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FABSCRAP Helps Fashion Brands Recycle Textile Waste | One Small Step

0 Views· 01/02/25

In this One Small Step, Lucy visits FABSCRAP, a nonprofit with a mission to recycle textile waste.
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Jessica Schreiber founded FABSCRAP in 2016 to take on the fashion industry’s textile waste problem. Jessica was inspired to start FABSCRAP after working at New York’s Department of Sanitation. To date the nonprofit has partnered with more than 500 fashion brands to rescue more than 500,000 pounds of fabrics from going to landfills.

FABSCRAP gives designers and brands a place to recycle fabric scraps, cuttings, headers, mock-ups, samples, overstock bolts, production remnants, and any other unwanted excess fabric that might come about during the creation and manufacturing process.

#sustainability #fashion #textilewaste #ClimateChange #Environment #OneSmallStep

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