Preaching & Teaching

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We bring you Freshdew for Family.
Starting from this episode, Pastor Nkechi will be teaching a series titled "Marriage 101: Ten Important Things About Marriage." This is aimed at bringing fresh inspiration and direction for singles and couples.

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Welcome to the season where we celebrate our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
In this episode of Freshdew, Pastor Nkechi begins a new message series titled "Ingredients For Making The Impossible Possible".

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We specially invite you to WAFBEC
THEME: The Sound Of Many Waters
DATE: 2nd - 8th January 2023
VENUE: The Covenant Place, Beside The National Theatre Iganmu.
Connect via audio

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I Thessalonians 5:18
Luke 17:11
2 Timothy 4:10

Bible says we are to be thankful.
Every day.
For what God is doing in your life.
In everything give thanks. (not “for”, but “in” everything)
When God gives us something to do, there’s a blessing in it.

Woman at the well. Did she continue to evangelize?

Ethiopian eunuch meets Phillip. Phillip explains the Word. Eunuch is baptized.

Jesus carrying cross to Golgotha. Simon of Cyrene carried the cross when Jesus could no longer.

Barabbas, thief, murderer. Freed in exchange for Jesus at the cross. Where did he go once he was freed? [=when you are set free from the power of sin]

Why aren’t we more thankful than we are?

Jerry Lee Lewis - Bible college drop out.

10 lepers stood “a far off”. In their obedience, healing came. 1 returned to say thank you.

Every day be thankful.

2 Tim 4:10 - Demas hath forsaken me. Loves this secular world. Too busy to be thankful.

You can actually change by having gratitude. You can become more happy, more creative.

An attitude of gratitude.

In EVERYTHING there is a reason to be thankful.

in everything give thanks for this is the will of God.

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Jesus is going to take care of everything. God is on the throne looking after us.

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I prayed and the heavens seemed as brass. God seem cold and so indifferent.

I felt shut out and cut off from God's presence. Here's where many walk away.

We complain to God, thinking if we sort of lean on his generosity, and his squishy, mushy love, He will somehow know, he needs to vindicate himself and come rushing into our desires, giving us what we think we need.

"You never know God is all you need, until God is all you have."
Rick Warren

I John 3:2 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God..."

Matt 7:13,14. "wide is the gate, and broad is the way..."

One day in history, the unmatched Savior, gives up his life for me, if for no one else and I complain, "I can't take it anymore."

Job 19:25-27 I know my redeemer lives...

I know he will answer, if it's in HIS best interest; and He's smart enough not to answer, if it's not.

Never evaluate the character of God, by the events of your life. Evaluate the events of your life by the character of God.

I pray.
God says, No.
I'm disappointed.
God knows best.
He's always right.

God, never let me accuse you of caring less for me, than I do for you, when you came from the throne to the cross, while I complain, "It's hard to get up for church."

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Music video by David G performing My Trust Is In You (Official Video).

#DavidG #MyTrustIsInYou #Vevo

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Thank you for joining us for today's worship! In today's message Pastor Jim preaches on "The Emmaus Road: From Hopelessness to Hope" from - Luke 24:13-35.

Find This Sundays Bulletin and Sermon Notes notes here!

Do the five!
Help stop corona-virus!

1. HANDS Wash them often
2. ELBOW Cough into it
3. FACE Don't touch it
4. FEET Stay more than 6ft apart
5. FEEL sick? Stay home

If you are blessed by this ministry and would like let us know about any of your prayer needs below is our contact information:

Oak Grove Baptist Church Wauchula
4350 West Main St

Phone Number: +1-863-735-0321

Email Address:

Secure online giving now available!
To give click on the link below:
or visit our website: and then click the link!

If you are blessed by this ministry and would like to donate to the camera fund, worship media or just to give your tithe, you can do so by going to the link below!

To give click on the link below:
or visit our website: and then click the link!

Thank you!

This was recorded live at Oak Grove Baptist Church Wauchula, Florida on 16 April 2023.

All Music belongs to their respective owners.

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Shelby County District Attorney debate live at the U Club | Watch online and on the App!

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I thought surely God will break through, at any moment, with the majesty of divinity and bless me abundantly.

I had made an appointment with God and He didn't show up.
But if He did, He was hiding from me.

I Cor 3:16
I Cor 6:19, 20
I Cor 7:23
Col 1:27
Eph 2:4-6
John 11:41a, 42b
Prov 3:5,6

On earth, God is in me.
In heaven, I am in Christ
That will make you feel something.

The truth was my prayers didn't need to go anywhere.

All I needed to do was to acknowledge His presence within me.

Three went for a walk on a wall,
Feeling, Faith and Fact.
Feeling took a bad fall,
And Faith was taken back.
Faith walked so close to Feeling,
That he fell too.
But Fact remained,
And pulled Faith up;
And Faith brought Feeling too.

it was always true, but it only became real to me, when I believed it.

It had no effect on me until I learned it in the fires of despair.

If God can't hear you, when you pray,
then He's not God.

If God always hears when Jesus prays and I am in Christ, then He always hears when I pray.

Can you imagine God saying, like a Chick-Fil-A trainee, "How may I serve you?"

Bad things may happen today, but...
When pain is in the brain,
Peace will reign in the heart.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Freedom Baptist Ministries
Pastor John Weaver - June 29, 2008

Please visit

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Bible reference: Book of Job

Job’s troubles - a lifetime of study.

The manual for the product of life: the Bible.

God and Satan conversation.
Life of Job highlighted by God.
Only living for God because of what he gets (riches)?
Evil knocked on Job’s door.

“God is at fault.” Often our response.
God set Job up?
God will risk you walking away once you know who He is and what He’s doing in your life.

Pain gives pleasure a value.
Pain gets you to a doctor.
Pain produces thankfulness.
Pain is a teacher.

Psalm 23 comfort.

Sometimes problems aren’t just about you.
Sometimes spiritual realm that only God knows.

Ask 4 things:
1. God, did I do (cause)this?
= repent, help me
= you grow
2. Did other people do this to me?
= opportunity to forgive
= opportunity to move on
= you grow
3. Did the Devil do this?
Did I open the door to him?
Is there sin in my life?
= pray for forgiveness
= pray for victory
= pray for protection
= you grow

No answer?
God, did You do this?
Teach me what?
Is it for your glory?
How will I come through it?
**Will I still trust you?**

Trust in what you don’t understand.
Trust in victory.

Will I get double for my trouble?
You missed the point of the story.

Job is a student in class to benefit.

Job 1 - In all this, Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

Job 13:15 - Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

Will hold Job’s hand in the dark.

Friends you don’t need.

Job 19:25-26 - ...Yet shall I see God.

Job 23:10 - ...I shall come forth as gold.

**He knows what I’m going through.**

Ever pray and don’t hear God?
Job: If only I knew where I could find Him. ...But he knows where I am.

May not understand why things happen.
Job wouldn’t choose to go through all that just to get back double-for-your-trouble.

Job 11 - Then came all siblings + friends and bemoaned him and comforted him over all.
Why console him?
Because Job still had a tear in his heart.

Learned to trust God in the dark. In the pain.

1. Some things I will never understand and some I will never recover from.
2. I have learned to trust HIM. He makes no mistakes.

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We are a church in siren WI In the timbers theater COME JOIN US

Website page

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Truly a powerful and well taught lesson on guarding your mind. Your mind is the battlefield for the devil. You must be equipped with all the necessary tools to protect your mind and keep the devil at bay. This video helps you to understand and how to take the necessary action to guard your mind and lift you to new heights in the Kingdom of God.

Please Subscribe to this channel for more of God's Word all around the world. In this Channel you will increase spiritually daily as you listeni to many words of God from many servant of God around the world. Stay Blessed.

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We are sorry, due to a technical problem, the last half of this message was not recorded.

The last were comments about a falling away before the return of Christ.

"For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first."
2 Thess 2:1,3

We are falling from moral decency and common curtesy, with the divisiveness of critical race theory.

When you stand up for the life of the pre-born, you are maligned as narrow minded, control freaks.

We are told to believe all gods are equal. The Bible says, "...there is none like you, O Lord; Thou art great."
Jer 10:6

We are taught to believe there is no absolute truth. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." John 14:6

The touted virtue is "tolerance," being interpreted means, "living along side of sin and saying nothing." but the Bible says, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mk 16:15

Jesus isn't coming back to rearrange the chairs on your religious Titanic.

He is coming back to be the
KING over every king and the
LORD over every lord.

He is coming back to make the Church his bride.

His proposal is still open...
"Whosoever will" may come...
Rev 22:17

If you reject him, the possibility of heaven ends at your last breath, but if you know him, it just begins.

Can you think of one good reason to miss out?

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sermon for 7-19-2020 from Pastor Jim Davis of Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg.

Psalm 139:1-16 ESV

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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John 3:9-13
John 17:11
II Cor 12:2-4
I Cor 2:9
Isa 55:8
John 3:14-17
Isa 40:25
Rev 21:4

0 Views · 1 year ago

Thank you for joining us for Mothers Day 2023! In today's message Pastor Jim preaches on "Treasure Your Gift" from - Psalm 127:3.

Find This Sundays Bulletin and Sermon Notes notes here!

Do the five!
Help stop corona-virus!

1. HANDS Wash them often
2. ELBOW Cough into it
3. FACE Don't touch it
4. FEET Stay more than 6ft apart
5. FEEL sick? Stay home

If you are blessed by this ministry and would like let us know about any of your prayer needs below is our contact information:

Oak Grove Baptist Church Wauchula
4350 West Main St

Phone Number: +1-863-735-0321

Email Address:

Secure online giving now available!
To give click on the link below:
or visit our website: and then click the link!

If you are blessed by this ministry and would like to donate to the camera fund, worship media or just to give your tithe, you can do so by going to the link below!

To give click on the link below:
or visit our website: and then click the link!

Thank you!

This was recorded live at Oak Grove Baptist Church Wauchula, Florida on 14 May 2023.

All Music belongs to their respective owners.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views · 1 year ago

In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Michael Aitcheson welcome Collin Hansen to discuss the historical roots of dechurching. Hansen delves into events like the Enlightenment and the First Great Awakening, biblical criticism, the rise of the internet and technology, and more. You'll learn how these historical moments can inform how we navigate and understand dechurching in America today.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

This is one approach to the fourth commandment.

Much more could have been said.

Be well aware that there were some things done on the Sabbath. It was permitted to do good on that day, i.e, if the ox was in the ditch.

There are jobs of necessity such as firemen, police, nurses, doctors, caretakers, etc.

The New Testament is somewhat different in its approach to the seventh day being moved to the eighth day in celebration of the resurrection.

The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27)

Especially remember...
we worship God on every day of the week, i.e, as well as the seventh. The seventh day rest for the Jews made all take notice. Their God was different than all other gods.
. . . . . . . . . . . .

Exodus 20:8-11
Psalm 121:4
I brought you out of bondage.
I care about you.

Declarations (commandments) - how best to live.

Sabbath day - keep it holy and why.

8 don’ts
2 do’s

REMEMBER the Sabbath day.

KEEP IT HOLY - stop doing what you do every other day of the week.

A day for action in the realm of holiness.

Cleanse, prepare, proclaim.

Sanctity this day because it’s a witness; it is holy.

Unique testimony among heathens.

Following the example of God.

Strange that God needed to take a rest? God is a spirit. He doesn’t get tired.

Genesis 2:2,3
Every day He said, “That is good.”



Made in the image of God.

Genesis 1:31
Next, God would have fellowship.

Didn’t rest because He was tired, but because He finished and now time for fellowship.

As Jews, making a statement to the world and to themselves.

Genesis 1:1
God created Heaven and Earth.

Rest in Me.

Allows our spirit time to heal and rest in Him.

World’s formula for success = work fingers to the bone.

John 1:3
Philippians 4:19
Matthew 6:33
Philippians 4:6
Psalm 50:10

I am a believer in God.

God made the world.

I want to spend time with God.

He wants to spend time with me.

0 Views · 1 year ago

I Corinthians 10:13


For the purpose of failure — this is not God.

For the purpose of a test - this is good because it shows if you are ready for the task.

His mercy.

God allows you to be tempted because you are important to the kingdom of God.

If you are never tempted, you aren’t a threat to the Devil’s realm. You might be going WITH the Devil.

Billy Sunday, evangelist.

The Lord’s Prayer, a template.

Garden of Gethsemane - I was praying about you.

Pray lest ye enter into temptation.

Watch, take some notes, bring your mind to the situation.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Fertile field for temptation for the Devil to take you down.
Physical health, depression.
Flesh is weak, Satan can take advantage of it.

Do something to break the chain.

2. We won’t get away from temptation or sin. Jesus didn’t.

John 13:16
A servant is not greater than his lord.

John 15:20
If Jesus was persecuted, they will persecute you.

Matthew 14:10
What you do with the temptation or the persecution.

3. Jesus was tempted himself.
Jesus could handle it.

Hebrews 4:15
When you are tempted, He gets it.

4. Jesus is here to help us. He understands.

2 Peter 2:9
Deliver the godly out of temptation. Thou has kept the word of my patience.

5. Never be confused. God never tempts us to fail.

James 1:13-14
Man’s own lusts and enticements.

Know where it comes from.
God will only test us to strengthen us.

I Corinthians 10:13
Never give up.
God is faithful.

Romans 3:4
I can’t take it!
God — yes you can.

0 Views · 1 year ago

0 Views · 1 year ago

Eternal "Forgiveness" is more about what God needs and desires for himself from you, than what you need and desire from him.

It's his plan for the universe that's been damaged.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Exodus 20:16
Matthew 12:36


Every idle give an account of.

Words have power.

When you speak, speak the truth.

Nothing good comes from being a liar.

God loves you enough to tell you, “Don’t do that”.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Goleta Presbyterian Church 6067 Shirrell Way, Goleta, CA 93117 Rev. Jim Pazan, Pastor Jeannie Cavender, CRE Organist: Julie Neufeld, Music Director Vocalists: Marilyn Gross, Kathryn McFadden, Alison & Ernie Tamminga Spirit Pulse Praise Band: Don Davis, Anne Lawler, Kris Warner Online Giving: CCLI Streaming License: 20238705

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