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Cuffed To Comparison // Cuffing Season (Part 4) // Michael Todd

0 Views· 25/09/24
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Comparison is a normal, human occurrence. It’s hard not to notice when someone has a nicer car than you, a bigger house than you, or seems more successful than you. We have all fallen into that temptation. But we can’t let comparison trap us. When it does, we begin to live outside of our calling and the life God has for us. In week 4 of our series Cuffing Season, Pastor Mike warns us about the dangers of comparison and teaches us how to kill it in our lives. If you know someone who needs this message, share the link with them!

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0:00:00 - Intro
0:14:30 - Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10
0:16:10 - Compare products, not people
0:21:40 - Only use metrics to measure volume, not value
0:25:38 - People weren't made for comparison, yet we are consumed by it
0:30:16 - 2 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12
0:31:08 - Comparison is an act of ignorance
0:36:22 - Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 & 2
0:47:12 - Comparison always starts with a cavity
0:49:38 - A cavity becomes comparison
0:52:10 - Comparison becomes coveting
0:54:37 - Exodus chapter 20 verse 17
1:02:05 - Sin is an illegitimate response to a legitimate need
1:03:16 - James chapter 4 verses 2 through 4
1:05:33 - Comparison is human, but not holy or helpful
1:09:06 - Luke chapter 15 verses 25 through 28
1:09:49 - Comparison keeps you out of rooms you’re supposed to go in
1:12:10 - Being emotionally irate leads to isolation
1:15:38 - Luke chapter 15 verse 28
1:17:04 - Luke chapter 15 verse 29
1:17:44 - Comparison makes you a slave, not a son
1:21:14 - Luke chapter 15 verse 30
1:22:12 - Comparison paralyzes perspective & convinces you to live below your privilege
1:25:44 - Luke Chapter 15 verse 31
1:28:02 - Luke Chapter 15 verse 32
1:30:22 - Comparison always kills compassion for people
1:37:11 - How to kill comparison: 1. Constant celebration
1:38:26 - How to kill comparison: 2. Confidence in your calling
1:42:15 - How to kill comparison: 3. Comparing only to Christ
1:43:25 - Christ should be our only comparison. Not to see how far we are, but to see how close we are getting

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