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Don Moen - Hiding Place | Live Worship Sessions
Worship with Don Moen and his full band as he sings "Hiding Place" in this DonMoenTV Live Worship Session accompanied by special guest Lenny LeBlanc! Don't miss our Live Worship Playlist: http://bit.ly/1UKjXaQ. New videos posted every week! Subscribe for the latest DonMoenTV videos: http://bit.ly/1In0KIP
Acoustic Guitar & BGV: Lenny LeBlanc
BGV: Rachel Robinson
Electric Guitar: Tom Lane
Bass Guitar: Jason Foster
Drums: Tim Newton
Keyboard: Kiko Negron
Sound Engineer: Chuck Harris
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iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ar....tist/don-moen/id1854
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Title: "Hiding Place"
Album: Hiding Place
Artist: Don Moen
You are my hiding place
I run to You
I need Your mercy and grace
To see me through
So I'll run to You
You are my strength oh God
You will uphold me
You are my shield oh God
You will protect me
You are my hiding place
I run to You
And I need Your mercy and grace
To see me through
So I'll run to You
So I'll run to You
I'll run to You