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Don Moen - Fresh Fire (ft. Lenny LeBlanc) | Acoustic Worship Sessions
Watch Don Moen and long-time friend Lenny LeBlanc sing “Fresh Fire” acoustic & unplugged on guitar! New videos posted every week! Subscribe for the latest DonMoenTV videos: http://bit.ly/1In0KIP. Want to see more videos like this? Check out our Worship Videos playlist: http://bit.ly/1UKjXaQ
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Title: "Fresh Fire"
Album: Hiding Place
Fresh fire let it fall
O God hear our call
Send Your Spirit like a rushing wind
We need fresh fire
We are hungry we are thirsty
Crying our for more of You
Lord we are desperate for Your mercy
Let us burn to know Your Truth
Light a flame in us now
Send Your holy fire down
We have left our hearts unguarded
We confess we've walked away
Lord take us back to where we started
Where we first found love and grace
Light a flame in us now
Send Your holy fire down
More of Your love
More of Your power
Send a revival
We need it now
Stir up a fire
Let it burn brighter
Let the flame burn higher higher higher
Revive us again