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Mark 10.
Pastor Jim Davis from Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

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0 Views · 1 year ago

July 26, 2020 - Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio

Bible reference:
Acts 9:1-8, 10-18

? Love everyone and all will be ok ?
Bible shows our natural bent is toward trouble.

Does God care about how we feel when He cleans our house?
Christian life is difficult. God wants perfection.

Be ready, read, prayed, faithful, and willing when He calls us out to be His showcase to the world.

Saul of Tarsus was struck down by God. Immediate. Blinded by the light!
Saul said, Who are you, Lord? What do you want me to do?

Why are you in the world?
You are in the world for those in need. You are to be ready when called (Ananias) to go to pray for the killer Saul for the future of the world that God can see but we cannot.

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Sunday Morning 11:28:21 Pastor Jim Davis

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Sunday Morning Service

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I thought, surely God will break through, at any moment, with the majesty of divinity and bless me abundantly.

I made an appointment with God but He didn't show up.
If He did, He was hiding from me.

I Cor 3:16
I Cor 6:19, 20
I Cor 7:23
Col 1:27
Eph 2:4-6
John 11:41a, 42b
Prov 3:5,6

On Earth, God is in me.
In Heaven, I am in Christ.
That will make you feel something.

The truth was, my prayers didn't need to go anywhere.

All I needed to do was acknowledge His presence within me.

Three went for a walk on a wall,
Feeling, Faith and Fact.
Feeling took a bad fall,
And Faith was taken aback.
Faith walked so close to Feeling
That he fell too.
But Fact remained
And pulled Faith up,
And Faith brought Feeling too.

It was always true, but it only became real to me when I believed it.

It had no effect on me until I learned it in the fires of despair.

If God can't hear you when you pray,
then He's not God.

If God always hears when Jesus prays, and I am in Christ, then He always hears me when I pray.

Can you imagine God saying, like a Chick-Fil-A trainee, "How may I serve you?"

Bad things may happen today, but...
When pain is in the brain,
Peace will reign in the heart.

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Sunday morning service

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“There Must Be a God Somewhere”, Hebrews 11:6, Pastor Jim Davis

0 Views · 1 year ago

Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg
Pastor Jim Davis' May 24th sermon speaks to the "tension of obligation" between the spiritual and the physical when God shows us mercy.

Referenced Bible verses are:
John 5:1-9
Romans 1:14-17
Acts 9:1-6
John 20:31
Acts 3:1-10
John 8:1-11
Mark 5:25-34
Luke 17:11-19
Mark 5:1-20

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Sunday morning service - Happy Father's Day

0 Views · 1 year ago

Acts 12:1-15
Mark 16:15-18
John 11:43
Luke 24:49
I Corinthians 2:4
Acts 2:1

The disciples: what they’ve come through.
Divided in many ways: Families, neighborhoods, political parties, churches.

Power of prayer + unity of praying with other people.

The setting.
The tension is agonizing.
Death on a cross.
Hopelessness that Messiah is dead.
Jesus would just appear at dinner.
Then a 40 day briefing.
Floating into the clouds.
Actual angels appearing and speaking to them.

An emotional ride.

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Today’s situation compared to Revelation’s end times.

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He marched toward Calvary.
The cross.
He rose from the dead.
The Day of Pentecost.

Waiting. Patience... now!

Do you care what you’re waiting for? The Kingdom.

The disciples knew He resurrected. Jesus came to them.
They weren’t looking for Him.

Unfulfilled expectations cause loneliness, sorrow, regret.
Take broken hearts and be energized to go save the world, set up your kingdom.

Jim Rhome : the walls keep sadness but also keep out joy.

Bury your disappointments with God.
We could get Him to do it our way. If you do that, you will never live for the fulfillment God has for you.

The joy that comes from successful living for God.

Hebrews 12:2: Looking into Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
He endured the cross.

We live for God for the joy beyond the stress, beyond the trials.

Your call is to spread the gospel.

Acts 1:
You shall receive power from the Holy Ghost. Witnesses for Christ (the call).

We are the chosen of God.

Jesus went to Calvary just for you.
Song lyrics note “when I was on the cross, I was on His mind”

It wasn’t random.

He showed himself alive.
Many infallible proofs.
If you want to know if He exists, He will show himself to you.

Jesus was assembled together with them.

Spending time with Jesus, alone. Listen to Him talk.

The benefit of the doubt, people are telling the truth.

Acts 2:39
God has promised you the power within a spiritual realm to fulfill the call on your life, even if there’s disappointment or you haven’t lived up to what He wanted you to do.

Don’t miss out... ...

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Sunday Morning Service

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Tribute to Sheldon Taylor

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Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sermon from Pastor Jim Davis, Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio, July 5, 2020

Bible references and notes:

Psalm 33:12-18
Revelation 21:2

God cares about nations.

When God was pleased with Israel, He blessed their land. Jerusalem.

America spreads the gospel of Christ. Adoniram Judson. James Tucker.

America is blessed.
America is eXceptional.
Judeo-Christian ethic freedom.

Ohio’s preamble - grateful to almighty God.

We are not perfect people.
Religious people aren’t perfect people.
Bible is honest about failures of people in the Bible:
Cain, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, King Saul, King David, King Solomon, Simon, Judas, James, John, Peter, Thomas.

In spite of their failures, where would we be without the Ten Commandments? the Sermon on the amount? the writings of St. Paul?

Declaration of Independence authors.

Senate opens with prayer.
Swearing in of offices with the Bible.
Scriptures on monuments.
In God We Trust on currency.
Obelisk reads, “Laus Deo”.

More education?
Better self image?
When the heart is changed, men/women will stop sinning.

America needs a revival of repentance.
America needs a renewal of respect for one another.

God forgive us.

God bless America.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sunday morning worship

0 Views · 1 year ago

John 21:3-6, 15-17

We just came through Easter.

Holy Spirit - gives power to perform; makes Christ more real in your life.

From Crucifixion to Pentecost.

Peter - went fishing...?

Peter might’ve been depressed, couldn’t believe crucifixion (shame) happened, didn’t believe resurrection happened, Jesus gone.

Where is His body?

Love. Jesus’ mother went to the tomb to take His body away.

Get at the end of yourself——where God can now work on you.
Morning. Brand new day.

Peter - leader of dejected souls.
Knew not that it was Jesus on the shore cooking breakfast. Hearts dulled by grief.

🎵 He was there all the time.
There to forgive your sins.
Bring you into fellowship with Him.

Forgiveness in the Bible:
Saul of Tarsus - smitten by bright light, change of heart, became St.Paul.

Joseph - sold into Egypt by jealous brothers, became VP of the country.

David and Bathsheba.

A blast of grace.

Peter, do you love me?
3x He asks.
Agape - I love you no matter what.
Phileo - buddies

You KNOW that I love you, Lord.
Tend my lambs.
Feed my sheep.
Tend my sheep.

What it means for Jesus to turn the Church over to Peter and the disciples.

Your sin too big?
Jesus to Peter: The Church that I died for, came to Esrth for, took away my perfection for = most dearest to me.

0 Views · 1 year ago

“Life is Tough but God is Good”
Pastor Jim Davis

Evil always exacts a price.
Righteousness always exacts a price.
Neither is free.

How does a Christian react?

Psalm 34:4-8, 19:
It’s ok to ask God for help.
Many are the afflictions.
Fear not, I am with thee.
I will strengthen,
I will help,
I will uphold thee.

Isaiah 41:10, 59:1, 50:2:
We do not serve a puny God.

II Corinthians 4:8-9:

Psalm 70:
Make haste to help me, oh Lord.

If the focus is you, hold onto your oars because the water is going to get rough.

It’s about GOD.
“Let God be magnified.”
If you focus on you, then when trouble comes, you feel the stress, the loneliness, the discouragement.

If the focus is on God, it would change your whole life.

Ephesians 4:31-32:
Be kind, tender hearted, forgiving one another.

The Savior died on Calvary as a penalty, a price tag for our sins. God forgives because Jesus paid it all.

I John 2:12:
Your sins are forgiven you for His namesake.

Psalm 25:11:
Previous sermons
1-Who Am I?
2-Where’d I Come From?
3-What Am I Doing Here?
4-Where Am I Going?

I’m important to God!
I came from the mind of God.

Philippians 1:21:
To die is gain.

II Corinthians 5:8:
To be absent form the body is to be present with the Lord. All for God’s glory, that we live at all.

It’s His name that’s at stake.
Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary is at stake.

Recent years, church taught its about you. Prosperity religion.

Isaiah 6:1-8:
High and lifted up and His train filled the temple.

Angel 1: “Holy!”
Angel 2: “Holy!”
Seraphims: “Holy Lord, God Almighty!”
The whole earth is filled with His glory.

Who will go for me?
Whom shall I send?

Woe is me for I am undone.

Listen for His call.

Here am I...Send me.

Focus to the throne instead of to you.
THEN life begins to have purpose and divine reason.

A purpose.
Temporal vs. eternal.

Self pity to thankfulness.

Your life has influence for eternity.

The storm.

Psalm 23:4:

Romans 8:16-18, 35-39:
Heirs of God.
Joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Suffer with Him.
No comparison to the glory that shall be.

Deuteronomy 31:6:
Be strong.
Be not afraid.
The Lord thy God goes with thee.

Hebrews 13:5:
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.

The Lord is my helper.
I will not fear what man shall do to me.

Future - Focus on Him.

We’re not here to get another car or a promotion. It’s to put Christ in His rightful place.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views · 1 year ago

This singing and message was from the Annual Twinsday Festival sponsored by the City of Twinsburg.

Note: Please excuse the poor quality of sound and setup. The public system failed to work.
Also, the interruption of the park announcements during the message. Thank you.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Bible references:
Revelation 2:12-17
Acts 6
Numbers 22-25
Revelation 19:11-16

God knows where you live.

God knows where you are in life & in dealing with the Devil.

God knows you from the beginning.

God knows your name.

The Devil or his emissaries (fallen angels) can be seated next to you.

God knows.

Pergamos - literary city
- pagan gods
- place to worship Roman

Witness : Martyr
Antipas was roasted.
Why didn’t Jesus come with soothing words?
Instead He said I see how much Devil you fight each day. I have a few things against you.
Either Jesus is insensitive and mean, or what He’s saying is extremely more important than your feelings.

In the Church, some were about to compromise = destroy the Church.

Problem: 2 doctrines
A) Old Testament - prophet for hire: Balaam. Curse Israel. Send low morals women to Hebrew men to tempt and infiltrate.
B) New Testament - repent.

Don’t marry just because you fall in love.
May love someone but need to get away from them.
Love is not behind morality, but morality is behind love.

Nicolaitans - Compromise with sin & still show in church on Sunday.

Jesus says repent or else I will come unto thee quickly & fight vs. them & undo them with the sword of my mouth.

Repentance brings healing.

King of kings and Lord of lords.

He that hath an ear, let him hear.

Hidden manna — words from God.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Matthew 5:29, 30
Matthew 7:13,14,24

How we feel about what the Bible says today.



Is everyone going to make it?

Sermon on the Mount - certain lifestyles will bring certain _______.

You will be blessed if...

Now you have heard from them of old, [divorce, eye for an eye], but I say to you...

There’s another way to live.

If it’s a problem living that way, do what’s necessary to get it right.

If your best causes you to offend or is not according to God’s favor.

No gray area of acceptance.

Straight, narrow, difficult passage.

Straight is the gate.

Wise man builds on a rock.

Nicodemus - ruler of Jews, teacher. You have to be born again.

Brand new. Fresh start.

I am the Bread of Life.

I gave my hand.

I am the way, the truth, the life.

I am the vine.

It’s finished.

The decision is clear.

Jesus: The best you’ve got is not worth keeping if it keeps you from God.

You would notice a Christian, different from anyone else in the world.

The Christians who talk, walk and live like they know God.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Exodus 20:7

From the Lord God: I’d like to have a word with you, or more formally, the Ten Commandments.

Thou shalt not take the Lord thy God’s name in vain; for the Lord will not hold them guiltless...

Don’t ever replace Me with anyone else.

Don’t forget Me, my love for you, what I’ve done for you.

Don’t put anyone or anything between us.

Don’t have any images for the sake of worship.

Don’t misuse the name of the Lord.


Not necessary.

Are you praying?

What value does it have, especially if you don’t believe in God?

You keep calling on God and then hang up when He answers.

Good, is who, and what He is.

Call on the name of God when not considering His presence?

I’m your God: don’t forget.

Respect is the important dynamic in a relationship.

Degrade the character of one who saved you.

You shall not take/carry/lift up.

If you claim you belong to Christ, don’t live as if He doesn’t exist.

“I am” - the name of the unmoved mover, creator of all things, alpha and omega, He is.

Moses: God wants to set you free.

What is his name?

(Exodus 6:2-8):
Heard the groaning of the children of Israel.
Inheritance - I am the Lord.
El Shaddai - Almighty God
YHWH - Yahweh

Whatever you describe Him as, His name was a covenant name with His people. “I’m going to bring you out.”

Swearing by God.
If not the truth, and sworn by God, then God is a liar as well as you?

“The Lord said...”

Living contrary to what He wants you to be.

God endured pain in Eden when Adam and Eve sinned.

Calvary endured sin.


0 Views · 1 year ago

Down on the threshing floor, broken, depressed and discouraged.

Ever been there?

Hiding like a coward.
The messenger says, "The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor.”

Gideon must have thought, "Say what?”

They were losing the war. They had lost their crops, sheep, oxen and donkeys.

Gideon said, "Where are all the miracles?" The preacher said there would be miracles. Where is God when I need Him?

Ever been there?

At least he had 32,000 soldiers.

The messenger said, “Ask how many are afraid”. Twenty-Two thousand hands went up.

If you are afraid, Go home!

From 32,000 down to 300 soldiers, Gideon learned something that day.

Trust God or quit.

Ever been there?

Gideon accepted the call to live up to his name as a man of God.

When you realize God is all you have, you will know God is all you need.

The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon.

How about, “The Sword of the Lord, and Jim”
or “John”?
or Nancy or Bettie?

0 Views · 1 year ago

I prayed and the heavens seemed as brass. God seem cold and so indifferent.

I felt shut out and cut off from God's presence. Here's where many walk away.

We complain to God, thinking if we sort of lean on his generosity, and his squishy, mushy love, He will somehow know He needs to vindicate himself and come rushing into our desires, giving us what we think we need.

"You never know God is all you need, until God is all you have."
Rick Warren

I John 3:2 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God..."

Matt 7:13,14. "wide is the gate, and broad is the way..."

One day in history, the unmatched Savior gives up his life for me, if for no one else, and I complain, "I can't take it anymore."

Job 19:25-27 I know my redeemer lives...

I know He will answer, if it's in HIS best interest, and He's smart enough not to answer, if it's not.

Never evaluate the character of God, by the events of your life. Evaluate the events of your life by the character of God.

I pray.
God says, No.
I'm disappointed.
God knows best.
He's always right.

God, never let me accuse you of caring less for me than I do for you, when you came from the throne to the cross, while I complain, "It's hard to get up for church."

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sermon from Pastor Jim Davis, Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio.

Ever find yourself in circles of fruitless activity — only to wind up back where you started, all for a goal that was already at your grasp?

Where am I going?

The old saying: If you aim at nothing, you’ll be sure to hit it.

Matthew 16:26
What does a man profit if he should gain the whole world but lose his soul? What shall man give in exchange for his soul?

Sometimes the Devil can get you in a frame of thought of “I’m not sure”. AM I going to Heaven?
You don’t know for sure?
The Bible knows and states it:
By grace are you saved, through faith.

John 14:6
John 14:19-20
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:21-22
Romans 8:1
Romans 8:14,16
I John 1:9
I John 3:2

Be honest about this or you can go no further.
Jesus is the savior -and- you are lost -and- you need Him.
The old life is death.
Become remnants of God.
Have everlasting life.
No condemnation if you are in the Spirit.
We are the children of almighty God.
Confess and He is faithful and just to forgive.

We shall see Him as a reflection of who He is.

Where am I going?
He’s waiting now for your answer.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Exodus 20:12, KJV. "Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."

A positive commandment. Do.
Comes with a promise.

Kabod / Kavod - Something heavy or weighty. Can be good or bad. A weight of value that you put on your parents.
Value - who they are & their influence on your life.

Needs as a child.

Adulthood - parents got you there.
Got you to a place where you have a safe mind & body.

A stand-in for God.

Deuteronomy 6:4-7:
Covenant blessing through generations. Stay in contact with family & land = heir.

Love the Lord thy God with All.

Give respect to those who teach us to.

I’ll do it my way.

Respect for parent leans over into respect for God.

Genesis 2:24:
Honoring father, honoring mother (because they form a unit of one flesh)

Proverbs 1:8 - hear and do not forsake

Proverbs 10:1- wise and foolish son

Proverbs 15:20 - make father glad

Proverbs 19:26 - cause shame, bring reproach, chase away

Proverbs 23:22 - hearken, despise not

Proverbs 28:24 - don’t say it is not a transgression

Proverbs 30:17 - mock his father & despise obeying mother

Proverbs 31:1 - mother taught him

Good for children to see parents respecting own parents.

Benefit for civilization and country by honoring parents.

Honoring parents is a trial run for worshipping God.

Why did God choose to show himself as a father to us? (vs. a superhero)

Pray after this manner:
“Our Father...”

Mark 14:36:
Jesus prayed to God, “Abba...”

Romans 8:14-16:
The sons of God

Galatians 4:6:
Paul: Abba (meaning to cry out)
We are adopted children of God.

If parents are not good, then view the value of what they should be.
Show honor and respect to that.

God is after what is best for you.

0 Views · 1 year ago

John 1:1-14
Mark 1:1-2
Matthew 1:2
Luke 3:38
Genesis 1:1
I John 5:11-12
Hebrews 13:8
Revelation 1:11
Hebrews 4:15
Psalm 51:4
Psalm 50:10
Proverbs 23:29-32, 20:1, 31:4

Who was that in that manger?

The true light.

4 gospels - the life of Jesus Christ.

Eternity - the now that never ends.

In the beginning - the Word.

Jesus is the eternal God. He can give you eternal life.

Jesus Christ - the same, yesterday, today, and forever.
Alpha, omega.
The first, the last.

Able to help you through the difficulties in your life.


The Word is God.

Sin is ultimately only against God.

Can supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.

Logos = light. The power that sustains the universe.

In Him was life.

Darkness will go when the Light comes in.

God is very real.

Make the Bible personal.

We are the lamp that holds the Light.
Face the sun/Son and you won’t see shadows.

Born not of blood, nor will of flesh, nor will of man, but of God.

The Word was made flesh.

The majesty of God’s mind, made flesh.

Birthed in Bethlehem.

That baby was the mind of God.

If you open your eyes, you can see Jesus.

Heaven...on the throne.

0 Views · 1 year ago

0 Views · 1 year ago

Crazy year - 2020.

What are e going to do in the coming year?
Resolutions: Doing a little bit of right is better than doing none at all.

Can be affected by a little statement.
Can be affected by a little commitment.
Can be affected by a little gem of wisdom in one day.

1-liners from our parents:
Doing a job
Self respect
Self presentation
Family stress
Good and evil
Best, better

If we only do the little things that we already know.

Do it right one more time - a resolution.

The “a lot” is sometimes in the little.

Jesus - I am the Light of the world. Do you actually believe it?
I am the door.
I am the good shepherd.
I am the way, the truth, the life, the true vine.

Psalm 103 - The goodness of God.

If haven’t memorized the whole Bible, can you memorize one verse?

Say to yourself: Bless the Lord, oh my soul.

“The tension of a miracle.”

Living a holy day. Don’t worry about living a holy life. If not a holy day, live a holy hour.

Can you do anything better than you are doing it now?

What will I do for God for what He’s done for me?

You won’t make a resolution? Cop out. You pick yourself up. No excuse for not starting.

“Why Christianity?” Why Jesus over other religions? Jesus says you can’t do it but I can do it in you. You can’t forgive sins but I can.

“God isn’t fair”. Actually, God isn’t fair to himself by having mercy on us who don’t deserve it.

Romans 8:38
Nothing will separate us from the love of God. What would happen if you really really believed that?

It’s the journey, day-by-day.

When it gets into your heart, it changes you.

Make right choice at the right time, even if temporary.

Matthew 5:30

Say, “God, with your help, I’m going to try.”
But I never follow through?
Tell Him the truth (He already knows it).
Romans 7
Paul: Oh wretched man that I am. I am the least of the apostles.

Dear God, I’m going to make this commitment. I’m going to read my Bible 5 minutes a day. I’m going to b pray 2 minutes a day.
Maybe not perfectly or all, but something.

Why bother?
Jesus is coming soon.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Pastor Jim Davis from Calvary Community Church, Twinsburg, Ohio.

Bible references:
St Mark 14:22-33

Other references:
David Ring with cerebral palsy sings, “What a Day That Will Be”.

Ravi Zacharias speaks about ice skating champion Nancy Kerrigan.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Sunday morning message from Shiloh Friends Church in Marysville Ohio.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Resurrection Sunday

0 Views · 1 year ago

Notes & references:
Acts 2:1-21
I Cor 12:31
Luke 10:17
John 8:44
Matthew 12:26
Acts 4:31
Acts 8:14-17
Acts 10:44
Acts 11:15
Acts 19:4-7
I Corinthians 13:8
Acts 2:14-21
I Corinthians 12
I Corinthians 13
I Corinthians 14

Pentecost holiday was fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel.

Jesus said the Holy Spirit will come.

Holy Spirit = Powerful witness for Christ. We are strengthened by the power of God. An experience that changes our lives.

2 theologians for and 2 against:
John MacArthur
R.C. Sprole
Howard Irvin
Stanley Horton

Same Bible. Educated. Different interpretations.

Pentecost was the power of the Church (ecclesia = out)

Cessationists say this died with the apostles. (I Corinth. 13)

People’s experiences are not the determining factor for truth.

Some say, It was only for the 12 apostles and those they laid hands on.

Acts 4, 8, 10, 11, 19 does not agree.

Acts 11 - the Holy Spirit fell on them as on us in the beginning.

I Corinth. 13 - Paul exhorted them to understand it.
Prophecy will fail. Tongues will cease. Knowledge will vanish away.
The question is when?

Acts 2 - Gifts cause problems in the Church per Paul? Gifts = 9 specific manifestations (God making Himself known) of the Holy Spirit. All are given to every man to profit from.

Superior and inferior views of positions in the Church was the problem.
i.e. "I have no need of you."
"I am not part of the body."

Some interpret verse 31 that the best way is the gift of love.

Covet earnestly the best gifts.
This is a command.
Everything is a gift from God but love is classified as a fruit of the Spirit. Love flows as you mature as Christians.

Paul: a better way.

The Corinthians didn’t know how to handle gifts.

Hados = road
Ecc = out of

Exodus = Out of and on the way

Charismata = gratuity or endowment

Paul - there’s a better journey to take.

A better way. Not a better gift.

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