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12 | Following the Jesus of the Apocalypse (Revelation 20:1-15) | Darrell Johnson

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Revelation | Week 12 | Darrell begins this message by answering the question: what is the millennium and how does it fit into our understanding of the book of Revelation? It’s important to ask the right question when reading Revelation. Instead of assuming a chronological order, we should ask “what does John see next?” Darrell highlights 8 truths we see in this text about following the Jesus of the Apocalypse: We are following the one 1) who has already overcome the enemies of life, 2) who has already bound the evil one, 3) who is already reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords, 4) who has already brought us to life, 5) who has already called his followers to reign with him, 6) who holds our destiny in his hands, 7) who takes us beyond the grave, 8) who has built a new city for the human race.

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, March 17, 2013 | Revelation 20:1-15

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