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How To Design and Manufacture Your Product Idea: An Industrial Designer's Perspective
Hardware is hard. This video is a basic guide for coming up with your own product idea and shepherding it through the manufacturing process.
Make a killer portfolio and land your dream design job. Enroll in my online industrial design course, Form Fundamentals. https://bit.ly/335vsqO .
Here are the timestamps...
Intro: 0:00-0:38
Establishing a vision by asking good questions: 0:39 - 2:36
Products that have a clear vision: 2:37 - 3:43
What happens if you have no vision: 3:44 - 4:24
The cost of design: 4:25 - 6:43
Design Timelines: 6:44 - 8:01
Design for Manufacture: 8:02 - 8:31
Major Tenants of DFM: 8:32 - 8:46
Fender DFM Case Study: 8:47 - 10:27
Design and DFM Timeline: 10:28 - 11:08
Tooling Costs: 11:09-12:39
Design, DFM, Manufacturing Timeline: 12:40 - 13:39
Saving Money in DFM and Manufacturing: 13:40 - 14:56
Using Aluminum Tools: 14:57 - 15:42
3D Printed Molds: 15:43 - 16:04
Manufacturing Recap: 16:05 - 16:23
Federal Regulations: 16:24 - 17:23
How to ensure success: 17:24 - 17:51
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Want to learn more about my work? Check out my portfolio: https://www.studioello.com
Want to work with me on a design project? Contact me here: https://www.studioello.com/about-1
John Mauriello has been working professionally as an industrial designer since 2010. He is an Adjunct Professor of industrial design at California College of the Arts.