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(Juan 21:21-23) “Cuando Pedro lo vio, dijo a Jesús: Señor, ¿y éste qué? Jesús le dijo: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga, ¿qué a ti? Tú sígueme.”

“Salió entonces este dicho entre los hermanos, que aquel discípulo no moriría. Pero Jesús no le dijo: No morirá; sino: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga ¿qué a ti?”

(Romanos 8:17) “Y si hijos, también herederos; herederos de Dios, y coherederos con Cristo; si es que padecemos juntamente con Él, para que juntamente con Él seamos también glorificados.

Aquí Pedro le pregunta a Jesús acerca de Juan, y básicamente, Jesús le responde que se ocupe de sus propios asuntos y que solo se concentre en seguirle a El. A veces queremos saber todo lo que Dios está haciendo y por qué lo está haciendo en lugar de simplemente seguirle y confiar en Él. Nos fijamos tanto en cómo Dios actúa con otros que perdemos el enfoque en lo que Él nos está enseñando. Son el problema de Dios para tratar, no el tuyo.

Dios no nos debe ninguna explicación de lo que hace o deja de hacer. ¿Por qué algunos sufren las consecuencias de sus malas decisiones o pecados, mientras que otros son perdonados sin repercusiones duraderas? Supongo que nunca entenderemos verdaderamente todas las decisiones de Dios. Pero una cosa de la que podemos estar seguros es que todo lo que Dios hace es justo y acabaremos dando Le la razón cuando todas las cosas nos sean reveladas.

Debemos preocuparnos más de que si estamos caminando correctamente de acuerdo con la palabra de Dios y no estar distraídos por lo que hacen los demás. Hay aquellos en la iglesia que llamamos "El hermano Pala". Estas son personas que cuando se predica la Palabra, sacan su pala, recogen esa Palabra y la arrogan hacia alguien que creen que en la iglesia la necesita. No se dan cuenta de que si esa Palabra de corrección les ha llegado, es primero para ellos.

Deja de intentar cambiar a las personas que te rodean y esfuérzate primero en cambiarte a ti mismo. Solo entonces, no estarás siempre ofendido y no te quejarás constantemente de los demás. Dios obrará en ellos en Su tiempo, no hace falta que tu tomes el lugar de Dios en sus vidas.
Tu prosperidad, destino y madurez espiritual no están ni atado a ellos, ni depende de ellos, por lo tanto, deja ya de actuar como si lo estuvieran. Tú eres uno con Cristo y eres coheredero con Él. Empieza a vivir con todo tu potencial enfocándote primero en tu caminar con Cristo.

(“Puede ser que Dios les permita caer antes de levantarlos, pero hará lo correcto y lo mejor por ellos. Así que solo síguelo y aprende a cortar el césped de tu propio jardín”. – Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Only God knows your true potential because He has deposited the talents, abilities, strategy, and love within you to reach that potential. He has a plan that is of good and not of evil. Only He can look into your future and truly proclaim all you can become through Him. Just like you can plant a seed and say, it will be a great tree someday, He looks at your small, weak beginnings and can declare you as great.

But the opinions and negative words of others can choke what God has spoken over our lives. Parents, especially have the ability to completely either destroy or build our future with their words. Have you ever been told “well, I can’t expect much more from you? You are so dumb you probably won’t get it? I think you should not try out for the team, you are not that good or committed?”

Bear in mind that most people that have said these type of things to you, were not aware of the damage they caused, but probably based their comments on what they saw and their own failures in life.

If you are lazy, stubborn, disobedient, a quitter, or just simply rebellious towards authority, most people around you won’t put much faith in you. However, God knows how to change you from the inside out once you accept Christ. Christ promises us a new life and a life in abundance and victory.
Negative words, especially the ones that you have thought about yourself, contradict and destroy all that God wants to do for you and through you.

Even if you have failed Him or have not been faithful to your commitment to follow Christ, do not doubt in His ability to still use you. He will be faithful to His commitment towards you. Therefore focus on what the Bible says about those that choose to follow Christ. You need to listen to the voice of Truth over the voice of lies.

(“Renounce your past and renew your mind with His Word today. Believe God in spite of your feelings.”– Bob Gass.)

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Among Us in real life but with the no chat mod! 😱 Which Mungus mod role would you like to see??

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This is Mentoring Moments | Episode One: Spiritual Fathers. To hear inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel:

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Gass chatting with Gary Hoogvliet about the powerful influence his mother had on his life, and the lives of his siblings.

Amidst this clip is also a glimpse of church life 55 years ago.

Might show my daughter.

0 Views · 1 year ago

The great heroes of the Bible were no different from you and me. They faced fear, depression, lack, insults, doubt if God truly loved them, strong opposition, near-death experiences, and all kinds of trials. However, they managed to hold on to the promises of God and let their faith become stronger than their fears. We are actually in a better position and a better time, as normally no one is killed or imprisoned for following Christ. The most you may face is rejection from your family, mocking from strangers, and probably hatred from those that hate God.

Back then they had nothing else but faith in what God had spoken to them, to stand on. We have Jesus living inside of us if we have accepted Him as Lord, the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit, and the authority of Christ to make every demon bow down to His name. But still, we walk around doubting God and fearing what will happen to us.

In these uncertain times when there is death all around us, governments are full of corruption, the economy is on the brink of collapse and the love of men has grown cold, humanity is looking for answers and for those that will give them hope. How can you bring hope to those in need if you yourself doubt what God can do?

While David faced Goliath believing in God’s promises and God’s power, the Israeli army stood by shaking in their boots. While the boat was sinking and everyone feared for their lives, Paul assured them that no one would die because God had told him so.

Man can only attack you with man-made weapons, but they are no match to the weapons God has given us. Even if they take away your home, and all your income, God can miraculously give you a house and feed your whole family. What are you afraid of? Why do you constantly doubt what God can do and what He has promised in the Bible?

Get back to reading the Word daily and fill your heart with His promises. Only then, will you be able to have the faith to conquer every army, shut the mouths of lions, topple spiritual and physical kingdoms, and bring hope to others.

(“Courage is all you can do – Miracles is God doing the rest!”- Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

In Scripture the word 'success' simply means knowing and doing God's will for your life. It's that simple! For Joshua, success meant entering the Promised Land, conquering it, living there and enjoying all its blessings every day. Listen to what God told him: 'Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, will have good success' (Joshua 1:7-8 NKJV).

True success involves these three things: (1) Becoming what God wants you to be. (2) Doing what God wants you to do. (3) Having what God wants you to have. And as you achieve the goals he has set for your life, you become successful. As the renowned author/lecturer Dale Carnegie once observed, 'Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.' In their endless quest for achievement, some people become so greedy and grasping that they are never satisfied. And because they are always wanting more, they fail to enjoy what God has already given them.

Real success isn't a destination; it's a journey. It's joy created by progress. It's knowing that you're 'on schedule' when it comes to God's assignment for your life.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'Guard your heart above all else.' Proverbs 4:23 NLT

Solomon said, 'Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life' (Proverbs 4:23 NLT). Note the progression of events that led to David's downfall: 'He saw a woman bathing...inquired about the woman...and took her' (2 Samuel 11:2-4 NKJV). He saw...he inquired... he took. If you're hankering after someone who's not yours, pull your eyes away immediately. 'Take captive every thought...make it obedient to Christ' (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV). Police your mind. Instead of filling it with fantasies from magazines, television or the internet, fill it with God's Word and memories of your best moments with your spouse. Work on strengthening your marriage bond. Decide to love even when you don't feel like it, and your love will begin to blossom.

Jesus said, 'Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart' (Matthew 5:28 NIV). Why did Jesus say this? Because every lustful glance threatens your relationship. The less you desire your spouse, the more you'll look for reasons to justify your fantasies. And the saddest part is, you'll never know how good your relationship could have been.

After David was confronted, cleansed and corrected, he said, 'Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you' (Psalm 119:11 NKJV). If you have a problem with lust, find a pastor, a counsellor or a friend who can help you. The Bible says, 'A brother is born for adversity' (Proverbs 17:17 NKJV). Sometimes the difference between victory and defeat is spending a few minutes on the phone talking and praying with someone who understands. The question is do you really want to do right?

0 Views · 1 year ago

Published June 29, 2020

The Word for Today
Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

The Bible says, 'There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit' (1 Corinthians 12:4 NKJV). The word 'gifts' comes from the Hebrew word 'charis', which literally means grace. That means you cannot earn, qualify for, work for or deserve a spiritual gift. The Holy Spirit gives them to each of us 'individually as he wills'. They are not something you get by study, practice or inheritance. They are not highly developed natural talents. They are supernatural endowments that enable you to carry out God's will in God's way. And you will never discover God's way until you realise that you are not meant to serve him by drawing on your own abilities, but by depending upon the indwelling power of his Spirit. In a sense, you are like a glove; the Holy Spirit within you fills that glove, moves it and accomplishes through it what needs to be done.

A young pastor once said to an older pastor, 'I'm discouraged because God expects the very best from me, and as hard as I try I can't always give it to him.' The older pastor said, 'Son, God expects nothing from you but failure!' Then he added. 'But he has given the Holy Spirit to you so that you need not fail.' Jesus told his disciples, 'He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing' (John 15:5 NKJV).

The secret to success is not just in activity, but in abiding! Your job is to learn the ways of God and lean on the power of God.

0 Views · 1 year ago

There is an honesty and a rawness about Bob Gass that makes you just want to listen to read what he writes each day with Word For Today.

In this clip he lays bare a little of his heart.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Gass explains the grief process pretty well in this clip. The complete TV special was played on UCB TV and is here on my site.

If you are a 'Word For Today' fan, you might enjoy the interview.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.' Luke 16:10 NKJV

Pastor James Merritt said, 'The other day I asked my beautiful wife if she married me for my looks.' She replied, 'No, I married you for your brains - it's the little things that count!' Merritt was joking of course. What really counts in life is faithfulness in little things; it's how dependability begins, grows and matures. Sometimes we think we're too big for small things; we would rather get on with what we perceive as bigger, more important matters.

Here's how Jesus sees it: 'Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters. If you cannot be trusted with this wicked wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? And if you cannot be trusted with what belongs to someone else, who will give you something that will be your own' (Luke 16:10-12 CEV). If you want to succeed on the job, come to work on time; stick with the job until it's finished; when you see something that needs to be done, do it - even if it's not in your job description. Give an honest day's work for an honest day's pay; take your designated lunch break, not a three-hour paid holiday; report your expenses truthfully; support the team; and uphold the company's reputation (but if there are genuine problems, you should consider speaking out).

In other words, be faithful on the job: 'Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might' (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV). That's the faithfulness God honours.

#encouragement #inspiration #empowerment

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

The Bible gives us three vital keys to happiness. (1) Be content (see 1 Timothy 6:8). A man who tried everything to get rid of dandelions called a garden centre and asked, 'What can I try next?' The shop owner said, 'Try getting used to them!' In life, you get what you focus on. Paul writes, 'Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise' (Philippians 4:8 NLT). (2) Be grateful (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Look around and be grateful for what God has given you. And if you can't, thank him for what he has protected you from. The devil doesn't have to steal anything from you, just make you take it for granted. 'From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another' (John 1:16 NLT). (3) Learn to appreciate your loved ones. 'Don't be concerned for your own good but for the good of others' (1 Corinthians 10:24 NLT). George Eliot wrote: 'Oh...the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.'

Happiness is not an entitlement; it's a reward for doing the right thing every single day. 'If you understand all of this, you are blessed' (John 13:17 GWT).

#empowerment #encouragement #inspiration

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

How you handle a crisis determines how you come out of it.

Dr Jeffrey Rossman suggests five ways to help come out stronger: (1) Acknowledge your feelings. David said, 'When my spirit was overwhelmed...You knew my path' (Psalm 142:3 NKJV). God already knows how you feel, and stifling your emotions just saps your energy, leaves you tense and depressed, and slows the healing process. (2) Confide in someone. This doesn't mean pouring your heart out to everybody; it means opening up to those who love and care about you. The Bible says, 'A friend always loves, and a brother is born to share trouble' (Proverbs 17:17 GWT). Numerous studies confirm the power of social support to help us stay healthy through crises. (3) Start a journal or a blog. Writing about a traumatic event is a way of letting it out. It minimises your chances of becoming sick or depressed; the more you write, the more your negative responses to the memory diminish.

(4) Refuse to play the blame game: 'It's the other person's fault,' or 'The doctor botched the procedure,' or 'The boss never gave me a chance.' Blame-shifting makes others responsible for your pain, and more often than not, it results in lingering grudges that prolong your misery. Let go of toxic bitterness and judgment. Stop feeling like a doormat; you can forgive while taking steps to make yourself less vulnerable next time. (5) Forgive yourself. Surprise - you're human! Acknowledge you've made a mistake, ask God for forgiveness, then forgive yourself and move on. God's Word says when he forgives, he 'remembers your sins no more' (Isaiah 43:25 NIV). Neither should you.

#inspiration #encouragement #empowerment

0 Views · 1 year ago

Listen to this anointed message by Pastor Bob Nichols out of Ephesians 6:10.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'You are my sight.' Isaiah 43:4 NIV

Have you ever gone to a neighbourhood garage sale hoping to find a bargain? To the untrained eye, much of the stuff looks like rubbish. It may even have been gathering dust and mildew in somebody's loft. But the trained eye sees treasure in disguise; items that just need to be cleaned, polished and restored in order to become valuable again.

That's what God does with us. When Satan tells you you're worthless, God looks inside you and sees hidden treasure. When you make Jesus the Lord of your life, he enables you to overcome your past, resist temptation, conquer bad habits, rise above your self-imposed limitations and realise that, in God's eyes, you have great worth. You actually start believing what he said: 'You are my sight' (Isaiah 43:4 NIV). The truth is, when you keep putting yourself down, you may gravitate towards people who do the same. But once you begin to realise the value God places on you, your entire outlook changes.

With God, you can't lose. Even when you stumble, he will help you to get back up, become stronger and wiser, and move on to victory. When you see yourself only as somebody who makes mistakes and falls short, you're looking in the wrong mirror. Once you start to see yourself in the mirror of God's word, you see someone who is being transformed day by day into the likeness of Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). And that's how God sees you today.

#empowerment #encouragement #inspiration

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

This is too funny.....but amidst the gentle self deprecating humour, Bob shares some serious truths

0 Views · 1 year ago

This week's Christian Weekly News includes an exclusive interview with Peter Jones from Truth Exchange about bringing values to a secular society. Dr Jonathan Oloyede reflects on the wave of prayer taking place across the UK a year after the National Day of Prayer in Wembley Statium and we speak to author of UCB's Word For You Today, Bob Gass.

0 Views · 1 year ago

God loves us so much more profoundly than we realize.

0 Views · 1 year ago

There is an honesty with Bob Gass that borders on endearing......until I think is who he is...and I like makes him a 'real man'

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'Two people can resist one opponent.' Ecclesiastes 4:12 GWT

Ken Blanchard said, 'None of us is as smart as all of us.' As much as we would like to think that we know it all, if we're honest, each of us is painfully aware that we have blind spots and areas of inexperience. You have had experiences others haven't had; they have had experiences you haven't had, and when you get together you harness your joint experience and knowledge.

Jesus sent his disciples out in twos. Why? (1) For support. 'Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him' (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NKJV). (2) For enlightenment. Playwright Ben Jonson said, 'He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.' (3) For accountability. The pastor of a megachurch introduced the man who travelled with him to his audience, saying, 'I am vulnerable to temptation, and he is my safeguard.' Sometimes you need comfort, and other times you need correction. It takes humility to acknowledge that, and emotional security to put it in place. Until you realise that others can help you live a fuller and better life than you could live on your own, you're tying your own hands and limiting your potential. As long as your goal is to get ahead of others rather than work with them, your future will be short-changed.

Good thinkers comprehend the power of shared thinking. They understand that when they treasure the thoughts and ideas of others, they receive the compounding results of shared thinking and achieve more than they ever could on their own. The truth is, you need others.

#empowerment #encouragement #inspiration

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

In this clip Bob says 'My heart's posture is...God, if you don't help me I am so sunk'

Millions read The Word for Today...either on line ( ) or from a printed copy.

If you'd like a free copy, email me, and I'll sort it for you.

( my email is

0 Views · 1 year ago

SELECTiV este emisiunea în care selectăm săptămână de săptămână cele mai bune articole de pe internet. Emisiunea SELECTiV se difuzează la Credo TV în fiecare joi de la ora 23:00 și în reluare vineri de la 7:00 și 12:30.


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0 Views · 1 year ago

Ask yourself these two questions...When was the last time you took the time to praise the Lord? When was the last time you tried to count the many blessings God has given you??? The psalmist in this Scripture gives us reasons why we are to praise the Lord and in fact...we are called to praise God. Let's look at some good reasons why we are called to praise God and why we should always praise Him!!!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Gass chatting with Gary Hoogvliet and explaining the process involved in writing 'Word For Today'.

He writes the first version the old-fashioned way....longhand! ...

You can hear Bob reading his devotional each day at

0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Gass answering a question about the 'second coming'.

Bob made this program with Gary Hoogvliet for UCB TV in the UK.

Bob Gass is the author of one of the world's biggest daily devotionals ' The Word For Today'. You can get a copy @ucbmedia (

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'Try it! Put me to the test!' Malachi 3:10 NLT

Beware of developing a sense of entitlement where you think your money is something you earned all by yourself. Any time you struggle to give God what is rightfully his according to Scripture, it's because you have become more attached to the gift than the giver. If you have never tried tithing (in Christian terms, a portion of your income given as an offering to your local church), read this: 'Bring all the tithes into the storehouse...If you do...I will open the windows of Heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test' (Malachi 3:10 NLT)!

A pastor received this letter from a couple: 'We were behind with our rent and car payments. We were sixty thousand dollars [New Zealand dollar equivalent] in debt, we'd no food in the fridge, and we'd just started a construction business. So when you challenged us to tithe as part of our Christian commitment, we thought, "How can we give what we don't have?" Nevertheless, we decided to go ahead and honour God by giving him the first tenth of our income. The very first week we met a contractor who asked us to build a house, with more to follow. Now we no longer questioned how we'd fulfil our commitment to God; in fact, we increased our giving! And if the story ended there, it would still be a good one. But you can't outgive God. Through a series of divinely orchestrated events, we went from being renters to being homeowners. Today, we're enjoying financial blessing. And even though this story is all about trusting God, on reflection we're still trying to answer one question: "What exactly was it we sacrificed?"'

#encouragement #empowerment #inspiration

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

Perspective is important and Bob gives his view on doing meaningful things in this clip. The program was played on UCB TV in 2011. The interviewer was Gary Hoogvliet

0 Views · 1 year ago

About Harvest Baptist Temple:
This is a lesson by Pastor Bob Gass at Harvest Baptist Temple in Medford, Oregon. If you are ever in the area, make sure you stop by and join us as we study the Bible!

0 Views · 1 year ago

(I Samuel 30) In this message Pastor Bob Nichols gives you several ways to win over stress from the story of David and his men. In this story David and his men return from battle to find that their city had been burned and their families kidnapped by the enemy. They were in extreme distress! David enquired of the Lord for an answer. God responded by saying, pursue, overtake and recover all. Listen to this message and learn how you can win over stress.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Tx 25 Feb 2010~ Every three months, more than six million printed copies of the daily devotional The Word For You Today are sent out in many different languages and adaptations. Its author, Bob Gass, also appears on hundreds of radio stations around the world with a daily thought for the day. Bobs a writer, broadcaster, pastor and preacher the result of a lifetime relationship with God. He was in New Zealand for the 2010 UCB conference in Rotorua, where he spoke to Allan Lee.

0 Views · 1 year ago
Interview with Pastor Bobby Gass from Baypoint Church. This is one cool pastor! If you are looking for a church in the Texas City, Galveston, and League City area please visit Baypoint Church. You will love it!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Love Bob Gass. Today millions read 'Word For Today' the devotional attached to @ucbmedia. This is written by Bob Gass who (as this clip shows) always juast wnated to preach.

Yoiu get the sense this is his heart talking.

0 Views · 1 year ago

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Welcome to Hot Topics! This is the next video of a series of topics that are discussed by Pastor Robert Furrow of Calvary Tucson.

Today on Hot Topics, False Teachers in the Last Days

Calvary Tucson & Hot Topics with Robert Furrow

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The Bible warns us against false teachers and false prophets. But, how do you identify one? What are the signs that the Bible tells us to look for when examining a bible teacher/preacher/prophet? In this video we will look at scriptures that will help you identify wolves in sheep's clothing; false teachers.

Tags: Hot Topics, Jesus, Videos, Christian, Christianity, The, Doctrine, of, Demons, False, Prophets, False Prophets, False Teachers, End Times, Sign of the times, Revelation, Telling the Future, Prophets, Not Real, Fake Prophets, Fake Prophecies, Short Message, teaching, Short teaching, Message,

One sign that we're living in the last days is that man will no longer endure sound doctrine, and we're living in a day when false teachers are everywhere. Today on hot topics.

The Bible tells us in the book of Ephesians that one of the things that Jesus did was give gifts to men, and part of those gifts that he gave was pastors and teachers. But the Bible also tells us that Satan's ministers dress up as false teachers as well. So we need to be careful when we're listening to Bible studies or on topics or passages that we rightly divide the word of truth for. There are a lot of teachers that take a lot of liberties with the Bible. Listen to what Second Timothy to 15 says, be diligent to present yourself approved to God. Ah, worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. That means that we put it into context. That means that we compare Scripture to Scripture, that we can know exactly what is being said. One of the things that false profits are false preachers do is they take things out of context to make the statements that they want to make and they come up with all kinds of lies, Jesus said. In Matthew 24 11 and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many.

We're living in those last days when many false prophets have arisen and many are being deceived. We wanna make sure we're not one of them. Listen to what? Second, Corinthians 11, 13, and 14 say such are false teachers that were teacher. There could be teacher or apostle deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. Same word and no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. We wanna have discernment and sometimes we think, Well, I'm really good at discerning and I could tell whether someone is speaking for God or not. But the Bible warns us that we could easily be deceived by them. And so Jesus said, take heed to yourself that you are not deceived in Matthew 24 4. So we have the responsibility to make sure that we're not deceived. We have to handle the word of God, right? We've gotta watch who were listening, Thio, and we've got to check out what they're saying like the Briones, right, who received the word of God with all joy. But they searched the scriptures to see whether these things or so Sometimes you'll have a pastor who will say, Don't touch God's anointed. Don't check out what I'm saying. What I'm telling you is the truth. I think that any pastor, any teacher that is worth their salt, wants to have what they're saying. Checked out, wants people to know whether or not what they're saying is the truth. The only reason that you wouldn't want people to look into what you're saying is if what you're saying is false, Second Timothy, 43 and five, says for the time will come when they will no longer endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and they will turn aside to fables.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Gass on the subject of 'Hope'. Pretty good stuff.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Je dis : mon projet tiendra bon, et j’exécuterai tout ce que je désire. Ésaïe 46.10

Un jour, un homme d’affaires appelle sa femme pour lui demander d’ajouter un couvert au dîner, car il rentrera avec un visiteur étranger. La femme, qui a déjà trois enfants d’âge scolaire et un autre plus petit, ne manque pas de travail, mais accepte malgré tout. Elle prépare un repas délicieux et toute la petite famille se montre charmante avec son invité. Ce dernier, un haut fonctionnaire espagnol, passe une soirée merveilleuse et ne cesse de remercier ces hôtes qui l’accueillent comme l’un des leurs.

Des années plus tard, des amis de cette même famille se rendent en Espagne en tant que missionnaires, mais leur œuvre est arrêtée net à cause des réglementations officielles. Quand le haut fonctionnaire cité plus haut apprend qu’ils connaissent le couple qui l’a si bien traité, il use de son influence pour faire lever les restrictions. Ainsi, une église dynamique et florissante voit le jour dans cette province d’Espagne, et bien des gens sont gagnés à Christ. Tout ça parce qu’une maman très occupée a consenti à prendre de son temps si précieux pour recevoir un inconnu, qui était en fait un "envoyé du Royaume".

Tel un homme d’affaires avisé, Dieu fixe le but, puis détermine le plan pour l’atteindre. Dans sa Parole, il nous dit : "Je suis Dieu… J’annonce dès le commencement ce qui vient par la suite et longtemps d’avance ce qui n’est pas encore accompli. Je dis : mon projet tiendra bon, et j’exécuterai tout ce que je désire."

N’ayez crainte, Dieu relie toutes choses.

Joyce Meyer

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0 Views · 1 year ago


Written by Bob Gass and Read by Rachel Summers

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sometimes it is the most simple of thoughts distilled down to a sentence or two that makes the most sense.

In this clip Bob Gass highlights how he finds motivation and secondly, how he stays 'connected'

Connect with Gary @garyhoogvliet on Twitter.

0 Views · 1 year ago

This is the original Farting Preacher.
All Nine Plus Mins!

UPDATE: 08/02/2013
6 plus years ago I uploaded this ( 2007 ) . Got quite a few views and then... Of course as you know the good Rev. sic'd his lawyers on a bunch of us on YouTube and had these yanked.

YouTube this week released this video that had been in legal limbo since 2007.

The Original Farting Preacher aka Pastor Gas ( full version )
All 9+ minutes from the 80's VHS

0 Views · 1 year ago

Really interesting to hear how Bob Gass, author of Word For Today got 'started'. Not sure how many guys today would do what he has done.This clip is part of a TV program played on UCB TV in the UK.

@garyhoogvliet was the interviewer. Gary is currently Director of Broadcasting for UCB in the UK.

0 Views · 1 year ago

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0 Views · 1 year ago

106five Rhema FM, Sunshine COast, Qld, coach trip to hear Bob Gass, author of The Word for Today, at Hillsong, Mt Gravatt, Brisbane, Saturday 27th Feb 2010 - a great night fo rall who were able to go

0 Views · 1 year ago

"Make Prayer A Priority"
Some wise and reflective words from a Bob Gass televised lesson recorded on 3rd December 2017 from 'Word For You Today' on TBNUK.
"Be familiar with God"
"Give God your waking thoughts"
"Give God your waiting thoughts"

Psalm 46 verse 10:
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm 46:
1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
7 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
8 Come and see what the Lord has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
11 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.

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