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Don Moen - Two Hands One Heart | Acoustic Worship Sessions
Worship with Don Moen as he sings this piano acoustic version of one of his songs from the I Will Sing album, "Two Hands, One Heart". Want to see more videos like this? Watch our Live Worship playlist: http://bit.ly/1UKjXaQ. New videos posted every week! Subscribe for the latest DonMoenTV videos: http://bit.ly/1In0KIP
Filmed at McPherson Studios in Nashville, TN. For more info, go to http://mcphersonstudios.com/.
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Title: "Two Hands, One Heart"
Album: I Will Sing
(I have) Two hands one heart
One life to offer You
Two hands one heart
That's what I give to You
What can I give
What can I bring
That would be pleasing to my King
I'll give my heart
Not just a part
I'm lifting up my everything
Well it's all I have to offer
And it's all I have to give
Use me today
I know You can
Lord I surrender to Your plan
You made this heart
You made these hands
Take me and use me as I am
Well it's all I have to offer
And it's all I have to give
Little becomes a lot
When it's in Your hands
Take me and make me more like You
Well it may not seem like much
But with the Master's touch
I know that I'll be more like You