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0 Views · 1 year ago

Welcome to Rock City

We are so glad that you are here, and we pray that this message blesses your life. We only have one rule at Rock City – you cannot ROCK by yourself! So take a second and share this message with everybody that you can.

About Us

Our Senior Pastor, Mike McClure Jr. is a thought leader, author and artist who has led Rock City to become one of the fastest growing churches in America. At Rock City our mission is to Love God, Love People and Make a Difference. Based in Birmingham, AL our church has grown to include four locations throughout Central Alabama.

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Make your next move, the best move of your life! If you received Christ as a result of this message text “HOME” to 28950.


If you would like to financially support Rock City and help us to fulfill our mission – here are 4 Ways 2 Give: Online:

Text 2 Give: Text “iRock” with the amount to 28950
Mail: 1120 Apricot Avenue Birmingham, AL 35214

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Text “ROCKNATION” to 28950.

#PastorMike #pmj #pastormikejr #BIg #Impossible #RockCity

0 Views · 1 year ago

Welcome to Rock City

We are so glad that you are here, and we pray that this message blesses your life. We only have one rule at Rock City – you cannot ROCK by yourself! So take a second and share this message with everybody that you can.

About Us

Our Senior Pastor, Mike McClure Jr. is a thought leader, author and artist who has led Rock City to become one of the fastest growing churches in America. At Rock City our mission is to Love God, Love People and Make a Difference. Based in Birmingham, AL our church has grown to include four locations throughout Central Alabama.

Become a Citizen

Make your next move, the best move of your life! If you received Christ as a result of this message text “HOME” to 28950.


If you would like to financially support Rock City and help us to fulfill our mission – here are 4 Ways 2 Give: Online:

Text 2 Give: Text “iRock” with the amount to 28950
Mail: 1120 Apricot Avenue Birmingham, AL 35214

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You don’t have to say goodbye! Click the links below to find our app, website and more:

Stay up to date on all things Rock City by subscribing to our text blast.
Text “ROCKNATION” to 28950.

#lettinggo #pain #pastormikejr

0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series Anchored, Pastor Michael Todd teaches you to stop caring what other people think, and just do what God is telling you to do.

Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#tbn #michaeltodd #anchored

0 Views · 1 year ago

Untuk mendukung pelayanan & biaya operasional GSJS, bisa disalurkan melalui :

GSJS Pakuwon Mall : 5090811250 an GSJSI Pakuwon Mall

GSJS Grand City : 5090501111 an GSJSI Grand City

Info & Pelayanan :

#gsjs #gsjschurch #psmichaelgunawan #ibadahonline

0 Views · 1 year ago

Welcome to Rock City

We are so glad that you are here, and we pray that this message blesses your life. We only have one rule at Rock City – you cannot ROCK by yourself! So take a second and share this message with everybody that you can.

About Us

Our Senior Pastor, Mike McClure Jr. is a thought leader, author and artist who has led Rock City to become one of the fastest growing churches in America. At Rock City our mission is to Love God, Love People and Make a Difference. Based in Birmingham, AL our church has grown to include four locations throughout Central Alabama.

Become a Citizen

Make your next move, the best move of your life! If you received Christ as a result of this message text “HOME” to 28950.


If you would like to financially support Rock City and help us to fulfill our mission – here are 4 Ways 2 Give: Online:

Text 2 Give: Text “iRock” with the amount to 28950
Mail: 1120 Apricot Avenue Birmingham, AL 35214

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You don’t have to say goodbye! Click the links below to find our app, website and more:

Stay up to date on all things Rock City by subscribing to our text blast.
Text “ROCKNATION” to 28950.

#lettinggo #pain #pastormikejr

0 Views · 1 year ago

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:14 {Feminism’s Impact on the Church} What’s your opinion on how feminism is impacting the modern Church?
2. 16:30 {Is Ordination Necessary?} What are your thoughts on the necessity to be ordained into ministry? Can I turn my home Bible study into a church?
3. 19:33 {Heaven or Earth During 2nd Coming?} Will we be taken to Heaven during the second coming, or will God’s Kingdom come to Earth to reign? Seems odd to create Earth for Him to just destroy it and bring us to His domain.
4. 24:59 {Relationship Dynamics Before Divorce} I was wondering, if a couple is married and one of them is seeking an unbiblical divorce, does that give them the right to start dating other people before the divorce is finalized?
5. 27:34 {Witnessing to Muslims} I'm 15, and my best friend at school is a Muslim. Do you have any advice for trying to evangelize Muslims who are intelligent and rational but very set in their ways?
6. 35:43 {Should Men Move Out Before Dating?} Looking at Ephesians 5: 31, Should a Christian man move out of his parents’ house before trying to date, to prove they can provide an income and a house?
7. 40:07 {If God Seems Silent, Does He Still Care?} My sister walked away from God because she begged for direction in her life and she says she heard nothing from God. This led her to believe God doesn’t care about her. How do I respond to this?
8. 45:48 {Slave to Sin?} In Romans 7: 14, is Paul describing his experience before or after he became a Christian? He’s just shifted to the present tense, but says he is sold as a slave to sin. Does this differ from Romans 8?
9. 52:45 {How Should We View Extrabiblical Books?} With extrabiblical books such as Enoch or 1 & 2 Maccabees, how do you discern within these books if they're true accounts, if they don't contradict our canon?
10. 55:59 {Earthly Rulers vs. Spiritual Rulers?} In 1 Corinthians 2:8, is Paul referring to earthly rulers (i.e. Pharisees or Romans) or spiritual rulers as he does in Ephesians 6: 12?
11. 1:01:08 {Forgiveness while Guarding Against Abuse} In 1 Corinthians 13:1, we are told that love "keeps no record of wrongs.” But how do we reconcile this with setting boundaries to protect us from abusive behaviors?
12. 1:03:11 {Should we Pray for Specific Gifts?} What do you think about praying expectantly for a very specific gift of the Holy Spirit? I see people blessed with certain gifts teaching classes. For example, I've seen classes on how to prophesy.
13.1:10:02 {Thoughts on the Anglican Church} Any thoughts on the Anglican Church? I found a church I like, but I have never been a part of a proper denomination before, so I’m worried about bureaucracy.
14. 1:12:05 {Was Jesus Really Buried for 3 Days & Nights?} If Jesus died on a Friday and rose on a Sunday, then He was not in the grave for three days and three nights. Why is it that this seems never to be addressed?
15. 1:18:33 {About Theistic Evolution} Can you explain your understanding of Theistic Evolution? I saw a video by InspiringPhilosophy and have a hard time accepting this viewpoint.
16. 1:25:37 {Was Abel a Prophet?} Does Luke 11: 50-51 mean that Abel was a prophet?
17. 1:30:04 {Who Can Baptize People?} Can anyone baptize? Or must one be a pastor?
18. 1:32:40 {Communicating with God} How can we have a relationship with God when He doesn’t talk back?
19. 1:34:54 {Was Saul Justified in Ending his Life?} Could we say that Saul killing himself in 1 Samuel 31:3-5 was justifiable for the same reason 9/11 jumpers were justified?
20. 1:41:51 {Holy Week Reflections} With Easter coming up, what is something that we might overlook but shouldn’t, considering that celebrating Easter might just become a yearly habit or tradition to people?

My video on 21 different ways that Jesus fulfilled Passover (so awesome!)

My video on how to explain that "three days and three nights" is an idiom for Friday to Sunday.

My extensive Women in Ministry series.

My video on different Christian views of revelation

Here are my quick rules for questions
1) We take questions from the LIVE chat, but only after the stream has actually begun.
2) Please include one or two Bible verse references if they are relevant to your question. I may have a hard time finding them depending on how you word your question.
3) It helps if you put a capitol Q at the beginning of your question. That way we can easily spot it in the live chat, which can move rather quickly.
4) Please don't spam your question multiple times as everyone doing that makes the live chat hard to deal with.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Welcome to Rock City

We are so glad that you are here, and we pray that this message blesses your life. We only have one rule at Rock City – you cannot ROCK by yourself! So take a second and share this message with everybody that you can.

About Us

Our Senior Pastor, Mike McClure Jr. is a thought leader, author and artist who has led Rock City to become one of the fastest growing churches in America. At Rock City our mission is to Love God, Love People and Make a Difference. Based in Birmingham, AL our church has grown to include four locations throughout Central Alabama.

Become a Citizen

Make your next move, the best move of your life! If you received Christ as a result of this message text “HOME” to 28950.


If you would like to financially support Rock City and help us to fulfill our mission – here are 4 Ways 2 Give: Online:

Text 2 Give: Text “iRock” with the amount to 28950
Mail: 1120 Apricot Avenue Birmingham, AL 35214

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You don’t have to say goodbye! Click the links below to find our app, website and more:

Stay up to date on all things Rock City by subscribing to our text blast.
Text “ROCKNATION” to 28950.

#lettinggo #pain #pastormikejr

0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series Anchored, Pastor Michael Todd teaches that there is nothing that you can do without God.

Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#tbn #michaeltodd #transformationchurch

0 Views · 1 year ago

Welcome to Rock City

We are so glad that you are here, and we pray that this message blesses your life. We only have one rule at Rock City – you cannot ROCK by yourself! So take a second and share this message with everybody that you can.

About Us

Our Senior Pastor, Mike McClure Jr. is a thought leader, author and artist who has led Rock City to become one of the fastest growing churches in America. At Rock City our mission is to Love God, Love People and Make a Difference. Based in Birmingham, AL our church has grown to include four locations throughout Central Alabama.

Become a Citizen

Make your next move, the best move of your life! If you received Christ as a result of this message text “HOME” to 28950.


If you would like to financially support Rock City and help us to fulfill our mission – here are 4 Ways 2 Give: Online:

Text 2 Give: Text “iRock” with the amount to 28950
Mail: 1120 Apricot Avenue Birmingham, AL 35214

Stay Connected

You don’t have to say goodbye! Click the links below to find our app, website and more:

Stay up to date on all things Rock City by subscribing to our text blast.
Text “ROCKNATION” to 28950.

#lettinggo #pain #pastormikejr

0 Views · 1 year ago

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:56 {“Work Out” My Salvation??} What does it mean to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? Is that a literal statement?
2. 20:14 {Did Jesus Bodily Rise if He Appeared in the Flesh?} Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus was resurrected as a spirit only (not a bodily resurrection) since He appeared in a locked room, and if He was in the flesh He couldn't have done that. What are your thoughts in response to this?
3. 25:06 {Honoring Parents through Marital Friction} How can I honor and love my parents biblically when they take offense at and criticize my wife and I for every little thing we do? It's making my wife anxious, and we're going to have a baby. We want a relationship with them, but they seem committed to bitterness.
4. 30:44 {Can Non-Believers bear the Fruit of the Spirit?} Can someone who is not a Christian show the fruit of the Spirit?
5. 34:28 {Will Sharing Tough Truth Ruin our Witness?} I'm afraid to talk about issues like abortion, LGBT, etc. for fear that I'll turn people off so much that they won't listen AT ALL when I try to share the Gospel. How can I resolve this?
6. 43:54 {How Do We “Abstain from Blood” Today?} How, as 21st century Christians, should we understand the decree for gentile believers to abstain from blood (Acts 15: 20, 28, 29)?
7. 53:28 {Are there Really Any “Righteous” People?} Do the Righteous live by faith, or is no one Righteous? How do we reconcile these ideas without compromising their original meaning?
8. 58:38 {Does Sincerity = Salvation?} I have a Muslim friend that I speak with regularly about God. I am a firm Christian, but I question how other God-fearing people who have been indoctrinated into a specific religion are not saved.
9. 1:04:17 {Could the HS be Feminine?} Could the Holy Spirit be feminine? A biblically sound, wiser, older Christian in my life is unsure about this. He brings up decent arguments affirming this view, but then there's John 15: 26. Thoughts?
10. 1:09:01 {Has God Hidden What We Need to Know?} What are your thoughts on Mathew 11: 25? I was raised in the Branham cult where there is a great deal of anti-intellectualism. They also claim that God has blinded most Christians from Branham.
11. 1:14:41 {Will We Receive Anything We Ask of God?} The Bible says, “Ask and you shall receive.” I asked Jesus to save my mother, but He didn’t. Then why did He say, “Ask and you shall receive”?
12. 1:21:03 {Resolving Translational Differences} Why does 1 Corinthians 11: 16 seem to have opposite meanings depending on the translation? How should we understand it?
13. 1:24:30 {Missing Verses? Is My Bible Reliable?} I've just learned that some Bibles are missing passages. How should we approach the Bible knowing some verses have been left out?
14. 1:32:27 {Why Is There Still Evil on Earth?} My 10-year-old wants to know, if Satan was defeated, then why is there still evil on the planet? I couldn’t think of a good way to answer her. Help?
15. 1:36:43 {What is “Hyper-Charismatic”?} Please explain what "hyper-charismatic” means. Thank you.
16. 1:39:27 {Why was Achan’s Household Punished?} Ezekiel 18: 20 says that the son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father. How do you explain the story of Achan in Joshua 7: 25 where he and his household were stoned and burned because of his sin?
17. 1:47:17 {Did YHWH Lose to the “god” of Moab?} Did Yahweh lose to the god of Moab in 2 Kings 3: 27?
18. 1:58:54 {Is There a Temple in Heaven?} Is there a literal temple in Heaven, or is that meant to be understood figuratively? I have always understood that the temple/tabernacle on Earth were to represent truths about Heaven.
19. 1:59:54 {Using Time Wisely in Marriage} My husband likes to spend hours on meaningless videos or gaming. How can I talk to him about how he spends his time as a Christian, especially that our young kids see this?
20. 2:02:24 {Why is Bible Reading Important?} How is it important to read our Bibles outside of the church setting? And is there scripture to back this up? Why is it important to you to read your Bible?

Video on how Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus never physically rose from the dead.

Does Acts teach us to follow the Law of Moses? Response to Hebrew Roots teachings.

The Serpent Seed doctrine and the Branham cult.

A study of the "name it and claim it" verse.

The 6 hour "head covering" video.

My 3 video playlist on all things related to how we got our NT and how reliable it is.

0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series, Crazyer Faith, Pastor Michael Todd teaches the importance of writing down your vision for your life, and believing that God will guide you to fulfill His purpose through your faith.

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.


Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#tbn #michaeltodd #crazyerfaith

00:00 Jesus in the Passover AD
00:50 Write Down Your Vision
01:32 Ask God for Help
04:56 Change Happens When You Have Vision
08:22 What Did God Tell You?

0 Views · 1 year ago

Today we received a collision with vision as Pastor Mike shared the importance of having vision in his first message of 2023. The most valuable thing we can have is vision because it is the key to our future. It gives us the ability to see what is INVISIBLE and make it POSSIBLE. Though your vision may seem out of reach, it is not out of sight. Pastor Mike shares what has come to pass over the course of his life as a result of valuing vision and he also reveals the word of the year for 2023!
We believe that this is the year of Kingdom: The Rise of a Holy Rebellion.
Watch this video for a life-changing word that will truly change how you see the rest of your life.
#WordofTheYear #VisionSunday2023 #Kingdom #TheRiseofAHolyRebellion

Join us for service online every Sunday at 11am (CST), Monday’s for Monday Night Prayer at 6pm (CST), and Tuesday’s for Rebroadcast at 6:45 pm (CST).

If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 828282.

We would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing!

If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through our website by clicking here You can also text "GIVE" to 828282 to give using your mobile device.

If you need prayer, email!

For more information about Transformation Church, visit or follow us on our social media platforms below.


00:00 - Intro
10:20 - Collision with vision
20:50 - Luke 18:8
27:45 - Vision Is Most Valuable
28:20 - Proverbs 29:18
32:45 - Vision must be a value
38:55 - Vision is hidden within you
39:55 - Ephesians 3:20
46:35 - Colossians 1:16
48:25 - His vision + through you = His Glory
51:05 - Vision needs a vehicle
53:35 - Vision is God’s Investment
57:00 - Vision is Internalized clear picture that is considered worthy of being pursued
57:35 - Vision should be out of reach but not out of sight
1:04:55 - Vision is given to a person but always fulfilled by a people
1:09:20 - Vision demands discipline
1:09:50 - Proverbs 29:18
1:10:20 - Vision makes you organize your life
1:16:15 - Vision is the source of self discipline
1:17:05 - Life gives you what’s good, Vision tells you what’s right
1:17:45 - Habakkuk 2:2
1:18:15 - Vision must be visible & vision must be vocal
1:20:45 - God gives vision in valleys
1:22:40 - Vision is for victory
1:33:40 - 2023: Kingdom

0 Views · 1 year ago

God’s plan from the beginning has always been partnership. We have the choice to simply walk in our identity as children of God or the authority of being an heir in the kingdom of God. In this message, Pastor Mike illustrated what it means to seek the kingdom, be a partner and walk in our authority so that we can not only share the kingdom but claim your share of the kingdom.

#KingDUMB #KingdomSeries #partnership

Join us for service online every Sunday at 11am (CST), Monday’s for Monday Night Prayer at 6pm (CST), and Tuesday’s for Rebroadcast at 6:45 pm (CST).

If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 828282.

We would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing!

If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through our website by clicking here You can also text "GIVE" to 828282 to give using your mobile device.

If you need prayer, email!

For more information about Transformation Church, visit or follow us on our social media platforms below.


00:00 - Intro
08:30 - Matthew chapter 5 verse 3 NIV
09:39 - Matthew chapter 5 verse 3 NLT
10:32 - We have preached the message of Jesus Christ, but not the message Jesus Christ preached
14:09 - Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 NKJV
16:49 - Matthew chapter 24 verse 14
19:04 - Acts chapter 1 verse 3
21:16 - S: Surrender your will
22:03 - E: Establish a time
25:19 - E: Expect answers
26:57 - K: Keep going
28:10 - Matthew chapter 7 verses 7 & 8 NIV
29:43 - God doesn’t hide things from you. He hides things for you.
38:10 - Body, Soul, Spirit illustration
55:47 - Share the kingdom
57:00 - You can’t share the Kingdom until you claim your share of the Kingdom
01:07:26 - God’s plan from the beginning has always been partnership
01:10:25 - Romans chapter 8 verse 17 NLT
01:14:59 - Proverbs chapter 13 verse 22
01:20:07 - Take your share & be an heir

0 Views · 1 year ago

There’s a difference between fashion and style. You can have the nicest clothes, but still not know how to put them together. The same thing works with what the Holy Spirit gives us. In week 5 of our new series KingDUMB, Pastor Mike teaches us how we can let the Holy Spirit tailor what was given to us in a way that is attractive to others and draws them to Jesus. Let this message empower you today!

#KingdomSeries #KingDUMB #tailor #style

Join us for service online every Sunday at 11am (CST), Monday’s for Monday Night Prayer at 6pm (CST), and Tuesday’s for Rebroadcast at 6:45 pm (CST).

If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 828282.

We would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing!

If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through our website by clicking here You can also text "GIVE" to 828282 to give using your mobile device.

If you need prayer, email!

For more information about Transformation Church, visit or follow us on our social media platforms below.


00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Matthew chapter 3 verse 2 AMP
07:16 - 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1 through 3
15:20 - Matthew chapter 22 verses 1 through 14 NLT
27:27 - There is a standard in the kingdom: righteousness
32:12 - Job chapter 29 verse 14 NIV
34:27 - Everything needed to meet the standard is provided
43:35 - In the kingdom, one size does NOT fit all
45:26 - The Holy Spirit is a tailor
46:16 - Tailoring takes transparency
51:14 - Tailoring takes time
55:24 - Tailoring takes talking
01:01:36 - Change clothes
01:01:49 - Tailoring takes trust

0 Views · 1 year ago

Introducing a brand new series playlist here at @forthegospelmin. Calling out false teachers is not fun, nor popular, but it’s important. At FTG, we want to do our part to preach the truth, and refute those who contradict Christ. Today, that specific effort begins. First up, “Michael Todd.” Please watch, and share.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Official audio of "So Good" by Pastor Mike Jr.

0 Views · 1 year ago

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Michael Todd Said WHAT About LGBT?!
Other Videos:
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[NOTE: Citing a source does NOT necessarily mean that we agree with everything said or done by any of these organizations/individuals (and vice versa). Please exercise discernment in what content you consume and what you believe.]


Apologia Studios:
Alpha And Omega Ministries:
Canon Press:
Conversations That Matter:
Justin Peters:
Right Response Ministries:
Ligonier Ministries:
Founders Ministries:
G3 Ministries:
Treasure Christ:


G3 Church Network:
Founders Church Network:

[NOTE: Offering a resource does NOT necessarily mean that we agree with everything said or done by any of these organizations/individuals (and vice versa). Please exercise discernment in what content you consume and what you believe.]

0 Views · 1 year ago

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#KSM #KarunaSadanMinistries #karunasadan #PastorMichael #Gospel #Prophetic #Healing #Deliverance #Testimony

0 Views · 1 year ago

Inappropriate for Easter?

0 Views · 1 year ago

Untuk mendukung pelayanan & biaya operasional GSJS, bisa disalurkan melalui :

GSJS Pakuwon Mall : 5090811250 an GSJSI Pakuwon Mall

GSJS Grand City : 5090501111 an GSJSI Grand City

Info & Pelayanan :

0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series Anchored, Pastor Michael Todd shares 3 ways to get a word from God.

Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#michaeltodd #tbn #transformationchurch

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sermon at a Night Vigil Of the Late Dr. Jared Odero in Kagan - Homabay County

0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series Crazy Faith, Pastor Michael Todd teaches what it looks like to live faithfully to God and what that has to do with finding favor in your life.

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.

Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:


Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#TBN #miketodd #michaeltodd #transformationchurch #crazyfaith #faith

0:00 Intro
0:19 Will you be found faithful?
1:07 Elisha found favor in his faithfulness
2:36 When you're faithful favor find your
5:29 Favor is an invitation to another level of faith

0 Views · 1 year ago

मसीह का जीवन जीना अर्थात संसार की ज्योति बनना।
Living a life of christ i.e to be the light of the world.
#JGTHF #jgthfellowship #jesusgatetoheavenfellowship #jesuschrist #jesus #christianity #christian #pastor #pastormichaelpowai #lightoftheworld #wordofgod #hindimessage #gospel #hindigospel

0 Views · 1 year ago

Mike Todd and Transformation Church are incredibly well known within the Evangelical world in America. What isn't known however is where Mike Todd came from and how Transformation Church came to be.

In this one-of-a-kind video, I aim to lay out an understandable timeline for the formation of both Transformation Church and Mike Todd's theology.

This isn't a hit piece, which will disappoint some, but rather a video in which I'm just putting the facts on the table and letting the viewer decide.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series Crazy Faith, Pastor Michael Todd teaches how we can follow the plan God has set out for us instead of our own, getting rid of our backup plans, and what to do when God asks us to give our blessings back to Him.

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.

Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:


Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#TBN #miketodd #michaeltodd #GodsPlan #crazyfaith

0:00 Intro
0:25 Elisha burns his backup plan
1:58 When God says "Can I have it back?"
3:04 Burn your backup plan
6:48 The Triple H Prayer (Head, Heart, Hands)
9:12 Faith, Favor, Final
11:17 It's better up ahead

0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series Anchored, Pastor Michael Todd teaches that God will always confirm what He is telling you.

Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#tbn #michaeltodd #anchored

0 Views · 1 year ago

On Transformation Church's sermon series Anchored, Pastor Michael Todd asks you: How will you use your influence for God's glory?

Watch more TBN content for FREE on TBN On Demand:

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#tbn #michaeltodd #influence

0 Views · 1 year ago

Israel United in Christ is a Biblical Organization that teaches the Gospel of Repentance from Sin to Our People scattered around the world as a Result of Disobedience to God’s Commandments. When you consider the plight of our people, it is one of turmoil and trauma. Our People, the Israelites suffer from a wide range of issues from Self Hatred, and Domestic Violence, to Mass Incarceration and Economic Exploitation... However,
The Bible has the Solution to Our People’s Problems.

For more information:
Contact # (855) 484-4842Ext. 723
Contact Person: Deacon Asaph
Address: 44 South West, Mount Vernon NY 10550
For more videos go to:
Merchandise: #nathanyel7
#IsraelUnitedinChrist is a Biblical Organization that teaches the Gospel of Repentance from Sin to Our People scattered around the world as a Result of Disobedience to God’s Commandments. When you consider the plight of our people, it is one of turmoil and trauma. Our People, the Israelites suffer from a wide range of issues from Self Hatred, and Domestic Violence, to Mass Incarceration and Economic Exploitation... However,
The Bible has the Solution to Our People’s Problems.

For more information:
Contact # (855) 484-4842Ext. 723
Contact Person: Deacon Asaph
Address: 44 South West, Mount Vernon NY 10550
For more videos go to:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Today was an extra special day as we celebrated 22 years as a ministry and 6 years as Pastor Michael Todd and Pastor Natalie Todd as Lead Pastors. We learned about the dynamic of the deep and how God is always moving regardless of what we see. We need to be Anchored In obedience and fully trust God and obey what He says. The declaration you are looking for is in the DEEP! Check out this week's message and share it with a friend!

Join us for service online every Sunday at 11am (CST).

If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 918-992-7623.

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If you need prayer, email!

For more information about Transformation Church, visit or follow us on our social media platforms below.


0:00 - Intro
3:40 - Luke Chapter 5 Verses 3 through 7
5:57 - God Does The DYNAMIC In The DEEP
18:07 - The DEEP Has DESIGN
19:36 - The PROGRESSION Into The DEEP
25:10 - ANCHORED In Obedience
31:18 - Luke Chapter 5 Verse 5
35:31 - If YOU Say SO
46:33 - The Disappointment In The DARKNESS Is For DEVELOPMENT
56:28 - The DEEP DOUBLES It
58:24 - Luke Chapter 5 Verses 8 through 10
01:00:50 - The DEEP Makes DISCIPLES And Changes DESTINIES

0 Views · 1 year ago

Pastor Michael brings us a word for the new year about how to "EX" those things which can not go with us into the promised land.

If you'd like to know more about our ministry please visit us at And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to


0 Views · 1 year ago

Be encouraged and inspired as Priscilla Shirer gives practical tips on how to dive deep into God's Word and hear His voice in your life!

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.

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WATCH full Praise episodes for free on the TBN app:

TBN's Prayer Partners would love to pray with you and are available 24/7:
714-731-1000 (U.S. and Canada) and +1-714-731-1000 (International).

On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

#praise #tbn #priscillashirer #heargodsvoice

00:23 Position Yourself to Hear God
14:26 Pour Over the Passage
19:03 Pull Out the Spiritual Principles
24:34 Pose the Question
26:44 Plan Obedience

0 Views · 1 year ago

Priscilla Shirer speaks at the Propel Women's Conference to share how holiness is key to our happiness and fulfillment in Christ.

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.


Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

#tbn #tbnpraise #priscillashirer #holiness #liveholy

0 Views · 1 year ago

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0 Views · 1 year ago

Hear from God's Word as Priscilla Shirer shares a message on walking in the calling that God has on your life, and finding the miracle in the obstacles that come our way!

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®
WATCH full Praise episodes for free on the TBN app:


TBN's Prayer Partners would love to prayer with you and are available 24/7:
714-731-1000 (U.S. and Canada) and +1-714-731-1000 (International).

On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

#praise #tbn #priscillashirer

00:00 Intro
00:40 Priscilla's Story at Lakewood
02:50 A Mother of Boys
04:43 Take Hold of Your Treasure
09:56 Feeding the Five Thousand
15:27 Walk in Your Calling
22:12 Wait for God's Timing
23:24 The Miracle in the Multitude
30:00 You Are Enough!
34:07 The Favor of God

0 Views · 1 year ago

Priscilla Shirer speaks at the 2018 Passion Conference for TBN’s Praise. Listen as she teaches the importance of wearing the armor of God as you fight daily battles.

00:00 | Intro
00:35 | Priscilla Shirer's Sons
07:51 | The Enemy Knows You
09:30 | The Enemy Will Challenge You
11:18 | Put on the Full Armor of God
18:30 | What You Can't See Influences What You Can
25:14 | Power of Prayer
32:16 | Walk with God

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®.


For nearly 50 years the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Launched in 1973 by Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN began as one low-power television station broadcasting a few hours of Christian programming each day to viewers throughout the Los Angeles area. In the years since, TBN has grown into a family of over thirty twenty-four hour global networks reaching every inhabited continent with entertaining, inspirational, and life-changing programming for every family member and demographic. TBN began as a dream to “build a Christian television network that spans the whole world.” Today that dream is reality…and still expanding!

#tbn #priscillashirer #armorofgod

0 Views · 1 year ago

Priscilla Shirer parle à Lakewood church sur TBN's Praise. Soyez encouragés lorsque Priscilla Shirer partage des témoignages de la fidélité de Dieu à multiplier ce que nous avons au-delà de ce que nous pourrions imaginer par nos propres moyens.

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Depuis 1973, TBN, est l'une des émissions chrétiennes les plus reconnaissables - et les plus regardées - au monde. Enregistré devant un public en direct et animé par Matt et Laurie Crouch de TBN ainsi que d'autres personnalités populaires, nous présente des interviews engageantes d'une grande variété d'invités, de lesson de la parole de dieu et découvrir dieu. Touts à ne pas manquer!

#tbnfr #PriscillaShirer #fidélité de Dieu

0 Views · 1 year ago

Footage of miracle healings from various Oral Roberts miracle tent meetings.

0 Views · 1 year ago

This Video is Uploaded For Christian, Biblical And Educational Use Only, Not For Any Monetary Benefits. Spokane, Washington Crusade 1959
รuɓรcʀiɓɛ ɳѳw ► #yourlivingmanna #manna_tv

0 Views · 1 year ago

Oral Roberts tells the story of how God called him into a healing ministry and spoke to him through a dream.

#OralRoberts #OralRobertsMinistry #Healing

-For prayer, go to or call 918-495-7777
-instagram: @richardrobertsofficial

0 Views · 1 year ago

Oral Roberts and the Healing of a Child with Paralysis

0 Views · 1 year ago

These are my genuine reactions to 4 powerful Oral Roberts healing and preaching moments. May your faith be stirred as you hear the passionate preaching and witness the awe-inspiring miracles.

David Diga Hernandez reacts.


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00:00 - Intro
00:52 - Moment #1: Faith-Stirring Preaching, 1954
02:44 - Moment #2: Woman Freed from Sickness, 1958
06:22 - Moment #3: Stuttering Boy Speaks, 1958
09:12 - Moment #4: Young Boy Walks, 1955
12:53 - Question for YOU

#EncounterTV #DavidDigaHernandez #ReactionVideo #OralRoberts #Healing #Miracle

0 Views · 1 year ago

Item Number: F2010.108.1.021

Description: Black and white film with audio. Oral Roberts giving testimony of his evangelistic and healing activities in Akron, Ohio. Gives sermon on demon possession and cures child of blindness.

Creator: Oral Roberts
Coverage: Arkon (City), in Ohio (USA)
Extent: (quantity/size) 29min 08sec
Media: film / 16mm film AVI 1920X1080 29.97 FRAME RATE

To inquire about licensing or purchasing a high resolution digital file contact the Oklahoma Historical Society Film Archives

0 Views · 1 year ago

Una gran bendicion para nuestros dias, el que este hombre aya orado por los Pastores Ricardo y Paty Rodriguez y el Centro Mundial de Avivamiento.

Gracias Señor por su vida y ministerio.

0 Views · 1 year ago

This is a video of Oral Roberts' last recorded message to ORU before he died. This video shows his vision for ORU and the students. His legacy will be remembered forever.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Christ in every book of the bible. Highlight from Oral Roberts' classic sermon, "The Fourth Man In The Fiery Furnace." Filmed in the Mabee Center --Tulsa, OK. Looks to be from the late 70's or early 80's.

Showing 584 out of 585