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11th January 2021 - "Gratitude is the attitude that sets your altitude for living." Bob Gass.
Psalm 34 is all about being grateful. David recalls the time when he was under huge pressure. His life was in danger and to evade capture he even goes to the enemy camp.... to Gath, the place where Goliath was from. He was not welcome there, and had to pretend to be insane..... and he cries out to God who delivers him. This Psalm is David's "thank you!'

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(John 21:21-23) “When Peter saw him, he said, ‘Lord, what about him?’ Jesus told him, ‘If it is my will for him to remain until I come back, how does that concern you? You must keep following me!’

“So the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple wasn't going to die. Yet Jesus didn't say to Peter that he wasn't going to die, but, ‘If it is my will for him to remain until I come back, how does that concern you?’

(Romans 8:17) “Now if we are children, we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with the Messiah—if, in fact, we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”

Here Peter asks Jesus about John, and basically, Jesus answers him to mind his own business and to just focus on following Him. Sometimes we want to know everything God is doing and why He is doing it instead of just following Him and trusting Him. We focus so much on how God deals with others that we lose focus on what He is teaching us. They are God’s problem to deal with, not yours.

God owes us no explanation for what He does or does not do. Why some suffer the consequences of their wrong choices or sins, while others are set free with no lasting repercussions? I guess we will never truly understand all of God’s decisions. But one thing we can be sure of is that whatever He decides is just and we will eventually agree with Him when all things are revealed to us.

Our main concern should be to make sure we are walking correctly according to God’s word and not distracted by what others are doing. There are those in the congregation we call “shovel members”. These are the people that when the Word is preached, take out their shovel, pick up that Word and throw it towards someone they think in the church needs it. They don’t realize that if that Word of correction has reached them, it is for them first.

You need to stop trying to change people around you and work on changing who you are first. Only then, will you not be offended so often and constantly complain about others. God will work on them in His time, you don’t need to take God’s place in their life.

Your prosperity, destiny, and spiritual maturity are not attached to them or dependent on them, so stop behaving as if they were. You are attached to Christ and joint-heir to Him. Start living to your full potential in Christ by focusing on your personal walk with Him first.

(“He may let them fall before He lifts them, but He will do what’s right and what’s best. So just follow Him and learn to mow your own backyard.” – Bob Gass)

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¿Te tienes que enfrentar hoy a un problema gigantesco? Este gigante puede venir en forma de carencia, enfermedad, ruptura de una relación, miedo a perder el trabajo o a un ser querido, acusaciones falsas, problemas con documentación, un jefe abusivo u opresivo, injusticia o simplemente depresión debido a las luchas diarias. Si este es tu caso, entonces no te desanimes porque Dios ya te ha equipado para vencer a todo gigante a través del nombre de Jesús.

Este devocional del libro de Bob Gass no es una coincidencia para mí en esta fecha, ya que muchos de vosotros conocéis el gigante que mi esposa y yo nos enfrentamos en el verano de 2021. Habíamos dado el paso de fe para establecer una nueva iglesia en otra localidad de donde vivíamos aquel entonces. Hicimos todos los preparativos para mudarnos a ese pueblo para empezar a tener reuniones lo antes posible.

Después de encontrar un apartamento, firmar un contrato, pagar el depósito, poner la mitad de nuestras pertenencias en el nuevo apartamento e incluso tener un juego de llaves en la mano... el propietario de repente cambió de opinión y se negó a alquilarnos el apartamento. Nos vimos obligados a vivir malamente dentro de las instalaciones de la iglesia con nuestros perros y sacar lo mejor de una situación incómoda y con mucha incertidumbre. Este fue claramente un gigante que se puso de pie para evitar que plantáramos la iglesia y poder alcanzar a los perdidos de esa ciudad con el amor de Cristo.

Tras varias semanas con grandes resultados y crecimiento en el ministerio, al seguir sin encontrar un hogar no tuvimos más remedio que cerrar la obra y mudarnos devuelta cerca de donde estábamos antes. No sé qué gigante fue derribado, pero sí sé que nuestro espíritu fue renovado, pasamos un tiempo maravilloso con Dios a nivel personal y estábamos ansiosos por ver victorias aún mayores en un futuro cercano.

Una gran victoria que salió de ese momento de lucha, confusión y duda en el plan de Dios para nuestras vidas, es que pudimos añadir nuestras reuniones online en español a las que ya hacíamos en inglés. Dios me ordenó que hiciera esto tiempo atrás, pero nunca llegué a emprenderlos por pereza. Ese gigante de la demora en las instrucciones de Dios ya no está vivo.

(“En Samuel 17 notarás dos cosas acerca de enfrentarte a un gigante. Primero, David pasó suficiente tiempo con Dios para conocerlo íntimamente y entender Su poder. Segundo, cuando David salió al encuentro de Goliat, él fue solo mientras los demás se quedaron en sus tiendas de campaña. ¡Quien sale primero por fe, por lo general saldrá solo! ”- Bob Gass)

El Dios Fuerte que derribó a Goliat también puede derribar al gigante al quien te enfrentas hoy. ¡Solo confía en que Él lo hará!”

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(Matthew 25:23) “His master told him, 'Well done, good and trustworthy servant! Since you have been trustworthy with a small amount, I will put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's joy!'”

(Ephesians 3:20-21) “Now to the one who can do infinitely more than all we can ask or imagine according to the power that is working among us— to him be glory in the church and in the Messiah Jesus to all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”

We all chase, desire, pray and fast for God’s blessings. But are we sure we can handle it if God decides to give us what we are asking for? Remember that He is able to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Even your wildest dreams are a child’s game for God to accomplish.

C.S. Lewis wrote, “A simple drug can bring a man to such an addiction that can make him lose total control and destroy his life. Imagine if you stood in the fullness of the presence of the God that created that drug just by the sound of His voice”.

We seem to forget that before God can pour out upon us power, success, finances, complete health, a large family, children, or even ministry, He needs to make sure we have what it takes to handle it. If we get proud with finances and fame, then we are guaranteed a fall.

If we don’t have the patience to love unconditionally, and sacrificially, then we will end up hurting our spouse and have a miserable marriage. If we have not learned to speak correctly, then we will only end up cursing our children when they make mistakes instead of urging them on to succeed in life.

If He takes away that physical insecurity or infectious disease we have, we might end up living a frantic sexual life. If you are sensitive to what others think or say about you, you won’t last long in ministry and end up retaliating with your words. God knows what He is doing.

(“It’s in the day of small beginnings that He teaches you patience and consistency. Here you develop the ability to stand up to the pressure that accompany blessings. The more you have, the more you are responsible for. People who have no car need no gas.
Everything God gives you requires maintenance. God gave Adam the garden, but he had to dress it. Ask God to help you grow so you can handle all He has prepared for you.” – Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

It's one thing to know about God, but it's entirely another thing to know him intimately. Take a moment and examine your life today. Has your walk with God slowed to a crawl? Are you running on empty? A full tank is only possible by making regular visits to the fuel pump; that means paying attention to your fuel gauge. And a full tank doesn't just happen; it requires vigilance, commitment and action. Your flesh will work against you every day, and adverse circumstances will come to discourage you. Even those close to you may misunderstand your new spiritual priorities. If it was easy, anyone could do it.

The prize goes to those who can say like Paul: 'All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him to life. I want to suffer and die as he did, so that somehow I also may be raised to life' (Philippians 3:10-11 CEV). The Bible tells us, 'The man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame' (Genesis 2:25 NLT). That's physical intimacy! But the ultimate intimacy is not between a man and woman; it's with God! And Paul didn't just pray for it; he pursued it with all his heart.

How about you? Do you sing God's praises in church with a mind that's elsewhere? Have you become so critical that you don't sound like an believer? Have you allowed sinful habits to rob you of your confidence towards God (see 1 John 3:21-22)? If so, you're not living as your heavenly Father intended for you. Starting today, seek to become intimately acquainted with him.

#inspiration #encouragement #empowerment

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The best thing you can do to make Satan’s plan work out in your life is to become stagnant because of what someone said or did to you. This is a common strategy the enemy uses in order for us not to get close to Jesus and receive salvation, an abundant life, the blessings God has for His children and to be used by God to bring others to Him. Think about it! Many of the people that have denied Christ or walked away from Him is because of what a Christian said or did to them.

I have seen this as a common trait with pastor’s children, where the children did not fully understand the responsibility and priorities a pastoral couple has to carry. They end up interpreting their parent’s decisions as a lack of love for them and thus deny God, whom their parents have faithfully served and obeyed. But eventually, many return to God stronger than ever, as their parent’s teachings, sacrifices and prayers are not in vain.

The Church has also a very dark history and continues to be a common reason why people will not want anything to do with God or religious activities. However, no matter what we do, if they don´t have a heart to follow Christ, they will always find something that offends them and use that as an excuse not to follow Christ.

Therefore, don’t allow anyone’s negative words or their lack of understanding of your passion for Christ, discourage you. Even Jesus was attacked to stop Him from going to the Cross and pay for our sins. One of His closest friends, Peter, tried to discourage Jesus from suffering and dying on the cross. If Satan can do that to God Incarnate, who are you and I to avoid such attacks? We have to do what the Bible teaches us in these situations.

First, as Jesus did, rebuke Satan who is using people and situations to attack and discourage you from moving forward in God’s plans for you. Second, as Paul did with the snake attached to his hand, just shake it off and move on. Don´t sit around making a pity party for yourself as only you have everything to lose. God will start to heal the wounds as you continue to focus on what lies ahead and see how your life actually blesses the lives of everyone you encounter.

(“Satan knows your potential, and his greatest fear is that you’ll discover who you really are, what you’re really worth, and where you’re really headed.” – Bob Gass)

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One of the greatest mistakes someone can make in ministry is to think they are better than Jesus or Superman. They take on so much responsibility that eventually they don’t have time to spend with God and refuel their spirits.

Just because they are leaders or pastors, and out of compassion and a sense of dedication to the sheep they have not learned to say ‘no’. But this is not the right mindset, as you need to make sure you are taken care of too in order to properly take care of others. If you are spiritually weak and physically tired, you will make mistakes and this will only give the world a chance to point fingers both at you and the Church.

In this passage, we read about King David, probably the greatest worshipper who ever lived. He admits that there were times when He could not feel God’s presence and was discouraged when passing through a “dry spell”. Your heart might be in the right place, but let God guide you as well in what things you should get involved with.

I had to learn it the hard way after a heart attack to stop and just spend time with the Lord and to even avoid idle conversations with family, church members, and close friends. My spirit was so sensitive that for a few months after the heart episode, I was unable to sit in a church service with loud music, as it caused me anxiety.

I really had to get my priorities in order and learn to depend completely on the power of the Holy Spirit and that meant spending more time with God in prayer and reading His Word. Sure there are seasons for us to run non-stop but don’t ignore or feel bad when God asks you to just be still and quench your thirst for Him.

(“Let me share with you some discoveries from my own ‘dry spells’. At such times, God is usually demanding new growth and maturity from me. In that place I’m more honest, I pray harder and reach for Him more. Or perhaps He’s teaching me that I’ve spent too much time in the wrong environment or watching too much TV. Sometimes, God is just moving me from one season of ministry to another, and I feel dislocated. Other times, it’s just plain disobedience to something He has told me to do, and I’m ‘holding out’. It could be, too, that I’m on the verge of a greater revelation from Him, and He’s creating within me a new hunger, not for what He can give me – but just for who He is.” – Bob Gass)

More Wheels do not mean More Speed!

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This is a very simple promo I designed for UCB Australia and 'The Word for Today' one of Australia's most widely read daily devotionals written by Bob and Debbie Gass.

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First Presbyterian Church
Cheyenne churches
family friendly

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Knowing God's will by Billy Graham | Motivational & Inspirational Video.

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How desperate are you to get your blessing? How long have you been patiently waiting for God to fulfill His promises in your life? Can you honestly say that you have done everything you can to get what you want in life? No matter how desperate you say you are, your actions, persistence, and risks taken speak louder than your words.

In Luke 8 we read the story of a woman who had been suffering from a continuous menstrual cycle for 12 years. This probably made her very weak and she had spent all her savings to find a cure. Finally, she heard that Jesus was going to be in town and took a risk to go and see Him. It was a risk because back in those days, a woman going through her menstrual cycle was considered unclean and not allowed to be in public. This discrimination is still practiced in many religions and third-world countries. But she was desperate, she put her faith in Jesus and received her healing.

In Genesis, we read how Jacob fought with the angel of the Lord and would not let go until he got blessed. Because of his perseverance, the angel of the Lord not only blessed him but changed his name from Jacob, meaning ‘to follow or be behind’, to Israel, meaning ‘wrestled with God and emerged victorious’. God will reward your perseverance and your struggle to get what you want both from man and from Him.

Therefore ask yourself. How many hours are you going to pray? How many days are you going to fast? How many worship meetings are you going to attend? How many chapters are you willing to read in the Bible to increase your faith? How many people are you going to reach out with the Gospel? How many risks are you going to take for the Kingdom, in order to get your blessing?

God has made all things available for you to get your blessings, but by showing Him how desperate you are, you will manifest into the natural what has already been given in the spiritual.

(“The poorest person in the world is not the person who doesn’t have a penny; it’s the person who doesn’t have a vision. Once you’ve had a glimpse of what God can make of you, you’ll never be satisfied to remain the same.”- Bob Gass)

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One of the signs that God is with you is prosperity. However, contrary to popular opinion, not prospering, lacking or poverty is NOT a sign that God is not with you. Financial resources are vital for any endeavor in our lives. Money does not fall from the sky and God does not make it appear miraculously in our bank accounts. God says in His Word that it is important for everyone to work and even to save up for their children and grandchildren instead of having a narrow and selfish vision that limits us to our lifespan.

When it comes to working for the ministry (Church), however, God has already implemented a financial system based on receiving through the giving of the people of God onto God’s work and workers in order for them to also prosper. Due to a lack of obedience in this matter, many of the divine projects initiated are prematurely terminated and many of God’s workers end up giving up on their calling of full-time ministry and are forced to serve a man for their own personal basic needs and that of their family.

He is faithful and will always pull us through when we do what is right, even if others don’t agree with your giving or serving God with whatever you have.

Let’s see now what 3 Questions Bob Gass asks in his book:

1.) Am I content with things the way they are in my life? John Maxwell says, “The only one who can stop you from becoming the person God intended you to be – is you.” He’ll never ask you to be what He won’t enable you to become.

2.) Am I afraid of success? Afraid of the commitment required? Leadership is lonely, perhaps you’d rather be with the crowd. Have you been knocked down, and now you’re afraid to get up and try again? When Edison was asked why he was successful, he replied, “I start where other men leave off!” When World Heavyweight Champion Jim Corbett was asked what it took to be a champion, he said, “Just fight one more round.”

3.) Do I believe people can’t be successful and spiritual at the same time? Somehow we’ve equated humility with poverty and assumed that successful people just couldn’t be humble. This is not true nor Biblical. When successful people speak, other people listen - look at Joseph and Daniel in the Bible!

We have a message from God that the world is dying to hear, but if we don’t have the money, the means, and the motivation to tell them, who will?

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Today Pastor Bob shares the importance of praying for one another and a opportunity to be prayed for. Drive-Thru Prayer - Wed 4/15/20 1:00PM-3:00PM

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

Until you learn to respect authority, you will never be qualified to exercise it. Why? (1) Because you will have no credibility. (2) Because you won't really understand what it means to be a follower. Today the entertainment industry glamorises rebels and turns them into heroes. But that's not how it works in everyday life. An insubordinate attitude will buy you a one-way ticket to a life of trouble and failure.

The Bible says this: (1) Children must be taught to respect the authority of their parents. 'Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honour your father and mother," which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth"' (Ephesians 6:1-3 NKJV). (2) Wives are called to respect the leadership of their husbands. (And husbands must prove worthy of that role and take responsibility for it). 'Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord' (Ephesians 5:22 NKJV). (3) Church members are called to respect the leadership of their pastor. 'Obey your leaders, and accept their authority. They take care of you because they are responsible for you' (Hebrews 13:17 GWT). (4) Citizens are called to respect their government. 'The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted' (Romans 13:1-2 NIV). 'I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority...This is good, and pleases our Saviour' (1 Timothy 2:1-3 NIV).

#inspiration #encouragement #empowerment

Music from vivavideo

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(Luke 4:18-19) “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”

(Hebrews 11:13) “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”

Without a precise purpose or goal, you can work your fingers to the bone and never really amount to much. Some people just like to live day by day and moment by moment thinking that is the best way to achieve joy. Jesus knew why He was anointed and it brought Him joy to fulfill the Father’s purpose.
If you can’t imagine yourself in God’s great plan for your life, then you will never be able to take a step in that direction. Whatever you have planned for your life, God’s plan is bigger and better, so you better make sure you are a part of it. Don’t use your own strength, but fall back into the arms of the Almighty God, and let Him empower you. Don’t work hard….work smart!

The great heroes of the Bible knew the promise of the Messiah to come and held on to it. They knew their purpose was to make the way for Jesus who was to come and set us free both from slavery to Satan and sin. They were not disappointed when they faced trouble, nor did they feel that God was delaying the promise. They knew He was faithful and this gave them a purpose to continue and be fruitful in their lives.

Only God can give you the vision, desire, strength, and joy for your life’s purpose….He knows your beginning from your end. If you truly believe that what God has anointed you for is possible, then you need to walk and talk as if it was already done… because in the Spiritual…God has already finished it.

(“What you see will sustain you and what you perceive will give you the ability to persevere you through the rough times, and remember…if God’s in it, it can’t fail!” – Bob Gass)

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Trust in the Lord, your pain will not be in vain!

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Sunday PM Service

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In the world, we are taught to think of ourselves first and to survive and get to the top at any cost. However, in the Bible, Jesus clearly teaches us that the more we try to save ourselves by our own strength and our own strategy, the more we will lose whatever is precious to us.

It is God who has the ultimate power, authority, and right to give and take away from us whatever He wills when He wills. Everything He does is just, and no one can stand up to accuse Him otherwise, though many continue to do so not understanding His daily mercy upon us.

We have to surrender completely to Christ and die to our desires, passions, and what we consider valuable. Die to what we think is good or right for us. Die to want to have the last word in every conversation or discussion. Die to want to hate those that hate us and only show kindness to those that have been good to us.

Die to choose the best when given the first choice. Die to watch that movie or TV show that might affect our God-given innocence and make us numb to hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. Basically…Die to everything we think we know, or that we can do, in order for Christ to reign in our lives as our true Master, Owner, and Lord.

In the Bible, we read about Lot, who without considering his uncle Abraham, chose the well-watered plains of Jordan when given the first choice, and eventually lost his family because of that choice. The rich young ruler could have been one of the Disciples that walked with Jesus, but he had too much to lose when asked by Jesus to let go of everything to follow Him.

If you are holding on to your cultural background, religion, or pride to acknowledge that you or your parents might be wrong about your idea of the afterlife, then you risk ending up dying in your sins and being separated from Jesus for all eternity.

(“If your number-one goal is to survive, you’re no longer free to make the right decisions. You’ll keep doing things based on what feels good or what’s acceptable to others, rather than doing what God wants you to do. Next, you’ll talk a lot about being faithful to the Church, but very little about being fruitful.” – Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

One of the most studied books for financial success is called “Think and be Rich” by Napoleon Hill. In it, he defines the true meaning of wealth. He explains that true wealth is not a large bank balance, a large house, or a fancy car, but rather, wealth is defined by how many days you can stop working without changing your current lifestyle. The rest is just living on borrowed money and a hope on continued credit. All the things you think you own are not yours until they are all paid up.

The author mentions how the truly rich don’t show off their wealth, don’t always purchase new items, and don’t choose to live in expensive neighborhoods or send their children to expensive schools. This is totally contrary to what we are sold on TV shows and social media.

We need to align our meaning of success with how God defines it. It is He who makes us succeed and teaches us how to continue enjoying it. You don’t have a more important assignment than to seek God until He reveals clearly to you what He has called you to do. Then ask Him to empower you to do it. You can achieve Fame, Academic Excellence, mastery or an art or career, a numerous family, or even financial freedom and miss out on your Divine purpose in life.

(“God is the only one who can really define what success means in your life! Success is determined by God’s purpose for you! You’d be surprised how many gifted people are tormented by the need to evaluate themselves in the light of somebody else’s calling.
Only the God who called you knows whether you’re successful or not. In short, there’s no way to define success without understanding the purpose! The heart pumps blood, kidneys purify it! Each has a different function in the body, and until you find your place and function in it you can´t be successful.” – Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

About Harvest Baptist Temple:
This is a message from Pastor Bob Gass at Harvest Baptist Temple in Medford, Oregon. If you are ever in the area, make sure you stop by and join us as we study the Bible!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

Prolonged starvation can have a profound effect on your health. You lose your ability to think clearly. Your vision gets blurry. Your strength wanes, and you stop being productive. Guess what? It's the same with your spiritual life. Jesus said, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God' (Matthew 4:4 NIV).

So, knowing that, why don't we spend time reading the Bible? We know it's essential to our spiritual, mental and emotional health. Yet we fail to do it or do it inconsistently. Why? (1) Because we're not motivated. We haven't experienced the joy that comes from personally discovering great truths from God's Word. We grow complacent and settle for having our spiritual food handed to us by other people. When we get serious about studying the Bible for ourselves, we'll never again be satisfied with second-hand knowledge. (2) Because we don't know how. We hear a great sermon and think, 'Why didn't I see that?' Because most church leaders spend hours studying the Scriptures we don't! (3) Because we get lazy. Bible study requires self-discipline. It takes time, effort, concentration and persistence. Most great truths don't lie on the surface; we have to dig for them.

In the Old Testament when Israel 'sought God eagerly...he was found by them. So the Lord gave them rest on every side' (2 Chronicles 15:15 NIV). And God will do that for us too!

#inspiration #encouragement #empowerment

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Pastor Jentezen Franklin | A Place Called Heaven
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2013. Magyarország. Bob Gass - a ,,Mai Ige" szerzője - Az Ószövetségi Saul, és az Újszövetségi Saul (Róm.8:5-6).

0 Views · 1 year ago

Have you heard the expression “A bad Hair Day”? It basically means that some days, things just don’t always go as you planned. That no matter what you set out to do, everything seems to fall apart. That you wake up a little less joyous and a little more irritated than usual. Basically, a day when you keep on giving up on everything and everyone and asking yourself “What’s the point, why even bother?”

Because we still live in this body and are easily affected by our emotions, God has given us the tools to handle correctly people facing a tough situation or simply having a bad day. God advises us to be kind and patient with those suffering and to always show our love towards them. This is not easy to do, especially with those that are close to you as we tend to take their negativity personally and have a harder time forgiving them for their constant lack of compassion towards us.

We are instructed to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, which God apparently provides for us. This is not an advice or a suggestion, but a command from God. He won´t force you to love anyone who constantly annoys you or is rude to you, but if you decide to obey Him and do it anyway, you will be surprised at how God transforms you from the inside.

In 2 Peter we read that there is a process before we can love others the way God wants us to. We have to add moral character to our faith, then knowledge, then self-control and so on and so forth. So don’t expect to love everyone unconditionally right away, but at the same time don’t think it is impossible.

Don’t forget that you have also had a “bad hair day”, and God has had to transform everyone around you on that day so that you would not end up hurting anyone with your bad attitude. I´m not saying to be completely false with everyone, but just think before you speak and maybe consider that they might be going through a tough situation that is troubling them.

(“Paul is talking here about using tact. Tact is kindness with brains. It’s a way of putting your best foot forward without actually putting your foot in your mouth or stepping on anyone’s toes.” – Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'The Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.' Psalm 34:6 NKJV

J.C. Penney has died and gone to Heaven, but hundreds of department stores across America still carry his name. When he started out in life he was interested in one thing only: making money. Working as a clerk for six dollars a week, his consuming ambition was to be worth a hundred thousand dollars. When he reached that goal he felt temporary satisfaction, but soon set his sights on being worth a million dollars. Then tragedy struck his life. His wife caught a cold that developed into pneumonia, of which she subsequently died. He recalled, 'When she died my world crashed about me. To build businesses, to make a success in the eyes of men, to accumulate money - what was the purpose of it all? I felt mocked by life, even by God himself.' Before long he was ruined financially and in deep depression. It was at that point he turned to God and experienced a miraculous conversion. He said: 'When I was brought to humility and the knowledge of my dependence on was like a light illuminating my being. I cannot otherwise describe it, than to say it changed me as a man.'

Have things fallen apart in your life? Are you down, wondering if you'll ever be able to get back up? Turn to God; he's only a prayer away. And David the psalmist prayed that prayer: 'This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles' (Psalm 34:6 NKJV). And what God did for David, he will do for you today.

0 Views · 1 year ago

“Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29

I read in one of Bob Gass’ daily readings, that during the great California gold rush days, a young couple became totally obsessed with the pursuit of gold. They sold their farm and everything they owned and went out west to search for it. Failure after failure, they eventually ended up bankrupt and went to Europe. After many years, they came back home to America and decided to visit their old farm. But when they arrived they found it surrounded by security guards and a high-wire fence. That day they discovered that under their farmhouse was the second largest gold reserve in America - and it was now owned by the government.

0 Views · 1 year ago

New Age is on the rise. There are even forms of new age christianity. It teaches us (like mormonism) that we can become gods. But this is obviously a false teaching.

Derek Prince states it very clearly: 'We are created, God is uncreated. The created can never become uncreated'.

This is a clip from the full sermon 'Laying The Foundation - Part 2'. Full video:

4161, recorded in New Zealand, December 1994

0 Views · 1 year ago
Les offenses les plus difficiles à pardonner sont celles que commettent vos proches. Pourquoi ? Parce que nous devons vivre avec eux tous les jours !

Quand nous sommes petits, nos émotions sont si fortes que certaines blessures ne cicatrisent jamais. La souffrance est encore plus forte si votre agresseur est un proche.

Votre mère vous a peut-être rejeté au lieu de vous entourer de son amour. Votre père était peut-être alcoolique et vous a abusé sexuellement. Les victimes de ces horreurs peuvent continuer à éprouver de l’amertume et de la colère bien des années après les faits. La colère peut rejaillir et vous conduire à faire du mal à ceux que vous aimez.

Quelle est la solution ? Le pardon. Le docteur Archibald Hart définit le pardon comme "le fait d’abandonner mon droit de te blesser pour m’avoir blessé". Vos blessures ne peuvent guérir qu’à partir du moment où vous avez la maturité nécessaire pour pardonner à ceux qui vous ont blessé, qu’ils aient demandé pardon ou pas.

Jésus dit : "Et lorsque vous êtes debout en prière, si vous avez quelque chose contre quelqu'un, pardonnez, afin que votre Père qui est dans les cieux vous pardonne aussi vos fautes." Marc 11.25

Gardez ceci à l’esprit : Dieu ne vous pardonne que si vous pardonnez. Vous dites : "Mais si je leur pardonne, ils ont le champ libre." Non, vous avez le champ libre ! Libéré de la souffrance et de l’amertume, Dieu peut vous bénir.

Un encouragement pour aujourd’hui

Laissez l’offenseur et l’offense entre les mains de Dieu. Lui seul sait ce qu’ils ont fait et pourquoi ils l’ont fait. Dites-vous seulement qu’il n’y a pas de guérison sans pardon.

Bob Gass

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0 Views · 1 year ago


I'd like to have a little heart-to-heart chat with you, and let you in on a few things that are happening in my life ...

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Heavy Metal Pastor. Homeless advocate. Speaker. Author. Podcaster. Vegan. Mac Geek.
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0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Henderson; "This Love" American saxonist, fiddler, guitarist singer and man of God sadly passed away. Tributes from different people poured in and still coming and among them was from Pastor Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Baton Rouge, Lousiana, who also said that he visited him in hospital days before his death.

Gabriel Swaggart once said that no one can sing and pray like Bob Henderson, he was incredibily loved and always given flowers

Having been with them for over 20 years, Its very unfortunate that Family Worship Centre lost a phenomenon personality especially when it comes to the music department.

Bob Henderson died after battling sickness for so long and he shall forever be remembered for touching thousands of souls and peoples lives across the world.
Bob Henderson will be remembered to have been inducted in the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame in 2019.

Details regarding Bob Henderson’s funeral arrangments are yet to be revealed and Taj News media will keep you posted.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob Henderson’s family and loved ones and may his soul rest in eternity.

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1 Views · 1 year ago

(Juan 21:21-23) “Cuando Pedro lo vio, dijo a Jesús: Señor, ¿y éste qué? Jesús le dijo: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga, ¿qué a ti? Tú sígueme.”

“Salió entonces este dicho entre los hermanos, que aquel discípulo no moriría. Pero Jesús no le dijo: No morirá; sino: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga ¿qué a ti?”

(Romanos 8:17) “Y si hijos, también herederos; herederos de Dios, y coherederos con Cristo; si es que padecemos juntamente con Él, para que juntamente con Él seamos también glorificados.

Aquí Pedro le pregunta a Jesús acerca de Juan, y básicamente, Jesús le responde que se ocupe de sus propios asuntos y que solo se concentre en seguirle a El. A veces queremos saber todo lo que Dios está haciendo y por qué lo está haciendo en lugar de simplemente seguirle y confiar en Él. Nos fijamos tanto en cómo Dios actúa con otros que perdemos el enfoque en lo que Él nos está enseñando. Son el problema de Dios para tratar, no el tuyo.

Dios no nos debe ninguna explicación de lo que hace o deja de hacer. ¿Por qué algunos sufren las consecuencias de sus malas decisiones o pecados, mientras que otros son perdonados sin repercusiones duraderas? Supongo que nunca entenderemos verdaderamente todas las decisiones de Dios. Pero una cosa de la que podemos estar seguros es que todo lo que Dios hace es justo y acabaremos dando Le la razón cuando todas las cosas nos sean reveladas.

Debemos preocuparnos más de que si estamos caminando correctamente de acuerdo con la palabra de Dios y no estar distraídos por lo que hacen los demás. Hay aquellos en la iglesia que llamamos "El hermano Pala". Estas son personas que cuando se predica la Palabra, sacan su pala, recogen esa Palabra y la arrogan hacia alguien que creen que en la iglesia la necesita. No se dan cuenta de que si esa Palabra de corrección les ha llegado, es primero para ellos.

Deja de intentar cambiar a las personas que te rodean y esfuérzate primero en cambiarte a ti mismo. Solo entonces, no estarás siempre ofendido y no te quejarás constantemente de los demás. Dios obrará en ellos en Su tiempo, no hace falta que tu tomes el lugar de Dios en sus vidas.
Tu prosperidad, destino y madurez espiritual no están ni atado a ellos, ni depende de ellos, por lo tanto, deja ya de actuar como si lo estuvieran. Tú eres uno con Cristo y eres coheredero con Él. Empieza a vivir con todo tu potencial enfocándote primero en tu caminar con Cristo.

(“Puede ser que Dios les permita caer antes de levantarlos, pero hará lo correcto y lo mejor por ellos. Así que solo síguelo y aprende a cortar el césped de tu propio jardín”. – Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Only God knows your true potential because He has deposited the talents, abilities, strategy, and love within you to reach that potential. He has a plan that is of good and not of evil. Only He can look into your future and truly proclaim all you can become through Him. Just like you can plant a seed and say, it will be a great tree someday, He looks at your small, weak beginnings and can declare you as great.

But the opinions and negative words of others can choke what God has spoken over our lives. Parents, especially have the ability to completely either destroy or build our future with their words. Have you ever been told “well, I can’t expect much more from you? You are so dumb you probably won’t get it? I think you should not try out for the team, you are not that good or committed?”

Bear in mind that most people that have said these type of things to you, were not aware of the damage they caused, but probably based their comments on what they saw and their own failures in life.

If you are lazy, stubborn, disobedient, a quitter, or just simply rebellious towards authority, most people around you won’t put much faith in you. However, God knows how to change you from the inside out once you accept Christ. Christ promises us a new life and a life in abundance and victory.
Negative words, especially the ones that you have thought about yourself, contradict and destroy all that God wants to do for you and through you.

Even if you have failed Him or have not been faithful to your commitment to follow Christ, do not doubt in His ability to still use you. He will be faithful to His commitment towards you. Therefore focus on what the Bible says about those that choose to follow Christ. You need to listen to the voice of Truth over the voice of lies.

(“Renounce your past and renew your mind with His Word today. Believe God in spite of your feelings.”– Bob Gass.)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

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This is Mentoring Moments | Episode One: Spiritual Fathers. To hear inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel:

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Gass chatting with Gary Hoogvliet about the powerful influence his mother had on his life, and the lives of his siblings.

Amidst this clip is also a glimpse of church life 55 years ago.

Might show my daughter.

0 Views · 1 year ago

The great heroes of the Bible were no different from you and me. They faced fear, depression, lack, insults, doubt if God truly loved them, strong opposition, near-death experiences, and all kinds of trials. However, they managed to hold on to the promises of God and let their faith become stronger than their fears. We are actually in a better position and a better time, as normally no one is killed or imprisoned for following Christ. The most you may face is rejection from your family, mocking from strangers, and probably hatred from those that hate God.

Back then they had nothing else but faith in what God had spoken to them, to stand on. We have Jesus living inside of us if we have accepted Him as Lord, the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit, and the authority of Christ to make every demon bow down to His name. But still, we walk around doubting God and fearing what will happen to us.

In these uncertain times when there is death all around us, governments are full of corruption, the economy is on the brink of collapse and the love of men has grown cold, humanity is looking for answers and for those that will give them hope. How can you bring hope to those in need if you yourself doubt what God can do?

While David faced Goliath believing in God’s promises and God’s power, the Israeli army stood by shaking in their boots. While the boat was sinking and everyone feared for their lives, Paul assured them that no one would die because God had told him so.

Man can only attack you with man-made weapons, but they are no match to the weapons God has given us. Even if they take away your home, and all your income, God can miraculously give you a house and feed your whole family. What are you afraid of? Why do you constantly doubt what God can do and what He has promised in the Bible?

Get back to reading the Word daily and fill your heart with His promises. Only then, will you be able to have the faith to conquer every army, shut the mouths of lions, topple spiritual and physical kingdoms, and bring hope to others.

(“Courage is all you can do – Miracles is God doing the rest!”- Bob Gass)

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

In Scripture the word 'success' simply means knowing and doing God's will for your life. It's that simple! For Joshua, success meant entering the Promised Land, conquering it, living there and enjoying all its blessings every day. Listen to what God told him: 'Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, will have good success' (Joshua 1:7-8 NKJV).

True success involves these three things: (1) Becoming what God wants you to be. (2) Doing what God wants you to do. (3) Having what God wants you to have. And as you achieve the goals he has set for your life, you become successful. As the renowned author/lecturer Dale Carnegie once observed, 'Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.' In their endless quest for achievement, some people become so greedy and grasping that they are never satisfied. And because they are always wanting more, they fail to enjoy what God has already given them.

Real success isn't a destination; it's a journey. It's joy created by progress. It's knowing that you're 'on schedule' when it comes to God's assignment for your life.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'Guard your heart above all else.' Proverbs 4:23 NLT

Solomon said, 'Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life' (Proverbs 4:23 NLT). Note the progression of events that led to David's downfall: 'He saw a woman bathing...inquired about the woman...and took her' (2 Samuel 11:2-4 NKJV). He saw...he inquired... he took. If you're hankering after someone who's not yours, pull your eyes away immediately. 'Take captive every thought...make it obedient to Christ' (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV). Police your mind. Instead of filling it with fantasies from magazines, television or the internet, fill it with God's Word and memories of your best moments with your spouse. Work on strengthening your marriage bond. Decide to love even when you don't feel like it, and your love will begin to blossom.

Jesus said, 'Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart' (Matthew 5:28 NIV). Why did Jesus say this? Because every lustful glance threatens your relationship. The less you desire your spouse, the more you'll look for reasons to justify your fantasies. And the saddest part is, you'll never know how good your relationship could have been.

After David was confronted, cleansed and corrected, he said, 'Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you' (Psalm 119:11 NKJV). If you have a problem with lust, find a pastor, a counsellor or a friend who can help you. The Bible says, 'A brother is born for adversity' (Proverbs 17:17 NKJV). Sometimes the difference between victory and defeat is spending a few minutes on the phone talking and praying with someone who understands. The question is do you really want to do right?

0 Views · 1 year ago

Published June 29, 2020

The Word for Today
Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

The Bible says, 'There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit' (1 Corinthians 12:4 NKJV). The word 'gifts' comes from the Hebrew word 'charis', which literally means grace. That means you cannot earn, qualify for, work for or deserve a spiritual gift. The Holy Spirit gives them to each of us 'individually as he wills'. They are not something you get by study, practice or inheritance. They are not highly developed natural talents. They are supernatural endowments that enable you to carry out God's will in God's way. And you will never discover God's way until you realise that you are not meant to serve him by drawing on your own abilities, but by depending upon the indwelling power of his Spirit. In a sense, you are like a glove; the Holy Spirit within you fills that glove, moves it and accomplishes through it what needs to be done.

A young pastor once said to an older pastor, 'I'm discouraged because God expects the very best from me, and as hard as I try I can't always give it to him.' The older pastor said, 'Son, God expects nothing from you but failure!' Then he added. 'But he has given the Holy Spirit to you so that you need not fail.' Jesus told his disciples, 'He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing' (John 15:5 NKJV).

The secret to success is not just in activity, but in abiding! Your job is to learn the ways of God and lean on the power of God.

0 Views · 1 year ago

There is an honesty and a rawness about Bob Gass that makes you just want to listen to read what he writes each day with Word For Today.

In this clip he lays bare a little of his heart.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Bob Gass explains the grief process pretty well in this clip. The complete TV special was played on UCB TV and is here on my site.

If you are a 'Word For Today' fan, you might enjoy the interview.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.' Luke 16:10 NKJV

Pastor James Merritt said, 'The other day I asked my beautiful wife if she married me for my looks.' She replied, 'No, I married you for your brains - it's the little things that count!' Merritt was joking of course. What really counts in life is faithfulness in little things; it's how dependability begins, grows and matures. Sometimes we think we're too big for small things; we would rather get on with what we perceive as bigger, more important matters.

Here's how Jesus sees it: 'Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters. If you cannot be trusted with this wicked wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? And if you cannot be trusted with what belongs to someone else, who will give you something that will be your own' (Luke 16:10-12 CEV). If you want to succeed on the job, come to work on time; stick with the job until it's finished; when you see something that needs to be done, do it - even if it's not in your job description. Give an honest day's work for an honest day's pay; take your designated lunch break, not a three-hour paid holiday; report your expenses truthfully; support the team; and uphold the company's reputation (but if there are genuine problems, you should consider speaking out).

In other words, be faithful on the job: 'Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might' (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV). That's the faithfulness God honours.

#encouragement #inspiration #empowerment

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

The Bible gives us three vital keys to happiness. (1) Be content (see 1 Timothy 6:8). A man who tried everything to get rid of dandelions called a garden centre and asked, 'What can I try next?' The shop owner said, 'Try getting used to them!' In life, you get what you focus on. Paul writes, 'Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise' (Philippians 4:8 NLT). (2) Be grateful (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18). Look around and be grateful for what God has given you. And if you can't, thank him for what he has protected you from. The devil doesn't have to steal anything from you, just make you take it for granted. 'From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another' (John 1:16 NLT). (3) Learn to appreciate your loved ones. 'Don't be concerned for your own good but for the good of others' (1 Corinthians 10:24 NLT). George Eliot wrote: 'Oh...the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.'

Happiness is not an entitlement; it's a reward for doing the right thing every single day. 'If you understand all of this, you are blessed' (John 13:17 GWT).

#empowerment #encouragement #inspiration

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

How you handle a crisis determines how you come out of it.

Dr Jeffrey Rossman suggests five ways to help come out stronger: (1) Acknowledge your feelings. David said, 'When my spirit was overwhelmed...You knew my path' (Psalm 142:3 NKJV). God already knows how you feel, and stifling your emotions just saps your energy, leaves you tense and depressed, and slows the healing process. (2) Confide in someone. This doesn't mean pouring your heart out to everybody; it means opening up to those who love and care about you. The Bible says, 'A friend always loves, and a brother is born to share trouble' (Proverbs 17:17 GWT). Numerous studies confirm the power of social support to help us stay healthy through crises. (3) Start a journal or a blog. Writing about a traumatic event is a way of letting it out. It minimises your chances of becoming sick or depressed; the more you write, the more your negative responses to the memory diminish.

(4) Refuse to play the blame game: 'It's the other person's fault,' or 'The doctor botched the procedure,' or 'The boss never gave me a chance.' Blame-shifting makes others responsible for your pain, and more often than not, it results in lingering grudges that prolong your misery. Let go of toxic bitterness and judgment. Stop feeling like a doormat; you can forgive while taking steps to make yourself less vulnerable next time. (5) Forgive yourself. Surprise - you're human! Acknowledge you've made a mistake, ask God for forgiveness, then forgive yourself and move on. God's Word says when he forgives, he 'remembers your sins no more' (Isaiah 43:25 NIV). Neither should you.

#inspiration #encouragement #empowerment

0 Views · 1 year ago

Listen to this anointed message by Pastor Bob Nichols out of Ephesians 6:10.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Written by Bob and Debby Gass
Presented by Winsome Sherrier Witter

'You are my sight.' Isaiah 43:4 NIV

Have you ever gone to a neighbourhood garage sale hoping to find a bargain? To the untrained eye, much of the stuff looks like rubbish. It may even have been gathering dust and mildew in somebody's loft. But the trained eye sees treasure in disguise; items that just need to be cleaned, polished and restored in order to become valuable again.

That's what God does with us. When Satan tells you you're worthless, God looks inside you and sees hidden treasure. When you make Jesus the Lord of your life, he enables you to overcome your past, resist temptation, conquer bad habits, rise above your self-imposed limitations and realise that, in God's eyes, you have great worth. You actually start believing what he said: 'You are my sight' (Isaiah 43:4 NIV). The truth is, when you keep putting yourself down, you may gravitate towards people who do the same. But once you begin to realise the value God places on you, your entire outlook changes.

With God, you can't lose. Even when you stumble, he will help you to get back up, become stronger and wiser, and move on to victory. When you see yourself only as somebody who makes mistakes and falls short, you're looking in the wrong mirror. Once you start to see yourself in the mirror of God's word, you see someone who is being transformed day by day into the likeness of Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). And that's how God sees you today.

#empowerment #encouragement #inspiration

Music from vivavideo

0 Views · 1 year ago

This is too funny.....but amidst the gentle self deprecating humour, Bob shares some serious truths

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This week's Christian Weekly News includes an exclusive interview with Peter Jones from Truth Exchange about bringing values to a secular society. Dr Jonathan Oloyede reflects on the wave of prayer taking place across the UK a year after the National Day of Prayer in Wembley Statium and we speak to author of UCB's Word For You Today, Bob Gass.

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