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Do Not Be Cowardly - Deuteronomy 20:2-4 - Pastor Matt Krachunis - Sunday

0 Views· 28/05/23
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Deuteronomy 20:2-4
We are in a culture war in America that has been going on for decades but has been heating up over the past few years. We’re moving from One nation under God to one nation under Govt.
We used to allow to each his own, but now there is a convert or be destroyed ethos
It’s a moving target with no defined structure, leadership or clear goal but its clearly anti-God. Its propagated through the media, facebook, twitter, google, amazon, apple, governmental powers, institutions of education, books, blogs, videos and validated by multinational corporations of influence that now are an economic enforcement arm of compliance
Its hypocritical, nonsensical, unscientific, coearcive, demanding and demonic. Its forceful.
It’s a war that wants to control what you can say, where you can go, tells you who you are and what you can be, wants to change the way you think, and what you’re allowed to think. How to act, live, and worship. What you can and cant eat and drink. Demonizes what you hold sacred. It wants to destroy the nuclear family. It normalizes and accepts criminal behavior and enables addiction and vagrancy. It blames. It distorts. It withholds truth. It wants to control what you watch and see. It wants to fundamentally change the way you view the world and encourage you to abandon the things of God as antiquated. It redefines words. It demonizes some groups and elevates others. It identifies you by your external qualities. It restricts freedom. It’s a form of totalitarianism that seeks to control every aspect of your life. Its illogical and forces you call something that is clearly what it is, clearly what it is not. Its veiled in promises of personal pleasure and utopian ideals and progress. It changes God to a theistic pleasure giver instead of creator who must be submitted to. It has infiltrated churches to teach that God wants you to have pleasure more than truth, action as salvation with no requirement for conversion It changes scriptures, destroys orthodoxy, and wants you to reject the truth of your eyes and ears. It wants you to accept without protest falsehoods and propaganda and to just acquiesce to its demands of submission. It has been happening in plain sight for decades and as the proverbial frog in the boiling water can attest- many haven’t been paying attention to what has been going on. Its cultural Marxism, secular humanism, worship of the State and destruction of the Holy. It is churches that refuse to preach the Gospel of repentance and succumbs to the ideals of the world and offers a hedonistic licentious self serving Gospel that turns Jesus into a long haired genderconfused weed smoking hippie who walks around and approves of sin
And it is coming for and in the Church. Call me tin foil black helicopter guy but the Bible promises it.

You are going to engage in battle
You have to wake up to the reality that we are engaged in a battle- we’re not in the same world
We are in an idealogical fight that can simply be defined as reverential and deconstructivist
One side reveres God, his structures, institutions and freedoms and the other seeks to destroy them at any cost and elevate the desires of the individual at the cost of any institution.
Reverentialism admits that God is great and I am not while the deconstructivist declares I am great and God is not. I am my own God. I answer to no one. I can do what I want to whom.
This is the battle and you are either Going to be engaged or you are not. You must as they did in acts- Acts 5:41 count it worthy to suffer shame for His name.
Mat 10:34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
Matthew 10:16( Persecutions Are Coming ] “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
This battle is not a physical take up arms get ready to get physical battle but a spiritual one.
Matthew 26:52 But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword

Thank you for watching! We welcome you to join us every Sunday at 9am and 11:00am. And every Wednesday at 7pm.

Faith and Victory Church

1302 A St. SE
Auburn, WA 98002

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