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How To Do A Cleanse | Justice Coleman | Freedom Church

0 Views· 12/01/25
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Are you ready to take the 21-Day God First Challenge? visit: https://freedom.church/godfirst to get started.

0:00 - Introduction: 21-Day Challenge Overview
0:17 - Morning Routine: Prayer and Bible Reading
0:51 - Fasting Explained: A Spiritual Discipline
1:15 - Message Title: Cleanse Yourself
2:19 - Understanding Justification and Sanctification
5:56 - Illustration: The China Cabinet Analogy
8:10 - Rock Bottom: Learning from the People of Judah
10:55 - God Tests Us Before He Trusts Us
15:02 - Daniel’s Stand: The 10-Day Test
19:14 - God’s Promises: Faithfulness Through Testing
24:47 - Living Chosen, Set Apart, and Dedicated
29:55 - Sanctification vs. Moderation
35:48 - Consecration: Starting the 21-Day Fast
42:11 - Commitment to Jesus: Chosen and Sanctified
46:20 - Invitation to Salvation and Closing Prayer

How To Do A Cleanse | Justice Coleman | Freedom Church

Join us every Sunday at 9AM, 10:30AM & 12PM

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