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Christmas Eve Service - 2020
Please enjoy this virtual "Lessons and Carols" service for Christmas Eve 2020 -- produced by the congregation of Brockport First Baptist. Shout out to our friends from First Presbyterian Church of Brockport who helped out as well.
This interactive service includes Scripture readings, responsive readings, candle lighting, and a ton of our favorite Christmas carols -- plenty of elements you can participate in from home!
Worship with us online through the month of January: https://www.brockportfirstbapt....ist.org/online-worsh
Support our ministries: https://www.brockportfirstbaptist.org/give
Support our friends over at First Pres: https://www.fpcbrockport.org/
This video is a production of Brockport First Baptist. Music performances were recorded at our church and broadcast online legally via CCLI License #2788049.
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Merry Christmas & thanks for watching!