Preaching & Teaching

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Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg
Pastor Jim Davis' May 24th sermon speaks to the "tension of obligation" between the spiritual and the physical when God shows us mercy.

Referenced Bible verses are:
John 5:1-9
Romans 1:14-17
Acts 9:1-6
John 20:31
Acts 3:1-10
John 8:1-11
Mark 5:25-34
Luke 17:11-19
Mark 5:1-20

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โ€œThere Must Be a God Somewhereโ€, Hebrews 11:6, Pastor Jim Davis

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Sunday morning service

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I thought, surely God will break through, at any moment, with the majesty of divinity and bless me abundantly.

I made an appointment with God but He didn't show up.
If He did, He was hiding from me.

I Cor 3:16
I Cor 6:19, 20
I Cor 7:23
Col 1:27
Eph 2:4-6
John 11:41a, 42b
Prov 3:5,6

On Earth, God is in me.
In Heaven, I am in Christ.
That will make you feel something.

The truth was, my prayers didn't need to go anywhere.

All I needed to do was acknowledge His presence within me.

Three went for a walk on a wall,
Feeling, Faith and Fact.
Feeling took a bad fall,
And Faith was taken aback.
Faith walked so close to Feeling
That he fell too.
But Fact remained
And pulled Faith up,
And Faith brought Feeling too.

It was always true, but it only became real to me when I believed it.

It had no effect on me until I learned it in the fires of despair.

If God can't hear you when you pray,
then He's not God.

If God always hears when Jesus prays, and I am in Christ, then He always hears me when I pray.

Can you imagine God saying, like a Chick-Fil-A trainee, "How may I serve you?"

Bad things may happen today, but...
When pain is in the brain,
Peace will reign in the heart.

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Sunday Morning Service

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Sunday Morning 11:28:21 Pastor Jim Davis

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

July 26, 2020 - Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio

Bible reference:
Acts 9:1-8, 10-18

? Love everyone and all will be ok ?
Bible shows our natural bent is toward trouble.

Does God care about how we feel when He cleans our house?
Christian life is difficult. God wants perfection.

Be ready, read, prayed, faithful, and willing when He calls us out to be His showcase to the world.

Saul of Tarsus was struck down by God. Immediate. Blinded by the light!
Saul said, Who are you, Lord? What do you want me to do?

Why are you in the world?
You are in the world for those in need. You are to be ready when called (Ananias) to go to pray for the killer Saul for the future of the world that God can see but we cannot.

1 Views ยท 1 year ago

Word of Deliverance brings out some scriptures that are never talked about so get ready for a surprise
Pastor Jim Inman

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0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Mark 10.
Pastor Jim Davis from Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio

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Sunday morning service

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Sunday morning service

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Get out your tinfoil hats! Pastor Jimmy Evans brings nearly 50 years of research and study of the end times into this sermon, using biblical prophecy to show what has happened, continues to happen, and is yet to happen. Though study of the end times can be a point of much contention and conversation, his message is hopeful for believers, ultimately encouraging them to live in community with other Christians, serve God in the ways He has called us, and share with others Jesus' work in our lives.

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Sunday Morning Service

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Pastor Jim Davis, Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Oh.

Bible References:

Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 28
St. Mark
Luke 23:34
John 14:6
Romans 8:14
Acts 1:14
I John 3

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Romans 12:5

The Church is bought by Christ - a heavy penalty.
When man sinned, it foiled Godโ€™s plan.
Redemption was needed.

Reverberated all the way to the throne.

I Peter 1:18-19

II Corinthians 6:19

Colossians 1:27

The Church is the most valuable on the planet.

John 1:3

Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. You donโ€™t exist in parts and pieces. We are one body in Christ.
Function as a unit, called the Church.

Romans 12:5

I Corinthians 12:21,27

Function in continuity. Assemble together.

Hebrews 10:25

Acts 13:15

Acts 2:1-4

Obvious attack on the Church. The Devil pulls people away until they die. He attacks the individual. An ember pulled out of the fireplace goes cold.

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0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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Repent if sin
Believe on Jesus
Be Baptized
Receive The Holy Spirit

What then?
Are we sucked into a vacuum of belief?

II Cor 6:17

We come out to come in.

Out of the world into the body of Christ, The Church.


II Cor 5:17
Acts 20:28
Matt 6:9
Rom 8:15
I John 3:1
II Cor 11:2
John 3:3
I Cor 12:25-27

Loneliness will destroy your faith.

I Cor 12:13

You were never born into the kingdom of God to be an orphan or a hermit.

You are the body of Christ.
You are the Bride of Christ.
You are the Church.

The Church is precious to Jesus.
He died for it.
He washed it.
He will present it to Himself.

We are the Bride of Christ.
Don't be alone. We need each other.

Rev 19:6-9

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0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday Service

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Sunday morning service

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sermon from Pastor Jim Davis, Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio, Aug 9, 2020.

Psalm 1

There are people who are saved; people who are not.
There are people who believe;
people who donโ€™t.
...stand with Christ;
donโ€™t stand with Christ.
...Godly, not Godly.
...those who walk with God;
those who do not walk with God.
...those who are rooted;
those who are chaff.

Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly...who doesnโ€™t get advice from the ungodly or evil advice from well meaning people.

Blessed is the man who does not stand in way of (in direction of) sinners.

Blessed is the man if he does not sit in the seat of the scornful.

โ€œWisdomโ€ of the world.

Meditate day and night.

You will delight in the law of the Lord when you delight in the Lord of the law.

Being planted vs being sown like seeds. Purposely planted by river(s) of water. Root structure can be fed by multiple rivers.


Security โ€” all the way into eternity.

Chaff goes anywhere the wind blows it. Wheat is heavier โ€” gets to the ground securely.

This is not a dress rehearsal. You are already on your way to eternity.

โ€œLord knows I triedโ€.
Lord also knows if you didnโ€™t try.

I Timothy 2:15:
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday Morning Service

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

All the battles in the heart of man are attended by both heaven and hell.

Victory winning the big battle,
is usually caused by winning the small battles along the way.

Rev 13:8
The battle on the cross was won because the battle in Gethsemane was won.

Gethsemane was won because the battle in the wilderness was won.

The wilderness temptation was won because the Father's business was done in the temple.

The childhood ministry was started because Jesus was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Great victories are built on the foundation of small victories.

Luke, the doctor, sees what others do not see.

The spiritual side of man.
Angels minister to Jesus

The physical side of man.
Sweaty blood - hematidrosis.

The weakness from stress.
Sleeping from sorrow.

The need for movement.
"Get up...rise..."

Jesus won for two reasons.
1. He wanted to please God.

2. He wanted to save you.

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views ยท 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

Showing 419 out of 420