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Mehndi Ceremony | Arnav & Yashoma | Indian Wedding Australia | Sydney | Symphony Events
We had planned a talk-of-the-town Mehndi function with traditional decor and a well-organized venue to suit our lovely couple's desires. Incorporating intriguing new decorations to make them more lively and interesting. Everyone at the event was ecstatic, making every moment even more joyful and memorable.
Decors & Styling: Symphony Events
Hair and makeup: Hair and Makeup by Sana
Photography: Grandhouse Media
Videography: Rolling Canvas Presentations
Venue: Uban Tadka Events
#wedding #weddingvibes #weddingphotography #weddingvideography #mandap #mandaps #traditional #sangeetnight #sangeet #decor #stagedesign #eventmanagement #eventplanner #sydney #sydneywedding #australianwedding #indianwedding #southindianweddings #flowerdecoration #partytime #partyhire #mandapdecoration