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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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"The Table" - Psalm 23

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Exodus 20:1-3
The Ten Commandments

God says, “Let’s have a talk”.

God says, “Remember how good I was to you?”

He’s on your side.

10 commandments —
Take joy away?
Children balk at rules.
Rules are to keep you safe + whole.

John 15:11
My joy might remain in you.

If you keep my commandments, shall abide in love.

You can learn to live inside the love
of God.

No matter the turmoil in life, in society, it will be alright if you are living right.

Hey Moses, did you see that?

God’s presence.

God wants to speak some words to you.

Isaiah 1:18
God came to reason with you.

Your life can be a whole lot better with Me.

God came to give you peace.

Psalm 27:10
David wrote, when (even if) my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.

Devastating loneliness wouldn’t exist if you realized God wants to be your friend.

God wants fellowship with you.

Verse 3: Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Would God want to share you with fake gods?

I don’t want anything to get in the way of us.

James 2:10
If we break one commandment, we’re guilty of all. Like one pearl in a string of pearls.

Sit down, talk, fellowship with Him.

No other fake gods between you and Him.

Because He loves you.

Doesn’t want anything to get between Him and you.

What would you trade God for?

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"...only one had his legs (NOT) broken because he died early..."

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Judas was picked to be one of a very special group called "The Twelve."

They were handpicked by Jesus after a long, 12 hour, night of prayer.

Luke 6:12,13 KJV
"And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles."

The certified call was to be an extention of the personal ministry of Jesus and later reign on 12 thrones in the kingdom of God.

Matthew 10:1
"And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."

When the "Twelve" heard Jesus speak, they heard the "logos" or mind of God.

When they touched Jesus they were touching God.

What could go wrong?

John 13:30
"He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night."

Darkness colored the night sky but also filled the broken soul.

Judas rubbed elbows with Divinity and yet walked away.

Luke 22:3-6 KJV
"THEN entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being OF THE number of the TWELVE.
And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them.
And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude."

Jesus could forgive sin,
save the sinner,
be the church's bridegroom and
was Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus was all Judas needed but Judas threw it all away for the cut rate price of a pitiful slave on an auction block.

He chose, as a special selected,
Spirit anointed,
God empowered,
Apostle of Jesus Christ, to preach the truth but
accept the lie;
to looked at heaven's gate but
choose the road to hell.

He complained to the priests, he had made a big mistake, threw down the 30 shekels of shame, sank into a bottomless depression and chose death rather than carry the crushing guilt another day.

He chose suicide over ministry.

He paid a horrendous price for his guilt when Jesus would have taken it away for free.

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Nothing in the history of the world matches the betrayal of Judas.

Matt 26:47-50

The greatest hope for new parents was that their son might be Messiah.

The next best thing was to be Messiah's disciple.

Judas was one of the twelve.

The name Judas was a Greek form of the Hebrew name Judah.

The meaning of the name was "praised" or "let him be praised."

What a privilege to be called to follow the king.

What a privilege to be an Apostle of Christ.

Acts 1:15-26
...was numbered with us. V. 17
obtained part of this ministry.V.17
his bishopric, (charge, office)V.20
ministry and apostleship. V. 25
from which Judas by transgression fell, V. 25

Mark 3:14
Luke 6:12
Matt 10:1-16
...sent. V. 5
...go V. 6
...preach. V. 7
...heal...cleanse the leper...raise the dead...cast out devils... V. 8
...send forth as sheep... V. 16

What a powerful ministry Judas enjoyed alongside the other 11.

How could it ever change?

Did Judas fail to listen to the warnings of Jesus?

Matt 10:22, 28, 33

John 13:21-27. Then...
"Satan entered into him." V. 27

The "will" entertains "temptation."
The "weakness" accommodates the "opportunity. "

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Sorry for the Sunday afternoon temporary accidental deletion.

Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 64:6
Luke 19:10
John 14:6
I Timothy 2:5
Acts 4:9-12
I Peter 1:8, 9
Hebrews 3:15

You don't have anything God needs.

You can't do anything good enough to undo the bad.

Man searches for a human solution to a spiritual problem.

Man thinks, "If I can see how good I am, surely, God will give me a break."

Trying to appease God by good deeds is called, "Works."


Without Christ, you are still a sinner, no matter how well you clean up.

God has the solution.
It's called, The Cross.

We ssy,
"Don't make me feel guilty.
Tell me how to be a better 'ME.'"

The weakened, gospel anemic church of today, helps you stay on the throne of self.

Let's just slide Jesus in along side all the rest of their enjoyables.

Throw out the choir.
Donate the hymnals.
Budget for colored lights, and a fog machine.
Turn down the chandeliers.
Turn up the volume to ear piercing mode.

Now, we are really having church.

Pastor must also pass the "cool" test.

So he comes to the little plastic stand, looking as if he just crawled out from under an oil change.

Lost in the crowd, acceptable and most of all, non-offensive.

The sinner has been encouraged to be a better self.

The preacher goes home to read the next chapter of "How To Be a Success, When All Your Friends Are Failures, " by Johnny Blowhard.

You have a choice to make.
Try to work an "inside deal" with God, bringing him the trinkets of your trade...OR,
fall at his throne calling for mercy, saying, "What must I do to be saved?"

God made provision to crush the serpent's head. It's on the cross.

On that cross,
Jesus became sin.

In that grave,
Jesus conquered death.

At that tomb,
Jesus walked out, King of kings and Lord of lords.

I Tim 2:5
There is one God, and one mediator between God and man...

(No preacher, no priest, no apostle, no deacon, no church, no denomination, no saint, no religion),


That is one of the clearest verses in the Bible.

"Guilt" is the right response to sinfulness. It is like pain to an injury.

It says, There is a problem,
do something.

It also means, your heart is not yet hardened.

It means there is hope at the cross.

The "Good News" is still the good news, but only after you accept the bad news.

The "Good News" is called, "joy unspeakable and full of glory."

That's what I want for you.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Psalms 37:5, 46:10, Ezekiel 37:3, John 5:6

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Sunday morning service

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Rom 8:14,15.
Heb 13:5
John 16:15
Gal 3:3
Gal 4:6
I Cor 6:19,20

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday Morning 6-9-19

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Down on the threshing floor, broken, depressed and discouraged.

Ever been there?

Hiding like a coward, the messenger says, "The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor.

Gideon must have thought, "Say what?

They were losing the war. They had lost their crops, sheep, oxen and donkeys.

Gideon said, "Where are all the miracles?" The preacher said, there would be miracles. Where is God when I need Him?

Ever been there?

At least he has 32,000 soldiers.

The messenger said ask how many are afraid. Twenty-Two thousand hands went up.

If you are afraid, Go home!

From 32,000 down to 300 soldiers, Gideon learned something that day.

Trust God or quit.

Ever been there?

Gideon accepted the call to live up to his name as man of God.

When you realize God is all you have, you will know God is all you need.

The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon.

How about, The Sword of the Lord, and Jim or John, Nancy or Bettie?

0 Views · 1 year ago

Pastor Jim Davis,
Is your life like this—“try, cry, sigh, die?"

Maybe at your best, life isn’t fair.
So when you die and meet God some day, will you just hope for the best?

What about when He asks you, “What did you do with my Son?”

Blaise Pascal, a theologian of the 1600’s: "There’s a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man."

Cop out: " I don’t discuss religion or politics."

They are the two most important subjects affecting our lives now and for all eternity.

You must accept the bad news before you can receive the good news.

Romans 3:23

Repent - be sorry that God had to send his son to die for our sins.

Repent accompanied by emotion.

Repent is to do an about-face. Turn.

Repent is to change mind, desires, willingness.

God is in charge.
God is the boss.
Wake up daily making Him Lord, asking, what you can do to put His Will first today.

Three things unique to humanity:
1. Intellect
2. Emotion
3. Will

Train’s destination?
If the train is on the way to Hell, but you think your ticket says Heaven (i.e. I've done more good than bad—isn’t that enough?),
you need to jump off the moving "train of life", even if you roll, bump, scrape and lose friends in the process. You will have made the escape from the wrong train car. You will have made a decision to not stay mindlessly riding life to a very wrong destination.

"I will get off this train, no matter the consequences. I will repent of my sins (intellectually, emotionally, and willfully). I will make Heaven my ultimate destination all because of God's grace toward me."

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We continue our series having conversations with some of our retired pastors, we now spend time with Jim Davis, our pastor from 1999-2007. Jim Davis has many years of ministry experience, working with churches here in the PNW, and most recently in Houston, Texas. He is a notable scholar with a PhD, with emphases in New Testament Theology and New Testament Greek. We sat down to talk about his Christian life, his views on how the church has changed, encouragement for Christians today, and so much more. This is part 1 of a 3 part interview. Stay tuned for more!

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1 Thessalonians 4:--5:11
"Jesus is coming to get His church! No one knows when. It will be sudden and complete. He will rescue His church before God's judgement falls on earth."


Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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