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Creator of the Universe | Imani Milele Choir (Loveworld Singers' Cover)
For more information, visit our website: https://www.imanimilele.com/
"Creator of the Universe" was originally performed by Loveworld Singers
🔔 Subscribe to Imani Milele Choir's channel for worship experiences that stir hope and encounter with God's presence. https://www.youtube.com/@imanimilele
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Imani Milele Music is currently on streaming platforms:
👉 App Store: https://bit.ly/ImaniMilele_iTunes
👉 Google Play:http://bit.ly/SolidRock_GooglePlay
👉 Spotify: https://bit.ly/ImaniMilele_Spotify
✅ Stay Connected To Us.
👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imanimilele../
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👉 Website: https://www.imanimilele.com/
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✅ For Business Inquiries: info@imanimilele.com
✅ Recommended Playlist:
👉 Imani Milele Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AUyBlOlTFo&list=PLoM4XDRrFxXwxHD1xZBATnRDr5Z-6eJqp&pp=iAQB
Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by: Quad - A Group ( @quad-a )
Produced by: Blacksmith Studios with Samuel Bisaso, Samuel Straxy Kiberu
Choir Directed by: Star Jordan Njuba, Solomon Nkwanga
Arrangement by: Samuel Straxy Kiberu, Jordan Star Njuba, Solomon Nkwanga
Drums: Timothy Lwamunda, Nehemiah Kasika
Keys: Kenneth Kasirye, Victor Mubiru
Bass: Sam Dibya
Sax: Mark Langa
Guitar: Bona
Video: Sanyuka Films and JimReel Production
✅ About Imani Milele Children:
Not many people know about Uganda's three million-plus orphans and vulnerable children. We are a Christian nonprofit organization that serves our Lord Jesus Christ, meeting the needs of these kids in poor communities by equipping them with skills to help them develop into self-sufficient adults who contribute back to society as productive members.
Join us today as we serve those most in need: thousands of orphaned and abandoned children living without life’s basic necessities.
Our goal is simple: provide hope where there was none before, so they thrive.
For inquiries, please use the contact information below:
📩 Email: info@imanimilele.com
#imanimilelechoir #tukutenderezayesu #ugandangospel #africanchoir #worshipmusic #harmoniousmelodies
© Imani Milele Children