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0 Views · 1 year ago

Uma tremenda mensagem sobre orações inspiradas e energizadas pelo Espírito Santo.

Gravado na Adhonep Rio de Janeiro.

Preletor: Dr. Morris Cerullo

0 Views · 1 year ago

A powerful Morris Cerullo Legacy Classic Power Moment: GO ON UP!!
Take this word of encouragement for whatever need you are facing today and share it: God said, "Don’t look to the bigness of your need. Look to the bigness of your God. Your circumstances are hindrances to seeing My abilities. If you keep your eyes on the circumstance, the devil will use the circumstance to defeat you and to accuse the Word of God...
Your victory is in keeping your eyes on the bigness of your God and His ability. He has promised to take you step by step by step, not all at once, but step by step, and each step will be a miracle!"

0 Views · 1 year ago

#morriscerullo #prayerpower #tonguesoffire #johnanosike

0 Views · 1 year ago

El pastor y evangelista pentecostal, Morris Cerullo, de 85 años, conocido en Brasil por su frecuente participación en el programa del pastor Silas Malafaia, recientemente declaró que recibió una cura milagrosa.

Morris había estado en cama por más de ocho meses, y para moverse necesitaba una silla de ruedas porque tenía una enfermedad rara llamada vasculitis, que consiste en una inflamación de los vasos sanguíneos sin causa conocida.

Sin embargo, después de este largo período, el evangelista en octubre fue sanado milagrosamente: "Este es probablemente el milagro más grande que he visto en mi vida. Sabes que he visto a miles y miles de personas sanadas milagrosamente, pero nada de eso. Los doctores me dieron por vencido. "Estaba paralizado, así que me dieron una silla de ruedas, donde pasé unos siete u ocho meses este año", dijo.

Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube:
Adoración, predicación y enseñanza del Evangelio en portugués, español, inglés y árabe desde diferentes segmentos de la Iglesia del SEÑOR JESÚS. Para compartir la cultura del Reino que es "justicia, paz y gozo en el ESPÍRITU SANTO" (Rom. 14:17) y "no consiste en palabras, sino en PODER" (1 Co 4, 20), así como en el bien noticias de salvación plena por medio de JESÚS, restauración completa para todo aquel que cree, porque: "No me avergüenzo del evangelio, porque es poder de Dios para la salvación de todo aquel que cree: primero para los judíos, luego también para los no judíos .
Porque en el evangelio se revela la justicia de Dios, una justicia que de principio a fin es por la fe, como está escrito: "Mas el justo por la fe vivirá".
(Romanos 1: 16,17)
Entre en contacto:
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0 Views · 1 year ago

Pastor Benny Hinn concludes this unforgettable, can’t-miss, heart- warming, behind the scenes interview of Dr Morris Cerullo’s life as an orphan, his supernatural calling to ministry, marriage, family, triumphs, and trials. You will be blessed!

SPECIAL YOU TUBE OFFER: ORDER your COPY of “The Legend of Morris Cerullo: How God Used An Orphan To Change The World” regular price $24.95, NOW ONLY $10 INCLUDING SHIPPING AND HANDLING!


SUBSCRIBE FREE: Sweet Dreams Evening Devotional:

SUBSCRIBE FREE: Journey to the Promised Land Daily Devotional:


LIVE PRAYER TOLL FREE: Morris Cerullo Helpline Prayer Ministers ready to agree with you in prayer NOW: 1-866-756-4200

SPECIAL: ORDER your 2,000 plus page leather bound classic Morris Cerullo Prayer Bible, ONLY $39.95:

To sow your special Breakthrough Offering:

GOD WANTS TO USE YOUR LIFE IN A GREATER WAY: Click here for more information on serving as a volunteer In Home Prayer Minister:

CONNECT as a monthly God’s Victorious Army PARTNER with Morris Cerullo to Build God An Army of trained, equipped men and woman empowered to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Because God is a spirit, the same anointing that was present when Morris Cerullo prayed this powerful prayer for Financial Breakthrough is right by your side now -- ready to touch you at the point of your need. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything as they should ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. (Matthew 18-19 and John 4:24) To share what God does for you as a result of this prayer, or for additional prayer, call the Morris Cerullo Helpline at 1-866-756-4200.

0 Views · 1 year ago

"God intends for YOU and I to MANIFEST, to DEMONSTRATE, to POSSESS, and to LIVE in the SAME ANOINTING that God gave to JESUS!" If you believe it say AMEN! #Legacy #Power #Anointing

0 Views · 1 year ago

El milagro más impactante que Morris Cerullo ha vivido en sus 70 años de Ministerio.

Lunes 24 de Julio en Managua, Nicaragua.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Contact Us | WhatsApp # 0092 316 1485313 |

0 Views · 1 year ago

Let this tribute of a life well spent be a great blessing and encouragement as you take a front row seat to watch how God graciously put His hand on the life of a two year old Jewish orphan boy by the name of Morris Cerullo, bring him the message of Jesus Christ inside a a Jewish Orthodox orphanage, take him into the heavens at the age of 14 and send him to the nations of the world!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Welcome to DAY TWO this brand-new Morris Cerullo LORD TEACH US TO PRAY School of Ministry direct from the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center as we tap into seven decades of the prayer secrets from the life and ministry of one of God's great generals of the faith, Dr. Morris Cerullo!

0 Views · 1 year ago

I’ve never met anyone who was more on fire for the cause of Christ that Dr. Morris Cerullo. The intensity of the flames that burned in his heart for the lost was contagious, and I never walked away from spending time with him without my life changed forever. Today he is home with Jesus, and I want to honor this amazing man of God whose zeal for fulfilling the Great Commission will impact Christian leaders for generations to come.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams invites you to…
A NIGHT OF IMPARTATION AND MIRACLES… with Dr. Morris Cerullo, a world-renowned evangelist who has been traveling our world for over seven decades preaching the Word of God with signs following. He will visit Accra, Ghana for one night only on Saturday the 26th of May 2018 at the Prayer Cathedral, Action Chapel International, Spintex Road, Accra.
The program is open to everyone! No matter what one is facing, sickness, emotional challenges or you just want to be in the atmosphere of miracles to receive divine impartation from the Lord, you should attend.
Special comfortable seating for parents with children 12 and under.
Doors open at 4:00 PM

0 Views · 1 year ago

Este viernes 28 de Abril ven con toda tu familia al Servicio de Viernes de Poder ya que estará con nosotros el Dr. Morris Cerullo compartiendo la palabra a su pueblo. La gloria nos visitara de una manera especial.

0 Views · 1 year ago
Isaiah 53:5
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

This Is Your Day with Benny Hinn takes you to major crusades across America and around the world. You'll experience the presence of the Holy Spirit through anointed worship, witness the miracle-working power of God through exciting healing testimonies and be thrilled as thousands come forward in every service to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

**Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

**Additional Courtesy Disclaimer: We're not affiliated with Benny Hinn. ALL Glory, To Our Lord Jesus Christ.

0 Views · 1 year ago

“Dr. Morris Cerullo Prophecy to Pastor Benny Hinn”

Awesome work of God the Holy Spirit!!!
Blessed be the name of JESUS CHRIST!!!


0 Views · 1 year ago

Word of Faith Teachings - The Gospel of Greed
Signs and Wonders - Charismatic Chaos

Uploaded by kind Permission of Mark Haville

Short Clip from 'The Signs and Wonders Movement - Exposed'

Many believe that we are the generation that will witness the return of Christ. Jesus said that those alive for his second coming would be subject to the greatest onslaught of deception ever levelled at the body of Christ-and that this deception would be predicated upon signs and wonders. For many professing Christians, this could be one of the most important series of programmes you ever watch. The lies, deception, false miracles, and faulty theology of the charismatic movement are exposed. These documentaries feature international bible teachers and authors-plus experts from the world of music, illusion and medicine Their combined knowledge presents the evidence of the most shocking expose of deception ever to hit the church. All three original video documentaries are reproduced in this two disc set. The BBC's investigative programme making dept described this as the best religious expose they had seen.

Mark Haville - Christian Videos

0 Views · 1 year ago

Grande manifestação da graça de Deus nesta mensagem. O proposito de Deus para nossa vida. Seja Abençoado com esta mensagem.

0 Views · 1 year ago


Hear What Late Rev Dr, Morris Cerullo said About Pastor Chris

0 Views · 1 year ago

Una Producción de Evangelismo Mundial doblada al español para toda la comunidad hispana.

Esta es la sesión número 6 del curso "La Batalla de la Mente", impartida por el Dr. Morris Cerullo.

Usted esta apunto de ser impactado por una de las más grandes experiencias espirituales de su vida y vivir el avance más significativo de su ministerio en Cristo, pues el curso "La Batalla de la Mente" fue diseñado por el espíritu de Dios para darle el fundamento, para no volver a tener ni una sola derrota en su vida.

Si usted quiere recibir el material de apoyo de trabajo de este curso o que llevemos a su congregación esta enseñanza explicativa, puede comunicarse con nosotros al teléfono de WhatsApp +52 5510801440 y con gusto le daremos la información de estas solicitudes. ¡Bendiciones!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Worship Saxophonist Pastor Charles Martin is a regular part of the Morris Cerullo Praise and Worship team for many years, and this song is from one of the dynamic Morris Cerullo events.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Indonesia akan melahirkan generasi baru

0 Views · 1 year ago

Actual film footage highlights this biographical documentary of author, evangelist, and Prophet of God... Morris Cerullo. A story of what one life can accomplish when completely dedicated to the call of God. Watch the full movie here:

0 Views · 1 year ago

Thank you Pastor Paul and Dunamis International Gospel Center family for your words of honor, love and prayers. We love you!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Dr. Morris Cerullo, Pastor, died at the age of 89 on July 10th, 2020. The death of Pastor Morric Cerullo leaves us sad in the lost of his body, but we rejoice in his salvation and that he is now with Jesus Christ.

Visit to learn more about us, our programs, and what you can do to help proclaim the Gospel!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Don't miss this powerful opening evening service of the Morris Cerullo 52nd Annual World Conference LIVE from Legacy as founder of The School Of Acts and one of the leading prophetic voices of our day, Raymond Mooi brings a strong prophetic word for 2023 -- Don't miss it!!

To sow your RESTORATION World Conference Offering click here:

For text to give, text WC23 to 858-281-4455 Or call 1-866-756-4200!
Thank you!! This is your year of double restoration!!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Thousands welcomed Morris Cerullo to New Delhi, India! Over six thousand people were inside the convention hall, with standing room only. Over three thousand were outside in the overflow. For three days, the outpouring of the people in New Delhi was nothing short of miraculous.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Because God is a spirit, the same anointing that was present when Morris Cerullo prayed this powerful prayer for Salvation is right by your side now -- ready to touch you at the point of your need. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything as they should ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. (Matthew 18-19 and John 4:24) To share what God does for you as a result of this prayer, or for additional prayer, call the Morris Cerullo Helpline at 1-866-756-4200.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Minsterio de Evangelismo Mundial de Morris Cerullo.

Un ministerio que ha cambiado el término ministro en el mundo, enseñando y dando demostración del Poder de Dios.

0 Views · 1 year ago

I have made my prophetic word from the Lord for your 2015 from the opening night at our historic World Conference FREE for you to watch. Don't miss this powerful prophetic time of ministry! Your Life, Your Family, Your Ministry will never be the same again. Share with your friends and family! Watch here!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Bible say my people perish for the lack of knowledge.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Emotional Speech on the Death of Dr Morris Cerullo by Pastors Worldwide. (Recommended / Must Watch).
May God bless you and enlarge your coast as you SUBSCRIBE to my Channel in the name of Jesus Christ ...... Amen.


#DrMorriscerullo #Morriscerulloministry #Morriscerullodeath #BishopTDjakes #PastorPaulenenche, #PastorAyoOritsejafor #Bennyhinn #Pastorhouston #Hillsongchurch

0 Views · 1 year ago

Because God is a spirit, the same anointing that was present when Morris Cerullo prayed this powerful prayer for Emotional Healing is right by your side now -- ready to touch you at the point of your need. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything as they should ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. (Matthew 18-19 and John 4:24) To share what God does for you as a result of this prayer, or for additional prayer, call the Morris Cerullo Helpline at 1-866-756-4200.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Because God is a spirit, the same anointing that was present when Morris Cerullo prayed this powerful prayer for Family Needs is right by your side now -- ready to touch you at the point of your need. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything as they should ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. (Matthew 18-19 and John 4:24) To share what God does for you as a result of this prayer, or for additional prayer, call the Morris Cerullo Helpline at 1-866-756-4200.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Biography of Dr. Morris Cerullo, showing the incredible journey God has taken him and the ministry on over the past 60 years.

Watch and see what God has done through Morris and impact this ministry is having across the world.

Morris Cerullo would love for you to be a part of the ministry, please feel free to visit,

0 Views · 1 year ago

Homenaje póstumo a Morris Cerullo
Último mensaje en Costa Rica en la 30va Conferencia Internacional de la Palabra de Dios

Tribute to Morris Cerullo
Last message in Costa Rica at the 30th International Conference of the Word of God

0 Views · 1 year ago

Dr Morris Cerullo tells Pastor Chris about a revelation the Lord showed to him about Pastor Chris.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Morris Cerullo takes you into part one of an explosive Mission to London healing service from Earl's Court, London where the power of God's word takes center stage on LIVE from Legacy!

FREE 182 PAGE MIRACLE BOOK DOWNLOAD! Click here to receive a GIFT download of Morris Cerullo’s classic 182 page Miracle Book: How You Can Live In A Rhythm Of Miracles Using 5 Simple Steps and BONUS Legacy Center: A Destination With A Destiny E-Magazine!


SUBSCRIBE FREE: Sweet Dreams Evening Devotional:

SUBSCRIBE FREE: Journey to the Promised Land Daily Devotional:



How can we pray with you? LIVE PRAYER TOLL FREE: Morris Cerullo Helpline Prayer Ministers are ready to agree with you in prayer NOW: 1-866-756-4200. Miracles happen when someone cares and we care what happens to you!

SUPERCHARGE YOUR PRAYER LIFE: ORDER your 2,000 plus page leather bound classic Morris Cerullo Prayer Bible, ONLY $39.95:

To sow your special Breakthrough Offering:

GOD WANTS TO USE YOUR LIFE IN A GREATER WAY: Click here for more information on serving as a volunteer In Home Prayer Minister:

CONNECT as a monthly God’s Victorious Army PARTNER with Morris Cerullo to Build God An Army of trained, equipped men and woman empowered to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Escuela de Ministerios del Dr. Morris Cerullo.

Una escuela de poder impartida por el Dr. Morris Cerullo en la que Dios nos da las herramientas para poder ganar la batalla de nuestra mente en contra de Satanás.

(Parte Siete)

0 Views · 1 year ago

Watch this Miracle of God as Pastor Alfredo shares how God healed his body at a Morris Cerullo School of Ministry!

0 Views · 1 year ago

Because God is a spirit, the same anointing that was present when Morris Cerullo prayed this powerful prayer for Deliverance is right by your side now -- ready to touch you at the point of your need. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything as they should ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. (Matthew 18-19 and John 4:24) To share what God does for you as a result of this prayer, or for additional prayer, call the Morris Cerullo Helpline at 1-866-756-4200.

0 Views · 1 year ago

Don't miss Dr. Cerullo's powerful, prophetic School of Ministry message, "DECLARING WAR ON THE DEVIL'S WAR" - a must see spiritual warfare boot camp impartation that will put breakthrough keys into your life and ministry for waging and winning spiritual warfare. Your life, your family, your ministry and your prayer life will never be the same!

Take Advantage Of These Special Morris Cerullo DECLARING WAR ON THE DEVIL’S WAR SCHOOL OF MINISTRY Spiritual Breakthrough Resources At A Special Limited Time Facebook School of Ministry Price By Calling 1-800-514-1864 Or Clicking The Link Below!

WAGING AND WINNING SPIRITUAL WARFARE (2 DVD SET) – This is Dr. Cerullo’s full four-hour signature spiritual warfare impartation message. Your life, your family, your ministry, and your prayer life will never be the same!

YOU CAN KNOW HOW TO DEFEAT SATAN! - This is the 265-page textbook for the Declaring War on the Devil's War School of Ministry course.

ONE DEMON SPIRIT - Morris Cerullo's #1 best-selling book of all time! A powerful message for victory over the spirit of fear.
Hard copy

A NEW LEVEL OF STRATEGIC SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYER - This message is for the praying Christian that is ready to rise up to a new level of prayer power and results.
Hard copy

Showing 587 out of 588