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0 Views · 1 year ago

Want to pray effective, faith-filled prayers? Beloved, when you start praying in tongues, you’re activating the promises the Lord has for you! Discover the key and so much more when you request “Praying in Tongues—Your Key to His Promised Land” today. And for your gift of any amount, you’ll receive both the audio & videostream version of this 2-sermon resource!

As you give, know that your precious gift of support is building up & restoring lives all across the world. 👉

Today's Featured Sermon: Activate The Grace Covenant Through Tongues
You can be set free from every oppression through God's gift of tongues. Watch to learn why and how.
(Sermon #313 - Part 1 of 3)

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Know of young adults who need to hear about our Lord’s grace, but find it challenging to share resources that speak to their current season? That’s exactly what Decibel One was created for—to reach out to the youths & equip them with resources, encouragement & inspiration to live Jesus-centered, grace-based, Spirit-active lives anchored to His finished work at the cross. Discover more at today!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Excerpt taken from: Joseph Prince - Live With Full Assurance And Confidence - 25 Jan 2015

Join Joseph Prince in this compelling message as he answers questions and criticisms about grace that have left many confused and insecure in their walk with God. Just what is the much-feared “willful sin” in Hebrews 10? Should believers be sin-conscious today? Does the Bible give us assurance of eternal salvation? Where is the place of performance and what does the Holy Spirit convict believers of in the new covenant? Get scriptural answers and more in this must-hear message, and begin to live life with full assurance of your forgiveness and salvation, and unshakable confidence in God’s love toward you!

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Aprende por qué y cómo el favor de Dios fluye abundantemente en tu vida cuando vives en el ahora y dejas de preocuparte.


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2 Views · 1 year ago

O pastor Joseph Prince compartilha uma mensagem especial, de como vencer o estresse e viver sem dor. Quer ter uma vida plena? Nesta pregação existem princípios a serem seguidos! Assista e compartilhe.

Deixe seu like e compartilhe essa palavra abençoada!




Através deste canal, levamos até você palavras de avivamento, contribuindo para a sua edificação. Aqui, você verá pregações dos maiores pastores brasileiros, que tem como objetivo pregar a palavra de Deus!

0 Views · 1 year ago

O pastor Joseph Prince fala sobre receber a vida de Deus para ser transformado e libertado. Você que está precisando de ajuda para lidar com seus problemas, poderá achar ajuda ao ouvir essa linda mensagem.

Deixe seu like e compartilhe essa palavra abençoada!




Através deste canal, levamos até você palavras de avivamento, contribuindo para a sua edificação. Aqui, você verá pregações dos maiores pastores brasileiros, que tem como objetivo pregar a palavra de Deus!

0 Views · 1 year ago

As Boas Novas que você precisa ouvir

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#novaaliançadagraça #novaaliança #leidemoisés #graçadeDeus

A Voz Principal da Revolução Grace
Com mais de duas décadas de ministério em tempo integral atrás dele, o Pastor Joseph Prince é hoje uma voz de liderança na proclamação do evangelho da graça em todo o mundo por meio de seus livros, recursos de ensino e ministério na televisão.

Autor de best-sellers como The Power of Right Believing, Destined To Reign e Unmerited Favor, Pastor Prince também é um palestrante muito procurado. Ele impactou os líderes da igreja em todo o mundo ao pregar o evangelho não adulterado de Jesus com ousadia. Ele é conhecido por ensinar a Palavra de Deus de uma forma nova, prática e reveladora que sempre revela Jesus. Seu estilo de pregação bem-humorado, dinâmico e envolvente também o tornou querido por um amplo espectro de telespectadores que sintonizam seu programa diário de televisão. Sua transmissão atinge atualmente milhões de lares na América do Norte, Europa, África, Austrália e Israel em redes seculares e cristãs.

O Senhor me disse:
'Traga Meu Filho de volta à igreja'.
Pastor Joseph Prince
Um pastor fiel à sua igreja
Membro fundador da Igreja Nova Criação, o pastor Prince serviu inicialmente como ancião e pastor associado. No entanto, sua nomeação unânime como pastor sênior em 1990 marcou uma virada na história da igreja, que começou a experimentar um crescimento fenomenal. Sob a liderança do pastor Prince, a igreja cresceu mais de cem vezes - de cerca de 150 para uma média de participação no domingo de 33.000. Ele atualmente atua como pastor sênior da igreja de forma voluntária.

Tendo construído e estabelecido a liderança e a congregação da Igreja da Nova Criação sobre o alicerce seguro de Jesus Cristo, o Pastor Prince está agora cumprindo ativamente, em todo o mundo, o mandato que Deus lhe deu de pregar o favor imerecido de Deus sem concessões. Ele dirige Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., uma organização internacional sem fins lucrativos que busca construir, encorajar e inspirar as pessoas com o evangelho de Jesus Cristo por meio da transmissão de televisão, bem como novas tecnologias de mídia. O ministério do pastor Prince como pastor, professor, conferencista e autor continua a transformar muitas vidas, libertando as pessoas do pesado jugo da lei, da culpa e da condenação, apontando-lhes Jesus e Sua obra consumada no Calvário.

Revelando Jesus para o mundo
O pastor Prince acredita no melhor das pessoas e está empenhado em ajudá-las a descobrir como podem reinar em vida por meio da abundância da graça e do dom da retidão. Seu desejo é ajudar esta geração de crentes a compreender a nova aliança da graça e perceber quão abençoados, altamente favorecidos e profundamente amados são por seu Pai celestial.

Wendy Prince
Uma esposa dedicada ao Pastor Prince e uma mãe amorosa para Jéssica Shayna e Justin David, Wendy Prince resume a mulher virtuosa mencionada em Provérbios 31. Ela é uma fonte constante de amor e apoio ao Pastor Prince, e se comprometeu a trazer Jessica Shayna e Justin David nos caminhos do Senhor. Sua humildade, calor e amor genuíno por Deus e pelas pessoas a levaram a aconselhar e a tocar muitas vidas.

Esse programa é exibido na Rede Boas Novas de Segunda à Sexta das 8h às 8:30h da manhã:

0 Views · 1 year ago

For details of this article, read it on my website:

Joseph Prince is exposed by Derek Prince 4 times as a false prophet & for preaching counterfeit faith By Rev George Ong

1. Joseph Prince’s blatant disobedience to Christ’s command to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20) means that his congregation and those who are influenced by his teachings aren’t disciples; and according to Derek Prince (which is featured later in a video), since they aren’t disciples, they aren’t Christians.

Joseph Prince’s argument from silence about ‘disciple’ or ‘discipleship’ is so amateurish that it can be so easily demolished. Please see Appendix 2 in my article on my website.

Derek Prince makes the point that only disciples are called Christians.

Joseph Prince, who doesn’t make disciples because he doesn’t believe in the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20, means big portions of his congregation aren’t Christians at all.

This is serious. If they aren’t Christians at all, how could they have saving faith?

2. Joseph Prince isn’t a follower of Christ, as he teaches against denying ourselves and taking up our cross as requirements for discipleship that are taught by none other than the Lord Jesus Himself.

I dare say that no commentator worth his salt in all of history has interpreted it the way that Joseph Prince has done.

Joseph Prince had grossly twisted the words of Jesus in Luke 14:26-27, 33 – that Jesus didn’t mean what He said about taking up the cross and giving up everything in order to qualify to be His disciples.

Derek Prince has clearly said that according to the scripture in Matthew 16:24-25; before we can follow Jesus, we have to deny ourselves and take up our cross.

Going by what Derek Prince said, Joseph Prince isn’t a follower or a disciple of Christ, as he teaches against the denying of oneself and taking up the cross.

This simply means Joseph Prince isn’t a true believer in the first place.

3. Joseph Prince doesn’t preach on suffering and persecution but only promises the good things of life, such as success, prosperity, healthy bodies, youthful looks and escape from tribulation; and according to Derek Prince (which is featured later in a video), such a person is a false prophet.

Aaron Khoo, an Ex New Creation Church member for 11 years (2008-2019), wrote; “No sermon on persecution, suffering, holiness, or sanctification was ever preached by Pastor Joseph Prince in my 11 years at New Creation Church at all.”

“Instead of suffering and persecution, what I often hear from Pastor Prince
is the church’s motto: ‘Richly Blessed, Deeply Loved, Highly Favored.’

This is not wrong in and of itself, but it gives a false impression of Christianity that it is only about being blessed, and that Christianity has no suffering and persecution.”

According to Derek Prince, anyone who only preaches the good things of life, and not about suffering and persecution, is certainly a false prophet.

Since Joseph Prince is such a preacher, he is undoubtedly a false prophet.

4. Joseph Prince preaches a no-repentance gospel; and according to Derek Prince (which is featured later in a video), such a person is promoting counterfeit faith.

Joseph Prince has told a blatant lie against the Apostle Paul and God’s holy word!

The following passages will prove that Paul never preached a just-believing and no-repentance gospel:

Acts 17:30 NIV
30 (Paul said) In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.”

Acts 20:21 NIV
21 I (Paul) have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

Acts 26:20 MEV
20 but declared first to those at Damascus, then at Jerusalem and throughout all the region of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God and do works proving their repentance.”

According to Derek Prince, anyone, who preaches a no-repentance gospel is preaching counterfeit faith, and he cannot be a true prophet of God.

This means Joseph Prince who also preaches a no-repentance gospel is preaching counterfeit faith; and a counterfeit faith is unlikely to lead one to the true saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Hence, many of Joseph Prince’s converts are false converts.

For details of this article, read it on my website:

10 eBooks comprising 4,800 pages of notes, free for download.

Rev George Ong’s YouTube Channel:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Have you been experiencing mind games, mental oppression, or sleepless nights from battling anxious thoughts?
This excerpt is from: God's Answer For Spiritual Warfare (18 Oct 2020)

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Friend, this is spiritual warfare. In this powerful message by Joseph Prince, learn how spiritual warfare is waged in the mind, and discover how you can wield God’s weapons to overcome the enemy’s tactics against you. Learn truths that will help you:

• Break free from the cycle of negative emotions and low self-esteem.
• Replace every depressive and defeatist thought with the truth of God’s Word.
• Overcome bad habits and addictions by being established in your identity in Christ.
• Get through difficult times and come out on the other side to a life of faith, hope, and love

Win the war for your mind and step into a glorious, radiant, and joyful life when you hear God’s answer for spiritual warfare!

0:00 How To Overcome Fear
2:02 The Battle Arena Is In Your Mind
3:56 Here's What's Affecting Your Emotions
5:49 Learn To Recognize The Enemy's Tactics
6:52 The Secret To Winning In Spiritual Warfare
9:28 New Book By Joseph Prince—Give Me This Mountain

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Give Me This Mountain is now available in audiobook (read by Michael Davis) and eBook on Amazon!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Be blessed by this short word of encouragement from Joseph and Wendy and join them for a special time of partaking of the holy Communion.

Church, while the world is in a state of worry, and panic due to the Coronavirus, we as children of God need not fear. It says in 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV), "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

This verse reminds us that fear, worry, and panic are not from God. Instead of worrying, let us lay hold of our authority in Christ and pray for protection over our families. As we partake of the holy Communion daily, we are also partaking of His shalom peace, and deliverance during this time of crisis.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Receive amazing restoration from God for all that you’ve lost! Join Joseph Prince in Barclays Center, New York City, as he reveals from Scripture why and how you can receive restoration for anything that has been stolen from you by the enemy. Whether it’s health, relationships, finances, or wasted years, because Jesus became your trespass offering and restored that which He did not take away, God can restore to you all that you have lost greater in quality or quantity! See His heart to demonstrate His superabounding grace toward you and learn how to activate His 120 percent restoration today!

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Gottes Plan für dein Leben besteht immer darin, dich zu segnen und dich zu einem siegreichen Leben zu führen! Folge Joseph Prince auf seiner spannenden Reise durch Gottes Güte, bei der er dir von den ersten Büchern Mose bis hin zu den Evangelien Gottes großartigen Plan zeigt, wie er dich retten, heilen und segnen will. Du wirst verstehen, warum bestimmte Ereignisse in der Bibel so passiert sind, wie sie passiert sind, und wie Gott ein Meister darin ist, alles zu deinem Besten dienen zu lassen. Lass dich ermutigen und erlebe, wie deine Bedürfnisse in allen Bereichen erfüllt werden, indem du lernst, dass Jesus heute der Herr über alles für dich ist – denn du bist sein Kind und Teil seines Leibes und seiner Gemeinde!

Über diese Sendung: Die Predigt 'Gottes Plan dich zu segnen' wurde von Joseph Prince am 02.10.2016 gehalten.

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Die Inhalte in diesem Video haben keinen Vorrang vor einer professionellen medizinischen Beratung. Wenn Sie oder ein Ihnen nahestehender Mensch ein gesundheitliches Problem haben oder sich bereits in ärztlicher Behandlung befinden, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen qualifizierten Mediziner oder Gesundheitsdienstleister. Verstehen Sie das, was in diesem Video gezeigt wird, auch nicht als Erlaubnis oder Ermutigung, Ihre Medikamente abzusetzen oder sich nicht in ärztliche Behandlung zu begeben. Auch wenn wir keine Garantien geben und uns bewusst sind, dass die Ergebnisse bei jedem Menschen anders ausfallen, ermutigen wir Sie, den Herrn stets um seine Weisheit und Führung in Bezug auf Ihr spezielles gesundheitliches oder medizinisches Problem zu bitten und zu suchen. Wir stehen weiterhin im Glauben und bekräftigen Gottes Wort und Heilungsversprechen mit allen, die glauben.

0 Views · 1 year ago

In diesem Jahr möchte Gott deine Seele heilen und wiederherstellen und dir übernatürliche Weisheit schenken!
Diese Predigt von Joseph Prince kommt deshalb genau zur richtigen Zeit. Es ist nämlich Gottes Herzensanliegen, dass wir einen gesunden und scharfen Verstand haben sowie übernatürliche Weisheit, die unser natürliches Denken übertrifft.
Erfahre auch, wie viele Segnungen (wie Gesundheit, Versorgung, Freude und Frieden) mit der Weisheit Gottes einhergehen können!
Besuche unsere Website, um mehr zu erfahren und entdecke, wie du dich von Gott leiten lassen kannst.

Über diese Sendung: Die Predigt 'Heilung und Wiederherstellung für deine Seele' wurde von Joseph Prince am 01.01.2023 gehalten.

00:00 01 Einleitung: Gott ist dir in diesem Jahr vorausgeeilt
08:07 02 Geh mit zunehmender Gesundheit ins Jahr 2023!
17:13 03 Du hast den Sinn Christi!
25:42 04 Lass dir vom Feind nicht Gottes Wort rauben
40:48 05 Fünf Vorteile der göttlichen Weisheit
51:47 06 Gottes Weisheit schärft deinen Verstand
01:07:27 07 Gottes Weisheit geht über natürliches Talent und Logik hinaus
01:18:06 08 Willst du Jesus empfangen? Sprich dieses Gebet
01:19:58 09 Ein Gebet um Heilung und Wiederherstellung für deinen Verstand
01:23:37 10 Was sind deine 3 Gebetsanliegen für 2023?

📹 Eine neue Predigt: jeden Freitag um 21 Uhr!
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Auf unserer Website findest du TV Sendezeiten von Joseph Prince Predigten, hilfreiche Artikel, mutmachende Zeugnisse und einige Lobpreisvideos.
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Die Inhalte in diesem Video haben keinen Vorrang vor einer professionellen medizinischen Beratung. Wenn Sie oder ein Ihnen nahestehender Mensch ein gesundheitliches Problem haben oder sich bereits in ärztlicher Behandlung befinden, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen qualifizierten Mediziner oder Gesundheitsdienstleister. Verstehen Sie das, was in diesem Video gezeigt wird, auch nicht als Erlaubnis oder Ermutigung, Ihre Medikamente abzusetzen oder sich nicht in ärztliche Behandlung zu begeben. Auch wenn wir keine Garantien geben und uns bewusst sind, dass die Ergebnisse bei jedem Menschen anders ausfallen, ermutigen wir Sie, den Herrn stets um seine Weisheit und Führung in Bezug auf Ihr spezielles gesundheitliches oder medizinisches Problem zu bitten und zu suchen. Wir stehen weiterhin im Glauben und bekräftigen Gottes Wort und Heilungsversprechen mit allen, die glauben.

0 Views · 1 year ago

In this Gospel Partner episode, join Joseph Prince as he shares insightful and practical keys to start reading and enjoying the benefits of God’s Word.

About Gospel Partner
Gospel Partner is an initiative to get the gospel of grace out to as many people as possible.

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About this episode
You are watching the sermon, Powerful Keys To Unlocking God's Word, preached on Sep 4, 2022 by Joseph Prince.

This full sermon was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

Watch and discuss it with our community here:

0:00 In Today's Gospel Partner Episode...
0:36 Join Us As A Gospel Partner
3:27 Let's Take A Praise Break!
8:35 01 Introduction: God loves you for who you are
19:06 02 The Bible brings you the timely answers you need
24:01 03 Your first priority is to be nourished by God's Word
35:20 04 God's Word has a cleansing effect
40:35 05 Key #1: Prioritize seeing Jesus
54:08 06 Key #2: Read the Old Testament through the lens of His grace
1:04:06 07 Key #3: Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you
1:08:25 08 Key #4: In every judgment, see His mercy
1:20:37 09 Focus on beholding and let Him transform you
1:36:13 10 Salvation prayer & prayer of blessing

Delve deeper into this sermon with our study notes:

If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report!

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Are you facing a situation that looks hopeless? Or a condition that’s lasted so long you’ve learned to just live with it? Let Joseph Prince show you in this landmark message how God is able to heal every affliction, no matter how long-term, and restore to you more than you can imagine. See from the miraculous healing account in John 5, how the Lord knows your pain, seeks you out, and is more than willing to heal and supply your need. Discover how you can experience His saving power right in the midst of your challenge and walk out, every bit whole and restored!

Get the full message at: -

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Want to pray effective, faith-filled prayers? Beloved, when you start praying in tongues, you’re activating the promises the Lord has for you! Discover the key and so much more when you request “Praying in Tongues—Your Key to His Promised Land” today. And for your gift of any amount, you’ll receive both the audio & videostream version of this 2-sermon resource!

As you give, know that your precious gift of support is building up & restoring lives all across the world. 👉

Today's Featured Sermon: Walk In Constant Victory Over Fear
Jesus delivered you from the root of all fears so you can live life with confidence! Find out more.
(Sermon #476 - Part 1 of 5)

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Decibel Worship is a music initiative by Joseph Prince Ministries that seeks to capture the sound of grace and make public the name of our Lord Jesus. We invite you to visit to discover full worship sets, song resources & grace-inspired music from Decibel Worship today!

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Closed Captions available in the following languages:

Joseph Prince - Prêche et Dirige vers une Adoration Spontanée - 15 Janvier 2012

Joseph Prince - Predică și Conduce într-o Adorare Spontană - 15 Ianuarie 2012

0 Views · 1 year ago

O pastor Joseph Prince compartilha uma mensagem especial, de como vencer o estresse e viver sem dor. Quer ter uma vida plena? Nesta pregação existem princípios a serem seguidos! Assista e compartilhe.

Deixe seu like e compartilhe essa palavra abençoada!




Através deste canal, levamos até você palavras de avivamento, contribuindo para a sua edificação. Aqui, você verá pregações dos maiores pastores brasileiros, que tem como objetivo pregar a palavra de Deus!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Listen in as Joseph Prince delivers a sermon on the Gospel of Grace and the victory believers have through Christ. On today's episode, Joseph Prince preaches from Israel about the need to remember that believers are beloved children of God and that we can rest in God's unfailing grace.

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On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

#josephprince #tbn #thegospel

0:00 Intro
0:40 Expansion of the Gospel
4:50 The TRUE Gospel of Grace
10:00 Fighting From a place of Victory
23:05 The Law vs. Grace
38:00 How we know God loves us

0 Views · 1 year ago

Join Pastor Joseph Prince as he shares about his book, "Eat Your Way To Life and Health" on TBN's Praise program with Matt & Laurie Crouch. Be encouraged as he answers some pertinent questions about healing and the holy Communion.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Good days are right around the corner when you begin to wield the powerful weapon of worship! In this revelatory sermon by Joseph Prince, learn how you can, like David, go from despair and fear to peace, joy and strength in the Lord as you look to Him and magnify His name. Get acquainted with the beautiful psalms of David and see how God can, in an instant, turn every negative situation around as you worship Him through these anointed songs of praise. Watch the Lord destroy every enemy and be a shield to you as you learn to praise Him at all times!

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ジョセフ・プリンス(Joseph Prince) ダビデの詩で礼拝し幸いな日々を見る 13 Jan 13

0 Views · 1 year ago

Você tem retidão de primeira classe

2 Coríntios 5:21
" Porque Ele fez aquele que não conheceu pecado ser pecado por nós, para que nos tornássemos a justiça de Deus nEle."

Alguns cristãos acreditam que precisam trabalhar para se tornarem mais justos. E eles se chutam quando erram. Eles não percebem que, ao fazer essas coisas, não estão buscando a justiça de Deus, mas estão tentando estabelecer sua própria justiça por meio da manutenção da lei e da conduta correta.

Justiça não é sobre conduta correta. É um presente de Deus para nós através de Jesus. E, como é um presente, não podemos conquistá-lo por meio de nossa manutenção da lei e da conduta correta. Nós só podemos recebê-lo!

Como recebemos este presente? Nós recebemos através da cruz. Deus fez a Jesus “que não conheceu pecado para ser pecado por nós, para que pudéssemos nos tornar a justiça de Deus nEle”. Então hoje nós somos a justiça de Deus em Cristo. Somos tão justos quanto Jesus é!

Mas alguns de nós pensam que no corpo de Cristo existem diferentes classes de retidão, como as classes de assento de um avião. Eles acham que alguns de nós têm a justiça da classe econômica, outros têm a justiça da classe executiva e alguns poucos têm a justiça de primeira classe.

Isso é um absurdo! Quando Deus nos deu Jesus, Ele se tornou nossa justiça. Então nós temos a Sua justiça. Isso significa que somos 100% justos aos olhos de Deus! Nós não podemos deixar de ter justiça de primeira classe!

Você pode dizer: “Pastor Prince, eu não entendo. Como posso ser justo quando faço errado? ”Pense nisso: Jesus, que não conheceu pecado, tornou-se pecado por nós. Jesus não conheceu pecado, não pecou e nele não havia pecado. Mas na cruz, Ele recebeu nosso pecado e se tornou pecado por nós.

Da mesma forma, nós, que éramos pecadores, não conhecíamos nenhuma justiça, não fazíamos justiça e em nós não havia justiça. Mas na cruz recebemos a Sua justiça e nos tornamos a justiça de Deus em Cristo Jesus.

Na cruz, a troca divina aconteceu. Jesus tomou nosso lugar para que pudéssemos tomar o seu lugar. Ele não merecia ser feito pecado, mas Ele foi feito pecado em nosso lugar. Nós não merecemos ser justos, mas fomos feitos justos porque recebemos a Sua justiça. Que ótima notícia! Que graça maravilhosa!

Nós temos a justiça de primeira classe, que recebemos como um presente através de Jesus

0 Views · 1 year ago

Want to live stronger, healthier and wiser? Well, you can! In this anointed message, Joseph Prince shows you how you can live just such a victorious life, at peace with God and yourself. The key is the tremendous God-given gift of tongues. Through it, you allow the Holy Spirit to move more powerfully in your life, equipping and enabling you, helping you discern even between life and death. So listen and lock onto this incredible gift today. You will see your powerful Helper assist you in praying perfect prayers, and the wonderful works of God — constant wholeness, wisdom and perfect peace — manifest in your life!

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جوزيف برينس - الألسنة – المفتاح لحياة مُقادة بالروح – 18 يناير 2007 - عظة كلاسيكية

ジョセフ・プリンス(Joseph Prince)異言 — 霊に導かれた人生への鍵 18 Jan 07 Classic Sermon

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This excerpt is from: Secrets of The Peace Offering (29 Aug 2021)

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Want to experience the peace that Jesus Himself lived by when He was on earth? Find out how you can enjoy the shalom peace of God that remains unshaken by setbacks and brings deliverance, wholeness, and healing to every situation. Join Joseph Prince as he uncovers secrets of the peace offering in the book of Leviticus, and begin to experience the Lord’s overwhelming peace being multiplied to you. Learn how you can:

• Enjoy a peace that remains steady in the face of challenges and seemingly impossible situations.
• Receive God’s healing, protection, and deliverance for every part of your life when you feed on His love and affections for you.
• Experience God’s miracle-working power that brings about breakthroughs when you value the blood of Jesus and His finished work.
• Operate in God’s powerful anointing and see His wisdom and strength flow in your life.

Enjoy your Savior’s love for you in this in-depth study of the peace offering, and receive a fresh impartation of His shalom peace in your life!

Excerpt Summary:
0:00 Peace Is Not Something You Have To Achieve
1:44 How To Practice His Peace This Week
3:50 The Effects Of Chronic Stress
5:32 What It Means To Look Unto Jesus
7:50 Don't Look At Self, Look At Christ!
10:10 Decibel Worship—A Music Initiative By Joseph Prince Ministries

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@JosephPrince sits down with Matt and Laurie Crouch on TBN's Praise. In today's world, it is so easy to have worry and anxiety take control of your life. Gain perspective as Joseph Prince dives into both biblical and personal examples of opening the doors to grace poured out in your life.

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.

SUBSCRIBE here and never miss an upload!

WATCH full Praise episodes for free on the TBN app:

TBN's Prayer Partners would love to pray with you and are available 24/7:
714-731-1000 (U.S. and Canada) and +1-714-731-1000 (International).

On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

#praise #tbn #josephprince #letgo #purpose #anxiety

0:00 Intro
0:22 What is the "Let Go" Life?
7:33 Rest in God
11:24 Don't Worry About Anything
17:00 The Unforced Rhytms of Grace
21: 27 Live Like a Tortoise, Not a Lion
28:50 Rest in Jesus Christ
34: 29 A Prayer For You

0 Views · 1 year ago

Feeling troubled, overwhelmed, or burdened by discouraging thoughts about your future?
This excerpt is from: Feeling Troubled? Start Praying In The Spirit! (06 Sep 2020)

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God has a powerful prayer language that delivers you from negative thoughts and fears. In this relevant message for anyone going through a difficult season, discover how praying in the Spirit causes you to:

• Experience renewed strength and restoration in your emotions, your mind, and even your body.
• Be guided by the Holy Spirit within you and receive His answers to navigate every challenging situation.
• See every setback in these turbulent times become a divine setup for something good to happen to you and your family.
• Eradicate every worry, care, and anxious thought as you are filled with comfort, assurance, and a confident expectation of good to come.

Beloved, use this new covenant gift of praying in the Spirit and start seeing supernatural results in every area of need!

0:00 What Is Praying In The Spirit?
3:05 The 7th Article Of God's Spiritual Armor
6:48 Use This Spiritual Weapon When You’re Feeling Troubled
7:49 You Can Pray In Tongues Even When You’re Busy

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@JosephPrince sits down with Matt and Laurie Crouch on TBN's Praise to discuss letting go of stress and worry and allowing grace to flow in your life. Lean in as they unpack Joseph Prince's book, "Live The Let Go Life."

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.

SUBSCRIBE here and never miss an upload!

WATCH full Praise episodes for free on the TBN app:

TBN's Prayer Partners would love to pray with you and are available 24/7:
714-731-1000 (U.S. and Canada) and +1-714-731-1000 (International).

On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

#praise #tbn #josephprince #stress #letgo

0:00 Intro
0:13 What Do You Let Go Of?
4:23 Our Choice to Let Go
10:15 God Works When You Let Go
14:10 Resting in God’s Grace
20:18 The Enemy Will Attack
26:17 A Prayer for You

0 Views · 1 year ago

Start living fearlessly in God’s all-encompassing protection! Through this 90-day devotional, Joseph guides you on an immersive journey to discover God’s powerful protection promises that will cast out every fear of danger, disease & disaster. Request yours today for your gift of any amount & be blessed by the daily readings that will build you up & launch you into a life of confidence and safety under His protective wings.

Get your copy of “The Prayer of Protection Devotional” now 👉

Today's Featured Sermon: Discover The Door Of Hope In Your Valley Of Trouble
Whatever your trouble is today, God has given you a door of hope and salvation. Watch to learn more.
(Sermon #310 - Part 3 of 3)

Want more? Watch fresh sermons on demand every week at

Know of young adults who need to hear about our Lord’s grace, but find it challenging to share resources that speak to their current season? That’s exactly what Decibel One was created for—to reach out to the youths & equip them with resources, encouragement & inspiration to live Jesus-centered, grace-based, Spirit-active lives anchored to His finished work at the cross. Discover more at today!

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This excerpt is from: Answers For A Distracted World (7 Feb 2021)
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Do you feel distracted and unable to focus? Like there are too many things demanding your attention, leaving you tired, overwhelmed, and emotionally numb? In this timely and relevant message by Joseph Prince, you’ll find God’s answers for living in a fast-paced, frantic world that’s always trying to keep up with the next new thing. Discover how you can:

• Break free from distraction, worry, and anxiety when you take time to do the one thing needful—sit at Jesus’ feet and receive from Him.
• Stop being dragged along by the current of social media and get anchored in God’s Word.
• Make the shift from being distracted by content to being discerning of God’s voice and what He’s saying to you about your situation.
• Meditate on God’s Word and begin to experience peace, joy, pleasure, and true fulfilment in life.

Beloved, let God’s Word give you the razor-sharp focus you need to start flourishing in every area of your life—spirit, soul, and body!

0:00 The Difference Between “Musing” And “Amusing”
2:13 The Importance Of Exercising Self-Control
4:13 How To Be Free From The Bondage Of Social Media
6:34 God Wants You To Live In The Moment!
8:17 Look Up A Scripture Verse And Muse On It

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Joseph Prince sits down with Leon Fontaine on TBN’s Praise to discuss how the gospel of grace is the cornerstone of our joy and identity in Christ.

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.

SUBSCRIBE here and never miss an upload!

WATCH full Praise episodes for free on the TBN app:

TBN's Prayer Partners would love to pray with you and are available 24/7:
714-731-1000 (U.S. and Canada) and +1-714-731-1000 (International).

On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

#praise #tbn #josephprince #gospelofgrace #grace

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In this Gospel Partner episode, learn how your shortcomings and moments of weakness don’t define you and how God wants you to respond to them under the new covenant of grace.

About Gospel Partner
Gospel Partner is an initiative to get the gospel of grace out to as many people as possible.

How can I be a Gospel Partner?
• Pray over this initiative and for hearts to be open to the gospel.
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About this episode
You are watching the sermon, Own Your New Creation Identity, preached on May 8, 2022 by Joseph Prince.

This full sermon was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

Watch and discuss it with our community here:

0:00 In Today's Gospel Partner Episode...
0:49 What Is Gospel Partner?
2:24 01 God's truth outlasts every fact
10:20 02 Do you know who you are in Christ?
20:58 03 Stop trying to become who you already are!
29:09 04 You are not invisible to God
40:10 05 Don't let your feelings define you
53:11 06 Renew your mind with faith pictures
1:01:02 07 Be the actor, not the reactor
1:10:38 08 Own your true identity in Christ!
1:18:12 09 Salvation prayer & prayer of blessing
1:23:30 Join Us As A Gospel Partner
1:26:04 New Song By Decibel Worship—Rest & Receive

Delve deeper into this sermon with our study notes:

If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report!

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जब चीज़ें ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा और भी बुरा होती जाती हैं और आपको कहीं पर भी सफलता नहीं दिखाई देती तब परमेश्वर कहाँ होता है? Joseph Prince के इस प्रेरणादायक धर्मोपदेश में, एस्तेर की कहानी से जानें कि किस तरह से परमेश्वर अपने लोगों के उद्धार के लिए कुशलतापूर्वक छिपकर काम करता है, भले ही वो ऐसा सोच रहे हों कि परमेश्वर ने उन्हें त्याग दिया है। देखिये कि परमेश्वर किस तरह से आपके दुश्मन पर बाज़ी पूरी तरह से पलट सकते हैं—चाहे यह बीमारी हो या कोई ऐसा जो आपका बुरा चाहता हो—और आपको सुरक्षित, विजयी, और यहाँ तक कि सम्मान के साथ बाहर ला सकते हैं। जानें कि कैसे सबकुछ ख़त्म नहीं होता है, कैसे आपके परमेश्वर आपके लिए बाज़ी को पूरा पलट देते हैं, और कैसे सारी चीज़ें आपके पक्ष में हो जाती हैं!

इस वीडियो की सामग्रियां पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह का स्थान नहीं लेती हैं। अगर आपको या आपके किसी प्रियजन को कोई स्वास्थ्य समस्या या पहले से कोई चिकित्सा विकार है तो कृपया किसी योग्य चिकित्सक या स्वास्थ्य-देखभाल प्रदाता से परामर्श लें। कृपया इस वीडियो में आपको जो भी बताया गया है उसे अपनी दवा लेना या इलाज करवाना बंद करने लिए अनुमति या प्रोत्साहन के रूप में न समझें। हालाँकि, हम कोई गारंटी नहीं देते और इस बात को समझते हैं कि अलग-अलग लोग अलग-अलग परिणामों का अनुभव करते हैं, फिर भी हम आपको स्वास्थ्य या चिकित्सा से जुड़े अपने विशेष मुद्दे के संबंध में यहोवा से उनकी बुद्धिमत्ता और मार्गदर्शन माँगने और पाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते हैं। हम सभी आस्थावानों के साथ परमेश्वर के वचन और आरोग्यता के वादों पर विश्वास करने और उनकी पुष्टि करने के लिए हमेशा विश्वास के साथ खड़े रहते हैं।

0 Views · 1 year ago

This excerpt is from: Actively Own Your Double Portion (27 Sep 2020)

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Child of God, it’s time to actively own your double portion of healing, provision, emotional well-being, and family blessings that Christ died to give you! In this foundational message by Joseph Prince, learn how to break free from condemnation and confidently claim every blessing that comes with God’s gift of righteousness in Christ. Discover how you can:

• See sin lose its grip on you when the cycle of condemnation is broken in your life.
• Stop settling for anything less than the abundant life Jesus paid for at the cross.
• Truly take your position as the righteousness of God in Christ and boldly claim every breakthrough you need in your health, finances, emotional well-being, and family relationships.
• Experience God’s double restoration for everything the enemy has ever stolen from you.

Start reigning in life when you stand on what Christ has fully purchased for you through His finished work at the cross!

0:00 The Key To A Successful Prayer Life
3:20 You Can Be At Home In The Presence Of God
5:14 The Reason You're Not Receiving Your Breakthrough
5:41 The Untold Truth Of Self-Condemnation
8:28 What Are You Pronouncing About Yourself?

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#josephprince #2020sermon #josephprincelatest

0 Views · 1 year ago

Want to pray effective, faith-filled prayers? Beloved, when you start praying in tongues, you’re activating the promises the Lord has for you! Discover the key and so much more when you request “Praying in Tongues—Your Key to His Promised Land” today. And for your gift of any amount, you’ll receive both the audio & videostream version of this 2-sermon resource!

As you give, know that your precious gift of support is building up & restoring lives all across the world. 👉

Today's Featured Sermon: Special Good Friday Program: Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus
This Easter, discover afresh how the Lord has qualified you for His righteousness, blessings & more.

Want more? Watch fresh sermons on demand every week at

Live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area & looking for a grace-based church with like-minded believers? Come join us at our physical campuses, located in Frisco & North Richland Hills—we’d love to meet you! Find out more details here 👉

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This excerpt is from: Answers For A Hurried Life (05 Sep 2021)

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Hurried. Busy. Tired. Many of us are all too familiar with the frantic pace of modern living and its painful side effects of worry, anxiety, and stress-related issues. Beloved, God can give you success without costing you your health and relationships! In this practical message by Joseph Prince, discover God’s answers to enjoying His abundant life free of fatigue. Learn how you can:

• See your career, family life, and relationships flourish when you learn what it means to abide in Christ.
• Start experiencing restoration of health and freedom from depression when you guard your heart from worrisome thoughts.
• Live life restful and focused instead of worried and distracted when you prioritize doing the “one thing needful” (Luke 10:42)—feeding on God’s Word.
• Stop dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, and live in the present where God’s supply of favor for every situation profusely abounds.

Child of God, begin to live life in the rhythms of grace and experience good success as you are led by His peace and His Spirit!

Excerpt Summary:
0:00 God Wants You To Slow Down And Live!
1:24 Lessons To Learn From The Story Of Martha And Mary
4:51 What Being Worried Means
6:33 What Being Troubled Means
8:01 Jesus Cares About Your Inside
9:32 His Finish Line Is Your Starting Post

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Sometimes the biggest battles we fight are the ones on the inside of us. But even though they may be battles fought in secret or behind closed doors, we want you to know that God doesn’t leave you when you're feeling these emotions or going through another panic attack. And He's definitely not ashamed of you for feeling these emotions. In fact, He is right there with you. 🤗

We have put together 7 reminders that we pray will help you turn your eyes upon Him, your Prince of Peace and allow His unshakable, shalom peace replace every anxiety and fear. There's nothing wrong with feeling anxious or fearful and certainly nothing wrong with talking about it, but let's keep it real with what the Word of God says! Press play and hear all about it now.

These clips are from:
1. Golgotha-God's Love Revealed (27 Mar 2016)
2. Experience God’s Sure Kindness Toward You (19 June 2016)
3. The God Who Goes Before You (11 Sep 2016)
4. Boldness To Inherit Every Blessing (14 Oct 2018).
5. Say “Yes!” To All His Promises (17 July 2016)
6. The God Who Goes Before You (11 Sep 2016)
7. Access His Blessings By His Blood (15 Oct 2017)

Musicbed SyncID: MB01ULGFCXW42YA

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Face life without fear no matter the chaos and uncertainty you might see in the world today!

This excerpt is from: Face Life Without Fear—Secrets Unveiled In Isaiah 53 (1 Mar 2020)

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Join Joseph Prince as he unveils secrets from the Hebrew language in Isaiah 53 that will help you experience robust peace and security in dangerous times. In this encouraging message that includes a special time of ministering, you’ll find out how you can:

• Be shielded from all viruses when you rest in your secure position in Christ.
• Live confident of a good future, knowing that Jesus has taken your judgment at Calvary.
• Experience every blessing promised to you through your covenant-keeping God.
• Receive your miracle when you see how every curse has been reversed at the cross.

Get anchored to His sure promises found in Scripture and start living life with newfound hope and confidence today!

Subscribe for free official sermon notes at:

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#josephprince #protection #psalm91 #prayer

0 Views · 1 year ago

Live life with unparalleled peace and intimacy with the Lord when you know that He has forgiven all your sins once and for all! Joseph Prince delves deeper into the story of the woman with the alabaster flask who anointed Jesus’ feet and shows you the extent and eternality of your forgiveness in Christ. Learn how your forgiveness is a one-time completed act that has ongoing potency in spite of your weaknesses. Let this gospel truth free you from guilt and condemnation so that you can live unafraid and reach out boldly to receive whatever you need from the Lord!

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¡Descubre cómo meditar en la Palabra de Dios te trae la sanidad, la paz, la sabiduría y el buen éxito que necesitas!


Inspiraciones De Gracia:
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0 Views · 1 year ago

This excerpt is from: Speak Life Not Death (25 Jul 2021)

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Speak life-giving words and see a turnaround in your relationships, your health, and every bleak situation you’re in. In this revelatory message by Joseph Prince, you’ll find out how to break free from the trap of toxic words that causes negative and deadly outcomes in your life. Instead, start speaking forth God’s life-giving power into every contrary circumstance! Learn how you can:

• Start using God’s powerful language of faith by speaking forth His blessings and promises into your life.
• Have faith spring forth effortlessly in your heart when you prioritize seeing more of our Lord Jesus in His grace.
• Constantly hear the Lord speaking good over you by “the washing of water by the word” (Eph. 5:26), and experience His all-encompassing peace and wellbeing.
• See a glorious transformation in your marriage and family relationships when you cultivate a habit of seeing and speaking forth the good that God sees in your loved ones.

Beloved, it’s time to change the way you speak and begin to walk in the pathways of life, peace, and wholeness!

Excerpt Summary:
0:00 What Does It Mean To Have Faith?
2:47 Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue
5:24 The Power Of Our Words As Illustrated In The Life Of Adam
8:38 Are You Speaking Death Or Life?
9:36 Practice Speaking Blessings Over Your Loved Ones

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In this Gospel Partner episode, be encouraged as you see how it is the Lord—not your job—that is your source of supply, and He can use any channel to provide for you.

About Gospel Partner
Gospel Partner is an initiative to get the gospel of grace out to as many people as possible.

How can I be a Gospel Partner?
• Pray over this initiative and for hearts to be open to the gospel.
• Share this episode link. Help us bring the good news further
• Sign up for a subscription plan and get your first month free! Visit:
• Order this sermon:

About this episode
You are watching the sermon, Prosperity With A Purpose, preached on Dec 13, 2022 by Joseph Prince.

This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

0:00 In Today's Gospel Partner Episode...
0:37 01 Introduction: A message for the famine ahead
9:52 02 Can you see that it's in God's heart to bless you?
18:19 03 Understanding prosperity with a purpose
27:47 04 Experience success when you rely on His favor
34:50 05 God's way of blessing is by sowing
42:30 06 The gospel has the power to bring provision
50:55 07 Be a part of advancing the gospel of grace
58:47 08 Special thanks to all our Gospel Partners!
1:03:57 Destined To Reign 15th Anniversary Edition—Available Now
1:07:20 Join Us As A Gospel Partner

New here? Here's a gift of 7 free sermons to grow in the gospel when you sign up for updates:

If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report!

Facing a health challenge? Purchase/request healing scriptures e-book and audio companion now for free:

Reign over every adversity, lack, and destructive habit. Purchase/request Destined To Reign 15th Anniversary e-book for free:

Prayed the salvation prayer?

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Here is Love is a compilation of carefully selected hymns that reflect the glory of Jesus, consistent with the Word of God and that would minister the love of God to the hearer.

Get full access to the album when you sign up as a Gospel Partner. Your subscription helps us reach more people in need of the gospel. Your first month is free, on us! Try it now at

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What thoughts have you been occupied with? Do you see good in your future? Or are you filled with worrisome and negative thoughts because of all that has been happening in the world?

Find out God's heart for you today in this sermon excerpt as Joseph Prince shares how you can find this hope in the Word of God.

This excerpt is from the sermon, Practical Benefits of Seeing Jesus in the Word, preached on Sep 18, 2022.

The full sermon is now available for free on Youtube, thanks to our Gospel Partner Subscribers!
Watch the full episode now:

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Excerpt Summary
0:00 What's Your Outlook On Life?
2:33 Where To Find Hope
3:39 Have This Perspective During A Recession
5:38 Receive Strength When You See Jesus
7:58 How To See Jesus In Abraham's Story
10:19 Don't Focus On Your Problem
12:57 Be Expectant For Your Breakthrough!

#josephprince #sermonexcerpt #gospelpartner

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O pastor Joseph Prince compartilha uma mensagem especial, de como vencer o estresse e viver sem dor. Quer ter uma vida plena? Nesta pregação existem princípios a serem seguidos! Assista e compartilhe.

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Descubre el secreto de Dios para la integridad familiar, la paternidad ungida y la renovación de la juventud y la fortaleza.


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A Voz Principal da Revolução Grace
Com mais de duas décadas de ministério em tempo integral atrás dele, o Pastor Joseph Prince é hoje uma voz de liderança na proclamação do evangelho da graça em todo o mundo por meio de seus livros, recursos de ensino e ministério na televisão.

Autor de best-sellers como The Power of Right Believing, Destined To Reign e Unmerited Favor, Pastor Prince também é um palestrante muito procurado. Ele impactou os líderes da igreja em todo o mundo ao pregar o evangelho não adulterado de Jesus com ousadia. Ele é conhecido por ensinar a Palavra de Deus de uma forma nova, prática e reveladora que sempre revela Jesus. Seu estilo de pregação bem-humorado, dinâmico e envolvente também o tornou querido por um amplo espectro de telespectadores que sintonizam seu programa diário de televisão. Sua transmissão atinge atualmente milhões de lares na América do Norte, Europa, África, Austrália e Israel em redes seculares e cristãs.

O Senhor me disse:
'Traga Meu Filho de volta à igreja'.
Pastor Joseph Prince
Um pastor fiel à sua igreja
Membro fundador da Igreja Nova Criação, o pastor Prince serviu inicialmente como ancião e pastor associado. No entanto, sua nomeação unânime como pastor sênior em 1990 marcou uma virada na história da igreja, que começou a experimentar um crescimento fenomenal. Sob a liderança do pastor Prince, a igreja cresceu mais de cem vezes - de cerca de 150 para uma média de participação no domingo de 33.000. Ele atualmente atua como pastor sênior da igreja de forma voluntária.

Tendo construído e estabelecido a liderança e a congregação da Igreja da Nova Criação sobre o alicerce seguro de Jesus Cristo, o Pastor Prince está agora cumprindo ativamente, em todo o mundo, o mandato que Deus lhe deu de pregar o favor imerecido de Deus sem concessões. Ele dirige Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., uma organização internacional sem fins lucrativos que busca construir, encorajar e inspirar as pessoas com o evangelho de Jesus Cristo por meio da transmissão de televisão, bem como novas tecnologias de mídia. O ministério do pastor Prince como pastor, professor, conferencista e autor continua a transformar muitas vidas, libertando as pessoas do pesado jugo da lei, da culpa e da condenação, apontando-lhes Jesus e Sua obra consumada no Calvário.

Revelando Jesus para o mundo
O pastor Prince acredita no melhor das pessoas e está empenhado em ajudá-las a descobrir como podem reinar em vida por meio da abundância da graça e do dom da retidão. Seu desejo é ajudar esta geração de crentes a compreender a nova aliança da graça e perceber quão abençoados, altamente favorecidos e profundamente amados são por seu Pai celestial.

Wendy Prince
Uma esposa dedicada ao Pastor Prince e uma mãe amorosa para Jéssica Shayna e Justin David, Wendy Prince resume a mulher virtuosa mencionada em Provérbios 31. Ela é uma fonte constante de amor e apoio ao Pastor Prince, e se comprometeu a trazer Jessica Shayna e Justin David nos caminhos do Senhor. Sua humildade, calor e amor genuíno por Deus e pelas pessoas a levaram a aconselhar e a tocar muitas vidas.

Esse programa é exibido na Rede Boas Novas de Segunda à Sexta das 8h às 8:30h da manhã:

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