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ACFI | 12/15/2019 | Redeemed & Re-imaged - The Quest Series (5/5) | Bro. Mano Paul

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Message By: Bro Mano Paul
Topic: Redeemed & Re-imaged - The Quest Series - Sermon 5 of 5 Date:12/15/2019
For more information about church, please visit us at www.acfi.cc
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Austin Christian Fellowship of India (ACFI) is a body of believers in Austin that started in 2002 as a small home based Austin Christian fellowship and progressively grew into a church with many Indian Christian families. Prayer, Children and Missions are core tenants of ACFI.
We have greater Austin Area and Indian Regional language fellowships in the form of bible studies (Austin Telugu Christian Bible Study, Austin Tamil Christian Bible Study, Austin Hindi Christian Bible Study).
We have a curriculum based children ministry (Indian christian Sunday school) from toddlers to High school.
We host monthly all night prayers and have strong prayer warriors.
We have monthly men & women fellowship to equip and strengthen ACFI Men and ACFI Women for the Great commission.
We host Special services for Christmas, New year's eve, Good Friday and Easter.

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