Preaching & Teaching

0 Views · 1 year ago

Watch this flabbergasting video of the demonstration of the power of God as the anointed man of God released the weight loss anointing and women started to lose weight during service.You have to watch this.

0 Views · 1 year ago

You can live in total victory and experience God's power -- not magical powers, but the power to accomplish things that without God would be impossible for you. In this most-informative message, discover how you the anointing of God can work for you to bring total deliverance from failure and defeat. Good days and miracles are right round the corner when you begin you to walk in faith and wield the anointing!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Ever wonder why solving your problems seems to create more problems? Perhaps your finances are in turmoil - as you are borrowing money to free yourself, you are delving more and more into debts? Are you missing it somewhere? Is there some evil spirit lurking behind in the spiritual realm causing all your problems? There is more going on here than meets the eye - you haven't been told the full story ...

Join Prophet Blessing Chiza as he unearths and pinpoints the root cause of your problems. Get ready to lead a life of victory as you learn how to conquer in the spirit and frame the world you want to dwell in!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

2 Kings 9 narrates the story of how Jehu was endowed with an anointing that was only one of its kind and special. The anointing on Jehu was so powerful that no foe dared to stand up against him - and yes, you, too, can experience this tremendous power. Be encouraged as Prophet Blessing Chiza expounds on how you can activate such an anointing. Get ready for extreme acceleration in all areas of your life this year as the Holy Ghost catapults you into abundance!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Jesus Christ's plan for His bride, the church, is for her to be a shining beacon of light to the lost, hurting world in order to change the hearts of men to Christ and instill the values of Christianity to those in need of a relationship with our Lord and Saviour. His bride is not to be morally tainted by the world instead she should set the trend. Join Prophet Blessing Chiza in this message of admonishment and discover how you can let your light shine and not be conformed to the pattern of this world !

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Join Kelvin Kumbula as he interviews the spiritual leader and anointed minister of the gospel, Prophet Blessing Chiza, who shares biblical truths and his own personal thoughts on prayer, the will of God, the Holy Spirit and demonic strongholds.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

LIVE GLOBAL SERVICE 14 JUNE 2020 With Dr. Prophet Blessing Samuel Chiza. Prayer for Zimbabwe on the last 7 days of June.

Prophetic Word Ocilliation in The Spiritual realm.

0 Views · 1 year ago

The Bible tells the story of Joseph who succumbed to the most excruciating tortures and adverse circumstances in life. This was in stark contradiction to the prophetic word he received in his dreams as a young boy. It took only a single moment for the Spirit of God, to turn his life around in fulfilment of his dreams. Join Prophet Blessing Chiza in this message of hope and rest in the knowledge that everything will work together for your good. So get ready to put on your crown as God catapults you from the pit to the palace!

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