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Pastor Darrell Ministers 2 Cor.2:13

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Ephesians | Week 23 | In part 2 of Darrell’s preaching on a revolutionary text, Ephesians 5:15-6:9, Darrell seeks to explore a theme that no culture in history has ever got right. Darrell explains how the command to “be filled with the Spirit” works itself out in all of our human relationships. Referencing different relational models - husbands and wives, Christ and the Church - Darrell shows how the text invites us into the high calling of standing under and serving all people with whom we have relationship.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | October 16, 2011 | Ephesians 5:15-6:9

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Join us as Darrell Johnson discusses what we can learn in this current cultural moment from the prophetic vision found in the book of Daniel.

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The Space In Which He Calls Us To Follow | Week 10 | Though Jesus is physically absent from our lives here on earth, we live with the ongoing presence of His Spirit. The Holy Spirit– the “Paraclete,” our Helper– has one main job: to bear witness to the reality of Jesus for those who believe and for those who don’t yet believe. In this message, Darrell reminds us that the same Spirit who revealed the good news on the day of Pentecost is still convicting and convincing the individual human heart that Jesus is who He says He is. Not only that, the Holy Spirit leads us from the sin of unbelief into the truth that Jesus is victorious over sin, evil, and death, and is translating that victory into our own hearts and minds, transforming our lives so that we, too, may bear witness to Jesus.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | June 20, 2010 | John 15:26-16:11

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Pastor Darrell Johnson Ministering Like 7 October 20,2019

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Darrell dives into the only recorded request made by the disciples to "teach them". Their request, to be taught how to pray, came from their observation of Jesus' relationship with the Father.

Date: May 30, 2021
Scripture: Luke 11:1-13

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The Way Church is a church in Vancouver, joining Jesus in his work of love, justice, and compassion in this city and beyond. If you'd like to learn more about The Way Church, visit our website at

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In this interview, Darrell Johnson speaks to the COVID-19 pandemic not with tactics or approaches but instead he focuses on the intentions and motivations of Christian leaders in this time. Darrell Johnson has been preaching Jesus Christ and His gospel for over 50 years. He has served a number of Presbyterian congregations in California, Union Church of Manila in the Philippines, and the historic First Baptist Church in the heart of Vancouver, Canada. Darrell has also taught preaching for Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, Regent College and Carey Theological College in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is now serving as Teaching Fellow at Regent. Darrell has wrote multiple books including:

The Glory of Preaching: Participating in God’s Transformation of the World

57 Words that Change the World: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer

Discipleship on the Edge: An Expository Journey Through the Book of Revelation

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Making Maturing Disciples of Christ | Week 4 | It is a privilege to be a follower of Jesus, but the real question is, what does it take to grow up as a follower of Jesus? In Acts 2:37-47 Luke shows us the fellowship that developed amongst the crowd after the day of Pentecost and what they devoted themselves to. In this message, Darrell takes it a step further by breaking down the importance of their devotion and how it correlates to a fellowship with the triune God. A spirit-animated community that spends time in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | May 12, 2013 | Acts 2:37-47

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In this sermon, Darrell visits the first parable that Jesus taught about new wine, and new wineskins. Similar to the first miracle Jesus performed, this parable sets the stage for the ministry and mission of Jesus’ life. With the wineskins representing the religious forms and patterns, and the wine representing the gospel, Darrell rhetorically challenges the listener to think about which is more important. The main point being that the Church must not lose the ever shaping, potent love of God in order to preserve a form that is at best secondary. All religious activities are a means to an end, and the end being a relationship with the Living God, and enjoying the love of God in Jesus Christ. If it doesn’t lead there, it must be done away with - for we cannot bear to lose the wine.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2014 | Luke 5:17-39

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Revelation | Week 10 | In this sermon Darrell points our attention to a single verse in the last book of the Bible: “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” This verse highlights a profound theme in the Bible, that followers of God are collectively the Bride of Jesus Christ! Living into this marriage reality means we have great dignity - no lowly humanity here, we are the Bride of Christ! We also experience God’s delight in us, the intimacy of God knowing us and us knowing God, and the security in this life that God has chosen us to be with him and that he will go to great lengths to keep his marriage covenant with us. God’s invitation to be the Bride of Jesus Christ is sent out to all people, and right now is the time to say yes and be blessed.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, March 3, 2013 | Revelation 19:1-10

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Title: Jealous for Our Freedom
Series: Ten Commandments: Foundations for Human Flourishing
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17
Date: 2017/09/10

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What a night having Pastor Darrell Johnson with us.
We are so honoured to be able to sit under his teaching - make sure you listen, we know you're going to be encouraged.

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From July 6-10, 2015, Pastor Darrell Johnson, from First Baptist Church Vancouver, will visit Regent College to teach "Preaching the Gospel according to John," an advanced preaching class. To learn more about this course visit

Join us at Regent College for the most extensive theological Summer Program in the world, with one- and two-week courses designed for those with no prior theological education.

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Ephesians | Week 11 | In this message, Darrel looks at Ephesians 1:15-23, and describes how the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the same power that created the world out of nothing. The amazing news of Easter is that that power is now available to those who believe. And more than just that, this power is now at work IN those who believe.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | April 24, 2011 | Ephesians 1:15-23

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Pastor Darrell Ministering Jan 20,2019

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Making Maturing Disciples of Christ | Week 5 | This week, Darrell speaks on Paul's letter to the Romans and how we are meant to be a living sacrifice to God. Jesus’ disciples didn't choose him, he was the one who chose the disciples, it was him who initiated and anointed them. Because Jesus chooses us, we must be a living sacrifice to the living God since the only thing we have to offer is our life to God. When we encounter this calling, it often comes with six factors that inform us on God's calling for us and how to best serve the Lord as a living sacrifice. Darrell breaks down these factors and what they might look like so that when they happen, we are encouraged to respond in obedience.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | May 26, 2013 | Romans 12:1-8

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Pastor Darrell Ministering 02-17-19

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Pastor Darrell Ministering Deau.28 At Reche Canyon 8-19-18 With Forever Ambassadors Ministries

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Week 3 | In Revelations 2 & 3 Jesus blows the circuit on who we think he is and what the church is. In the form with which these chapters or ‘messages’ were written, there are prophetic and imperial statements being made about who Jesus Christ is and about what he understands His church to be in and for the world. For the first time the church gathering is described as ecclesia, a word that was reserved for when people were summoned by the King or Emperor to gather about the business of the city. This week Darryl unpacks the summons from Jesus the Everlasting King for His people to gather, share in His life and be about the business of the Kingdom of God in the city.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2012 | Revelation 2-3

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Pastor Darrell Johnson Ministering Luke 7 October 20,2019

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Series: Maturing Faith - A Journey Through Hebrews
Scripture: Hebrews 1:5-14
Speaker: Darrell Johnson
Location: First Baptist Church Vancouver

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Week 2 | This week, Darrell pulls back the curtain on the pastoral letter written by Apostle John to the seven churches scattered throughout Asia Minor. The book of Revelation unveils the dramatic description of what John witnessed in a vision given by God while exiled on the island of Patmos. John exhorts the Church to see and hear the Voice at the centre of everything, the Voice that is a Person - Jesus Christ. This Voice gives the Church two great commands: to not be afraid, and to look at Him. To listen to this Voice above all the world’s many voices is to hear and see Jesus and to become oriented to the great unseen reality of His rule and reign. In looking at the Living One, we experience a true apocalypse - the revelation that we do not need to fear the future or the turmoil of our present circumstances, because Jesus is on the throne.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2012 | Revelation 1:9-20

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Grace That Grows | Week 1 | How do we steward what God has given us? In the first message of this series, Darrell unpacks three principles for generosity that we see Paul express in the letter to the Corinthians. The reality of life with God is that He prospers his people, not so they can have more, but so they can be and give more to the world Christ died for. The only way we experience this promise of God though, is to first experience His grace and then to respond in obedience with generosity. As Darrell summarizes: grace makes grace filled people, and grace grows into generosity.

Glendale Presbyterian Church, Glendale, CA | November 7, 1993 | 2 Corinthians 8:1-9, 9:6-15

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The Space In Which He Calls Us To Follow | Week 11 | In John 14:1-12, Darrell helps us acknowledge that Jesus makes one of His most startling promises in His ministry: Jesus claims that we will do more works in our life when we have our faith in Him. Darrell shows how the double “truly truly” in this text is a promise that all Christ followers can build their life on because Jesus dealt with the power of sin and death before going back to the royal throne of the Father.

Jesus came to set a new reality of how our world comes together and He ultimately ushers in a new reality through His death, resurrection and ascension. When this happened, Jesus promised that He would send an advocate, the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to lean in, welcome, and throw our weight onto Jesus and His promise.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | July 4, 2010 | John 14:1-12

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The Space In Which He Calls Us To Follow | Week 12 | In this sermon, Darrell reminds us that sin is not something we have to live in bondage to because Jesus Christ has dealt with sin. Not that we can not still sin, but that it is illogical because Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension have fundamentally altered the reality of sin. Sin has no claim on Jesus. His death was the death of the power of sin. His resurrection is resurrection to newness of life. We are united with Him, and therefore sin has no claim on us.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | July 11, 2010 | Romans 6:1-11

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The Way Church is a church in Vancouver, joining Jesus in his work of love, justice, and compassion in this city and beyond. If you'd like to learn more about The Way Church, visit our website at

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Scripture: Revelation
Desc/Notes: Apologies for the jerky video beginning about 30 minutes in. There were some issues with the encoding equipment that day.

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Episode 45: Dr. Charles Price, Dr. Darrell Johnson & Dr. Laurel Buckingham

Recently, Shaila Visser of Alpha Canada hosted a conversation for church leaders with the experienced panel of Dr. Charles Price, Dr. Darrell Johnson and Dr. Laurel Buckingham. The goal? To encourage pastors who are experiencing the unique pressure of this season to pause and not give up on the calling God has given them.

Here’s a quick introduction to the panel: Charles is a passionate evangelist who has spoken in over 70 countries around the world. He is the former lead pastor of Peoples Church Toronto and was the host of the Television show “Living Truth.” Darrell has pastored in the Philippines, the U.S. and Canada. He is a brilliant preacher that has been on the faculty of Regent & Carey College and has written many books. Laurel pastored Moncton Wesleyan Church for 44 years between 1969 and 2013. Today he is the CEO of Buckingham Leadership Institute.

Together these three have over 156 years of ministry experience.

Listen to the full interview at:

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Join Darrell Johnson as he unpacks the Lords Prayer. Chris Price asks practical questions on understanding it, its implications for how we pray, and how to wrestle with topics like unanswered prayer.

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1 Views · 1 year ago

Brooke Ligertwood sits down with Pastor Darrell Johnson to discuss how to practically apply theological concepts in communal and personal worship. Pastor Darrell is a teacher, scholar and theologian who shares Brooke’s passion for worship. Join them as they talk about excerpts from their favourite books, consider topics of worship in the church and unpack the invitation for all people to come and participate in this long-existing act of worship.

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Key Points of Discussion
2:22 // Changes In Ministry Through the Years
8:58 // Creeds & Calls To Worship
13:50 // Bringing Our Gifts As An Offering
18:27 // Engaging With A Living God
24:50 // Foundations To Shape A Worshipping Community
28:37 // Prayer of Confession
30:48 // Prizing The Unseen
35:21 // Application of Calling in Worship Leading
43:22 // Question 1: Focusing On Jesus & Not the Ministry Itself
51:33 // Question 2: Helping Someone Dealing With Apathy & Cynicism
55:54 // Question 3: Grief & Lament In Worship
1:03:42 // Closing Remarks

#hillsongworship #worshipcentral

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Ephesians | Week 8 | In this message, Darrell focuses on three verbs in Ephesians 2:4-7. Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension has changed the structure of the universe. In God’s rich mercy and grace, He made us alive, raised us up, and seated us with Christ. Christ is on the throne, so too are all who belong to Christ! As we are on the throne, we live in His kingdom, a very different kind of dominion. In this dominion, God invites us to be a part of his work of extending the riches of His mercy and grace to the world.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | March 20, 2011 | Ephesians 2:4-7

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Week 7 | Darrell unpacks the symbolism of the dragon, the sea beast, and the earth beast, a counterfeit trinity that seeks to inflict harm and calls us to put our trust in that which will never measure up. Darrell explains how the first readers of the text would have easily understood these “beasts” as the political and religious powers of their day that had moved out from under God’s authority. We hear how the early Church’s pressure to compromise loyalty to Jesus, the true Emperor and true God, still exists in our time. We were created to worship, but the question remains: who will we worship? Through the act of the Lord’s Table, which delivers us from religion and the false hope of politics, we see that Jesus is our only hope.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2012 | Revelation 13

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Darrell Johnson joined a small group of young pastors for an opportunity for them to ask about ministry, preaching, scripture, and theology.

00:03 - Advice for starting in a new ministry role
06:45 - What do you see as one over-emphasis and one under-emphasis in ministry today? Models, preaching topics, etc.
14:37 - Priorities/advice for sabbatical or extended times of rest.
19:36 - Spiritual Gifts vs Enneagram - how to help people not over-value the enneagram
26:56 - How to teach the ascension gifts, 5-fold ministry, and spiritual authority
38:25 - What's encouraging you about the Canadian Church right now?

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Darrell sat down with a collection of Pastors from across Canada to discuss preaching and pastoring. To open, he shared a word from Matthew 11:25-30 on abiding in Christ.


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Join us as Darrell Johnson and Jason Ballard sit down and have a conversation on finding joy during this Christmas season, and navigating burnout and the emotional lows of ministry.

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This year, we’re kicking off our Global Mission Conference, DNA 2021, with guest speaker Darrell Johnson.

Darrell has been preaching Jesus Christ and the Gospel for over 50 years. He served as senior pastor for a number of congregations in California, Union Church of Manila in the Philippines, and the historic First Baptist Church in the heart of Vancouver, Canada. During his time in the Philippines, he travelled throughout Asia, speaking at various churches, conferences, and seminaries.

Darrell has taught on the subject of preaching for seminaries and colleges in North America. He’s the author of eight books, and currently serves as Scholar-in-Residence for The Way Church and Canadian Church Leaders Network.

Darrell and his wife Sharon have been married 49 years. Together they have raised four children, adopted from four different countries of the world, and enjoy loving 11 grandchildren.

Join us on May 30 as we kick-off our Global Mission Conference with Darrell Johnson.

#SeeDifferently #GlobalMissionConference #TPCToronto #WeArePeoples

0 Views · 1 year ago

A Modern Prayer of Lament from Darrell Johnson at The Way Church on May 29.
How long?
How long is the language of lament.
How long is the vocabulary of longing — the sigh of the tired soul clinging on to the hope of tomorrow.
How long is the natural tongue of a heart attuned to the cries of the hurting.
How long is the cry of a heart primed for action: a soul ready to give, serve, protest, pray and participate in the kingdom come.
How long is an utterance of faith when life hurts like hell.
We have faith that God will hear.
Faith that God will comfort.
Faith that God will right all wrongs.
Faith that God will make wars cease from the ends of the earth.
Faith that God will, one day, wipe away all tears.
That day is coming.
But how long O Lord?

0 Views · 1 year ago

Regent College Pastors and Leaders Conference Host Darrell Johnson shares his vision for the 2019 Conference. Hear six Vancouver pastors respond to the question, "If you had the opportunity to speak to the powers that be one word from Scripture, what would it be?"

0 Views · 1 year ago

What is it about sin, the bloody cross, and the resurrection that are so important to Christians? Is Easter really as important as Christians make it out to be, and how important is it to understand and study the theology of sin?

Joining Dr. John Neufeld in this episode of Truth and Life Today is theologian, pastor, writer, and speaker Darrell Johnson. Having dedicated his life to ministry, Pastor Darrell has been serving the Lord faithfully in his career for over 50 years. Watch this episode as Dr. John and Pastor Darrell discuss different topics that all surround the subject of Easter and sin!

Watch this episode + more, weekly on VisionTV. Check your local listings for times and availability!

If you have any comments or insights on today's episode, please feel free to leave those below in the space provided. If you would like to contact us directly, please visit us at or call 1.888.663.2425

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Back to the Bible Canada is a Canadian Bible teaching Christian radio + multimedia ministry that engages and encourages people in God's Word across Canada and around the world. Back to the Bible Canada is a Gospel-centered ministry.

Copyright © 2019, Back to the Bible Canada. All rights reserved

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Ephesians | Week 22 | Darrell expands on the commands laid out in Ephesians 5:15-6:9. These verses give us a more rounded understanding of how God entering our lives changes not only us, but also our relationship dynamics. Darrell explains what it means for us to become subject to one another out of a deep reverence for Christ - moving from an un-kingdomized, un-spirit-filled humanity, to one that is filled with God and His presence.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | October 2, 2011 | Ephesians 5:15 - 6:9

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More than any other New Testament book, the epistle to the Philippians radiates joy. Rooted in the person and work of Jesus, in the vibrant relationship the apostle Paul shared with the church in Philippi and in the stunning invitation given to every follower of Jesus to live as citizens of heaven, this joy is the most noticeable feature of the letter.

The Way Church is a church in Vancouver joining Jesus in the restoration of all things. For more information, visit our website at

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Worship Central Conference 2020: Main Session #2

We were privileged to again have the esteemed Darrell Johnson with us at Conference 2020 to unpack Psalm 51. Throughout the centuries of Christian history believers have said of Psalm 51 that it is 'the boldest prayer anyone can ever pray.' When it is understood in the context in which the Psalmist, King David, prays it, we realize just how bold! It frees us to pray with all our heart for a new heart, freed and full of grateful love for such a gracious God.

Encounter. Equip. Empower.

0 Views · 1 year ago

You are invited to join us for a special book launch lecture on Apr 17 at 7:00 pm celebrating the release of The Story of All Stories: Genesis 1–11. Darrell will give a talk entitled, "The Tale of Two Trees: At the Heart of the Story That Makes Sense of Our Stories". Here is an excerpt: "Tell me a story, Grandpa" Nearly every one of our grandchildren has made that request many times, as did their parents when they were children. “Tell me a story, Daddy.” “Tell me a story, Mommy.” “Tell me a story.” Not just to entertain, although good stories certainly do that, but to help make sense of our lives, of the mystery of our existence. We are the creatures who are always seeking to understand who we are, where we are, and how we are supposed to be who we are where we are.

0 Views · 1 year ago

In this series we are going to be looking at seven miracles Jesus performed, signs that were witnessed first-hand by the apostle John, one of Jesus’ closest friends, who wrote them down for us all. And our hope is that, as we explore these stories we would see the glory of Jesus — the one who reveals the essence of God’s character — and move toward him in faith and worship, as His opinion, approval and desire for us become the weightiest reality in our lives.

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