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Week 3 | We’re moving through all of chapter 3, which covers Jonah’s message to Nineveh and their repentant response. Darrell seeks to answer three questions in this message: First, "Why did the Ninevites repent?", second "What would have happened if they didn’t?" and third, "What is the message for our cities and us today?"

All throughout, Darrell provides such an accurate window into God’s great love and grace for the city of Nineveh. And with the repentance of Nineveh on full display in this chapter, Darrell voices the question that we the listeners might be wondering as he’s sharing, which is “Could we ever see something like that in our cities today?” Finally, Darrell concludes this sermon in such a beautifully unique fashion - He simply shares what he would say if he had the attention of his city for just 10 minutes.

Jonah Series | First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2012 | Jonah 3:1-4:1

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The second installment of Pastor Johnson's Salvation Series

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Ephesians | Week 25 | Closing this series in Ephesians, Darrell preaches a 3 part message on standing firm against principalities and powers. In part 1, Darrell explains how we can step into the enemy-defeating-reality of the cross, showing us the importance of wearing the armour of God - our only true defense against an enemy who is hell-bent on turning us away from the Lord.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | October 30, 2011 | Ephesians 6:10-20

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DATE: 2021 04 11
TITLE: "That We May Be One"
SPEAKER: Dr. Darrell Johnson

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Ephesians | Week 26 | In part 2 of exploring how disciples can stand firm against principalities and powers, Darrell delves deeper into defining the five pieces that make up the whole armour of God. While we await the day where evil is done away with for good, referencing Ephesians 6, Darrell also outlines four compelling principles to help us live out Paul’s instructions. The prevailing thread throughout all of this being that Jesus has won, and we need only hold the ground.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | November 13, 2011 | Ephesians 6:10-20

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Ephesians | Week 3 | What does it mean to be rich or blessed? In part one of this sermon, Darrell refers to one of the longest sentences in the Bible, written by Paul in Ephesians 1:3-14 to answer this question. Here we see that to be rich in God goes beyond what we can see with our eyes or what is tangible through material means. Paul reveals to us in Ephesians that to be rich is partake in the Gospel of grace – that is to be chosen, adopted, redeemed. Furthermore, once we have tasted God's riches, all we can do is worship. As Darrell will echo throughout this message, in the heavenly places we are richer than we think or feel – much richer!

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | January 30, 2011 | Ephesians 1:3-14

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The Space In Which He Calls Us To Follow | Week 3 | In this sermon, Darrell discusses how the disciples in the upper room were assured that after his death and resurrection Jesus would send another “of the same kind as him.” The Holy Spirit, called the Paraclete in Greek, is that person. He has come to universalize the presence of Jesus, dwelling in and alongside us to purify, cleanse and free us from all that displeases the Father. The Paraclete is described as Holy and true, and He guides us into an intimate friendship with Himself.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | April 25, 2010 | John 16:6-7 & John 14:16-25

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Ephesians | Week 12 | When grace grabs hold of us, as seen in the life of the Apostle Paul, it radically changes our lives. As we surrender to Jesus, we become stewards of the mystery of the gospel, ministers in the kingdom, and we find our true identity and place in the family of God. Drawing from the unique call of Jesus upon the life of Paul, Darrell shows who we can become when grace grabs hold of us. We are instructed and reminded that God’s grace saves us and is meant to be passed on to others. “Oh to grace, how great a debtor, daily I’m constrained to be.”

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | May 1, 2011 | Ephesians 3:1-13

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Grace That Grows | Week 3 | How can we give thanks in all things like Paul instructs? Is it even realistic? In this message, Darrell assures us that it is possible to have gratitude in all things, but only if we have a fully realistic view of reality, centred on an awareness of who God is. Darrell shares three affirmations we can hold on to from the text, which ultimately reveal how our gratitude comes from an awareness of the grace God has given us.

Glendale Presbyterian Church, Glendale, CA | November 21, 1993 | 1 Thessalonians 5:15-25

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Parables of Jesus | Week 6 | Darrell explains the parable of the unrighteous steward. This parable is followed by some of Jesus’ many teachings on the practical issue of money. It tells the story of a land manager who squanders his landowner’s possessions, but receives unexpected mercy from the landowner. As a response to experiencing this mercy, the manager extends mercy to the renters of the land, significantly reducing the cost of rent. Jesus is telling us to do the same. Since we have received immense mercy from God, we must respond to this reality by extending mercy to others. A way we extend this mercy is how we use our money. The parable is not saying that we can buy our way into heaven, but it is saying that what we do with money reveals whether or not the Kingdom of God has broken into our lives. One of the clearest signs that mercy has gotten hold of us is that we use money to extend mercy to others.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2013 | Luke 16:1-16

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Why Worship? Insights into the Wonder of Worship
The Spring Harvest 2021 Theme Book and a Big Church Read selected book
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This is an extract from a longer interview available at Spring Harvest Home 2021. Starting 4 April and available all month:

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What does it mean to be a worshipper? Together, Tim Hughes and Nick Drake explore who, where, why and how Christians worship, what happens when we do and where the future of worship may take us.

With chapters by Tim Hughes, Nick Drake, Dr John Andrews, Dr Helen Morris, Graham Kendrick, Lou Fellingham, Lyn Weston, Kees Kraayenoord, Noel Robinson, Doug Williams, Dr Darell Johnson.

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The Way Church is a church in Vancouver, joining Jesus in his work of love, justice, and compassion in this city and beyond. If you'd like to learn more about The Way Church or visit one of our Summer Worship Gatherings, visit our website at

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Sermon-- 1/17/21

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Darrell hasn't heard some of the statistics on the reach of his sermons and resources yet, so we thought Jason from our team should fill him in. The two of them, with deep gratitude, talk about what the Lord has done and what is in Darrell's heart as he looks forward to 2023.

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The Space In Which He Calls Us To Follow | Week 4 | In this message, Darrell focuses on the tension many feel in light of the absence of the physical presence of Jesus Christ until his Second Coming. In order for us to live with the longing of His return we must first learn to accept the betrothal from Jesus Christ. We see this betrothal of covenant best exemplified in the holy communion at the last supper. Darrell goes on to further explain that God is using the difficulties in this tension to help us prepare for the wedding ceremony with Jesus, the bridegroom. He's actively working out the wrinkles, purifying us so that we may present ourselves to himself as a holy spotless bride. As we are preparing our lives to be received by Him, Jesus is preparing a place for us in His Father’s house.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | May 2, 2010 | John 14:1‐3

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This is a sermon preached by Darrell Johnson on a hillside along the Sea of Galilee in the spot traditionally thought of as the location where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount.

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Grace That Grows | Week 2 | In this message, Darrell looks at eight verses from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans and explores what it means to present one’s body as a living sacrifice, both in spiritual and practical ways. He explores seven dynamics of body life, challenging believers with the truth of our God-ordained interconnectedness, and exhorting the Church to greater unity with the Spirit and with each other. Darrell also unpacks the motivational gifts of prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, leading, giving, and mercy. He emphasizes the reality that every Christian has been gifted by the Holy Spirit, and that believers must exercise those gifts in order to grow as the Church and to be the body of Christ doing His work on earth.

Glendale Presbyterian Church, Glendale, CA | November 14, 1993 | Romans 12:1-8

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This is a short video from Oct. 14, 1975, Game 3 of the World Series between the Boston Red Sox and Cincinnati Reds, won by the Reds, 6-5. Taken from Major League Baseball's Super Series 75 film, narrated by NBC's Joe Garagiola, it shows Red Sox manager Darrell Johnson vehemently arguing with the umpires about a non-interference call that eventually cost his team the game.
Tied at 5, Cesar Geronimo led off the Reds' 10th with a single off Jim Willoughby. Reds manager Sparky Anderson sent pinch hitter Ed Armbrister up to sacrifice. Armbrister's bunt bounced high in front of the plate. Boston catcher Carlton Fisk pounced on the ball as Armbrister hesitated before running and seemed to impede Fisk as he was retrieving the ball. Fisk's hurried throw to second to force Geronimo sailed into center field as Geronimo went to third, Armbrister to second. Fisk and Johnson argued that Armbrister should have been ruled out for interference, but plate ump Larry Barnett said no. Willoughby intentionally walked Pete Rose to load the bases and set up a force at any base. Johnson brought in lefthander Roger Moret to face Ken Griffey, but Anderson countered with righthanded hitting Merv Rettenmund. Rettenmund struck out for the first out, but Joe Morgan scored Geronimo with a fly to center over a drawn in outfield.
As a Red Sox fan ... of course he was interfered with! I'm not convinced the umps were even sure of the rule that covered that play, and I always appreciated Johnson letting them have it. The Sox lost the game, and the Series in seven. The title in 2004 eased a lot of the pain (for 1946, 1967, and 1986 as well as '75), but New England sure was livid about this call at the time.
Copyright Major League Baseball, NBC, or any other party. I don't claim the rights to, and don't profit from, this video. I posted for historical and educational purposes, and for those who will enjoy it as much as I did.

The box score:

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Pastor Darrell Ministering Jan.20,2019

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Multistreaming with

Funeral for Darrell Johnson April 8, 2020

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Making Maturing Disciples of Christ | Week 7 | This week, Darrell dives deep into Apostle Paul’s exhortation in Galatians 5:16-18 to walk by the Spirit and how doing so means you won’t carry out the desires of the flesh. Walking by the Spirit means putting Jesus at the center of our lives and living our lives for Him and with Him. It is only through walking by the Spirit that we develop the fruits of Spirit and become more like Jesus. This act does not come naturally to us, so we must learn to be ruthless towards our sinful desires and work together with the Holy Spirit to put it to death. This is done through developing a rhythm of abstinence from the things of this world and taking time to engage with the Holy Spirit through spiritual practices.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | June 16, 2013 | Galatians 3:1-3, 5:16-25; 6:7-8

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More than any other New Testament book, the epistle to the Philippians radiates joy. Rooted in the person and work of Jesus, in the vibrant relationship the apostle Paul shared with the church in Philippi and in the stunning invitation given to every follower of Jesus to live as citizens of heaven, this joy is the most noticeable feature of the letter.

The Way Church is a church in Vancouver joining Jesus in the restoration of all things. For more information, visit our website at

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Dr. Darrell Johnson, Teaching Fellow at Regent College, helps us make sense of our present through an unseen reality revealed by John's vision of God in the book of Revelations. For many of us, things can seem apocalyptic when there's pain in our present circumstances and fear of the future, but when we are feeling discouraged, we remember the two commands that the God's voice gave to John: to not be afraid, and to look at Him. When we orient ourselves to the great unseen reality of His rule and reign, we thus experience a true apocalypse - the revelation that we can be encouraged because Jesus is on the throne.

Revelation 1:1-20
2022-11-27 (Release Date)

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The conclusion of the 4 part Salvation Series

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Part 3 of the Salvation series

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Making Maturing Disciples of Christ | Week 2 | As we listen to the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:1-8, we hear about the unspeakable privilege that Jesus is giving us, to come, participate in serving the world through his Body. Darrell Johnson uses the term “hard-wired” to express and live-out a participation in the life of the Triune God. Each of us has been graced to participate in a unique way. We in the Body of Christ cannot operate alone, we must work together. Darrell unpacks the seven gifts or “wirings” in a practical, helpful way, encouraging us to exercise our gifts as an expression of one of the key functions of a maturing disciple of Jesus Christ.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | April 28, 2013 | Romans 12:1-8

ADVENT BOOK: The Most Wonderful Time of All Years |

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Darrel Johnson is charged with one count of murder and two firearms charges in the shooting death of Joshua Burgo behind a school in Pawtucket in July, 2012.

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Ephesians | Week 4 | In this sermon, Darrell unpacks 7 spiritual blessings we have in Christ - that we are chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, awakened to the mystery of Christ, given an inheritance, and sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit. Darrell explains that we are richer than we think or feel not just because of Christ, but because we are in Christ.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | January 30, 2011 | Ephesians 1:3-14

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Ephesians | Week 15 | After the first three chapters of Ephesians outline the good news of the gospel, we now move into the next section of the letter where Paul exhorts us how we should therefore live. A central calling for all Christians, is to unity within the body, but how can we create that? Well, in fact, we can’t. Rather, the Spirit has already created it, we all simply called to be diligent in maintaining it! The new reality the gospel brings we are now called to walk in with maturity and a manner worthy of our calling.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | June 5, 2011 | Ephesians 4:1-16

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Main Session 2 at Worship Central Conference 2018.

// Encounter God.
// Equip the worshipper.
// Empower the local church.

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Nov 18,2019

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Here is our guest Darrell Johnson's message at The Bridge Church in North Vancouver BC from November 17, 2019. He's preaching a message from the series - Letters from Jesus from Revelation 3:1-6. You can also hear it in audio form on our website -

#thebridgechurch #revelation #darrelljohnson

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Revelation | Week 12 | Darrell begins this message by answering the question: what is the millennium and how does it fit into our understanding of the book of Revelation? It’s important to ask the right question when reading Revelation. Instead of assuming a chronological order, we should ask “what does John see next?” Darrell highlights 8 truths we see in this text about following the Jesus of the Apocalypse: We are following the one 1) who has already overcome the enemies of life, 2) who has already bound the evil one, 3) who is already reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords, 4) who has already brought us to life, 5) who has already called his followers to reign with him, 6) who holds our destiny in his hands, 7) who takes us beyond the grave, 8) who has built a new city for the human race.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, March 17, 2013 | Revelation 20:1-15

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Whatever we think about God impacts everything else about us. In Isaiah 6, at the time of Uzziah’s death, Isaiah sees and image of God on his throne. For even though Uzziah dies, God never dies; he sits on his throne eternally. Further, Isaiah reveals that those who attend to God always and forever sing, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” They do not sing, “Wrath, Wrath, Wrath” or “Love, Love, Love” for holy is what God is. It is not just an attribute. And this is what we are to be also: “Be holy as your Father in heaven is holy.” This word holy has three meanings: 1. To be separate; 2. Wholly other; 3. Pure: radiantly pure, sinless, without defect. We struggle to be holy as God is holy, but in his great love God touches our unholiness with his holiness on the cross, allowing us to stay in his presence.

Thank you for watching this video lecture. We hope you were enriched by the wisdom of Reverend Doctor Darrell Johnson.

CAREY is an evangelical Baptist theological college, founded in 1959. It is located on the campus of UBC in Vancouver. Dedicated to equip faithful leaders through its tireless mission and teaching, it provides accessible theological education to students who are unable to relocate to Vancouver for their education at a reasonable cost.

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Ephesians | Week 18 | In this section, Paul is shifting gears and brings “the airplane out of the clouds and lands it where we live 24/7”. In Ephesians chapters 1-3, Paul is calling us to this live we have been called. He explains that this new life comes because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. However in chapters 4-6, he challenges us to walk in a matter WORTHY of this new life. He gives us a list of things we shouldn’t do, to help us know how best to live this new life. Through it all, he instructs us to not grieve the Holy Spirit. And do not give the devil a foothold. Get in step with the spirit.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | June 26, 2011 | Ephesians 4:25-32

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Scripture: Revelation
Desc/Notes: Apologies for the jerky video. There were some issues with the encoding equipment that day.
2016/04/09 - Revelation Seminar - Session 2 @ Tenth

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This sermon is Jesus’ manifesto on living life in His kingdom; it is a captivating vision of a new way to be human; it is a reorientation of our lives around the rhythms of grace; it is a poignant, punchy, practical description of what it looks like to reflect God's character in our interactions with others. It is the greatest sermon, given by the greatest and most influential teacher in all of human history. More than that, it is a timely message from God incarnate to us. For these reasons (and many others) we are going to spend the next months doing a deep dive in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

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Revelation | Week 11 | In this chapter, the Apostle John once again sees heaven open and a great revelation of who Jesus is. This time, Jesus is a warrior, coming down on a white horse. Eyes of blazing fire, a sword in his mouth, an unknown name on his body, a robe covered in blood, and multitudes of crowns. What does this all mean? Darrell walks us through the text to reveal what Jesus is revealing about himself: He is the Divine Warrior who has already won.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, March 10, 2013 | Revelation 19:1-21

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Christmas 2013 | Week 1 | What are you expecting this Christmas? In this message, Darrell looks at the expectations John the Baptist had as he prepared the way for the Lord. Jesus, he came to believe, was the messiah, and so his expectations were that in meeting Jesus, he would meet God. He expected to see signs and wonders of the new kingdom breaking into this world. He expected to be overwhelmed, engulfed, flooded, and filled with the Holy Spirit and fire as the saviour of the world entered in. When you hear the story of Christmas, a baby coming in a manger, what do you expect?

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC | December 8, 2013 | Matthew 3:1-12

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