wonder what's blocking your blessing? In his message entitled "The Interruption of the Blessing," Pastor Paul shares 3 main hindrances to living the blessed life.

0 Views · 1 year ago

The writer of Hebrews admonishes us to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise. In order to possess the promise, we must have Patience that is not based on our human efforts but naturally flows from faith.
In, The Waiting Room, Part II of his focus on Patience, Pastor Paul explains that the real evidence of the Holy Spirit's activity in the life of a believer can be clearly seen in the fruit of Patience. While we are experiencing the work of Patience we feel the agony that comes with waiting, but only when we allow the process to run its course, can we enjoy the fruit that is produced from a Spirit-led life.

0 Views · 1 year ago

We are human, and we have weaknesses. Thankfully, God has provided us a way of escape from the sin that besets us. There is a time to engage in spiritual warfare, but there is also a time to RUN! Stay in tune with the Holy Spirit to know what time it is!

0 Views · 1 year ago

We are admonished in Scripture to draw near to God, for it’s only when we move toward God that we have the privilege of growing in relationship with our Heavenly Father. Jesus says that He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks and if we would grant access He would come in and dine with us.

One of the simplest definitions of prayer is talking with God, to engage in conversation in which we communicate our heart and incline our ears to His Word.

As we continue In this timely message series, Pastor Paul Arthurs reminds us that our conversation with the Father not only brings us into a deeper understanding but transforms us from the inside out. This change is continual and is the result of ongoing conversations day by day as we chose to walk with our Heavenly Father through life.

0 Views · 1 year ago

We are in a season of shifting. You have to determine to jump into what God is doing...or accept the possibility of missing out on what God has for you!

0 Views · 1 year ago

The writer of Hebrews admonishes us to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise. In order to possess the promise, we must have Patience that is not based on our human efforts but naturally flows from faith.
In, The Waiting Room, a continuation of his focus on the Fruit of the Spirit, Pastor Paul explains that the real evidence of the Holy Spirit's activity in the life of a believer can be clearly seen in the fruit of Patience.
While we are experiencing the work of Patience we feel the agony that comes with waiting, but only when we allow the process to run its course, can we enjoy the fruit that is produced from a Spirit-led life.

0 Views · 1 year ago

In a time when isolation is easy and often encouraged, Pastor Paul Arthurs delivers Part II of his timely message, Building Strategic Relationships.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Everyone and everything has a source. What sources have been feeding you lately? More importantly, are you connected to The Source? In Part III of the message series, "Check the Source", Pastor Paul Arthurs encourages us to stay connected to our ultimate Source, Jesus Christ, so that we can thrive, even during challenging times.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Founding Pastor Sheila Arthurs delivers a powerful word from the Lord.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of BECOMING!

1 Views · 1 year ago

While the disciples were busy washing their nets they heard the call to discipleship and immediately they dropped what they were doing to follow Jesus. Their immediate response to the call ignited a process of growth that continues to reverberate to this day.

We can draw parallels with God’s call and our response to that call. In life, we will experience the call in many ways, and it is our response to that call that will matter most. We are not defined by what will happen to us in life but how we respond to what will inevitably come our way. Everyone falls, but the difference between a wise man and a foolish man is how they respond to the fall. A wise man chooses to get up again.

Many are called but few are chosen.

Thanks for joining me on this journey of Becoming!

Pastor Paul Arthurs

0 Views · 1 year ago

Pastor Paul Arthurs
Conversations with God Part III

We are admonished in Scripture to draw near to God, for it’s only when we move toward God that we have the privilege of growing in relationship with our heavenly Father. Jesus says that He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks and if we would grant access He would come in and dine with us. One of the simplest definitions of prayer is talking with God, to engage in conversation in which we communicate our heart and incline our ears to His word. In Part III of this powerful message series, Conversations with God, Pastor Paul Arthurs encourages us that our conversations with the Father not only bring us into a deeper understanding but transform us from the inside out. This change is continual and the result of ongoing conversations day by day as we chose to walk with our Heavenly Father through life.

0 Views · 1 year ago

In these times of uncertainty the only way to differentiate between what is authentic versus what is counterfeit will be fruit. God prioritized fruitfulness in the origin of human history as the first instruction of man, but sin corrupted the fruit and revealed our need for salvation. In this new message series, Pastor Paul Arthurs encourages believers to apply the Fruit of the Spirit in every aspect of our lives, as that is what brings glory to God.

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Pastor Paul Arthurs continues his series on Living on Purpose.

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Pastor Paul concludes his Got Fruit? series with a message entitled, Wall Builders.

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When my wife was an impressionable adolescent, she was compared to her older sister, who happened to be very petite. Fiona was known as “The Big One,” by adults that lacked the sensitivity needed to build the self worth of a beautiful young girl simply trying to discover her place in the world. These words pierced like needles designed to inject toxin into a vulnerable identity during the heart of its formation. Fiona would spend years imprisoned by uninformed opinions into her adult life; obsessed with her weight, totally at the mercy of any negative word regarding her person, and utterly helpless against any diet, pill or starvation plan to be thin. Only after she discovered freedom in Christ from the words that shaped her self perception was she able to see the truth of who she was when looking back at her high school pictures. She is now able to recognize that she didn’t remotely have a problem in that area. Her identity and emotions had been affected by the words of well-intended people that were simply untrue.
In a time when there are a plethora of voices, pontificating sanctimonious platitudes that seem convincing, it is imperative that we develop an intimate relationship with The Truth.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of BECOMING!

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Pastor Paul Arthurs continues his teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit, with a focus on the Fruit of GOODNESS.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Everyone and everything has a source. What sources have been feeding you lately? More importantly, are you connected to The Source? In today's powerful message, Pastor Paul Arthurs encourages us to stay connected to our ultimate Source, Jesus Christ, so that we can thrive, even during challenging times.

0 Views · 1 year ago

The way of the disciples was a life of engagement. The calling to follow Jesus was not a commitment to passively tag along and silently observe, but to become by doing. After another long day of teaching and miracles, the disciples were done and needed Jesus to send the massive crowd of people home because everyone was tired and hungry. When the disciples explained the situation to Jesus, thinking that he would agree to their assessment and solution, He turned and instructed them to deal with the problem.
Like the disciples, many of us are pundits who can read the situation, cite the problem and pontificate on what should be done from the safety of the sidelines. But I believe Jesus is calling us to GET IN THE GAME and deal with the problem.

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Pastor Fiona delivers a powerful message on how to maintain a healthy emotional immune system during these challenging times.

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How do we live during these troublesome times? We place our full faith and trust in Jesus Christ...He is in control!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Founding Pastor Carlton Arthurs encourages believers to focus on two important things as we live in light of the Lord's return.
- Repentance toward God
- Faith in Jesus Christ

0 Views · 1 year ago

In this special Mother's Day message, Pastor Fiona Arthurs shares a powerful message on the necessity of operating according to the Fruit of the Spirit.

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