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MILLIONAIRE Has POOR KID Buy His Coffee | Dhar Mann Bonus!
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00:00 MILLIONAIRE Has POOR KID Buy His Coffee
Executive Producer: Dhar Mann
Director / Cinematographer: Rosales
Senior Managers: Ruben Ortiz, Tony Corsini, Christopher M. Brown
Assistant Director: Kevin James Lobnow, Rajat Patel
Editor: Antonio Cedillo, Emiliano Ayestaran
Assistant Editor: Javier Martinez
Composer: Stefano Ziggiotti
Colorist: Maria Mora
Sound Editor: Luis Lasso
VFX Editor: Fabian Acosta
Casting Manager: Kevin Svec
Casting Associate: Maral Manesh
Pre Production Managers: Hope Mueller, Luz Ortiz, AJ Vargas
Post Production Manager: Brian Nelson, Allan Dave Castro
Breakdown Associate: Ren Lathbury
Bookings Manager: Kevin Acciani
Bookings Associates: Nix Villarubin, Sherri Salazar, Khai Almendrala, Lea Leysis, Andro Cadapan
Gaffer: Nandan Lawande, Ethan Ortiz
Production Assistant: Joel Fant
Makeup/Hair: Brittany Fontaine, Bunny Armendariz
Wardrobe: Nadia Tulin
Sound Mixer / Boom Operator: Brian Testa
Production Designer: Marco Chiong
Set Dresser: Cory Maracle, Emmett Lee Merritt
Props and Inventory Manager: Manuel Alcaraz
Props Associate: Armand Bashar
Art PA: Jillian Fudali
Inventory Associate: Joshua Bogert
Michael - Ricardo Herranz
Daniel - Julian Villagran
Grandma - Carmelita Maldonado
Kind Woman - Andrea Ramirez
Cashier - Joe Miller
Daniel’s Dad - Jesus Lloveras
Daniel’s Mom - Ellie Santiago
Young Boy - Ethan Cordero
Store Owner - David Moskowitz
Landlord - Defecio Stoglin
Brook - IJ Scimeca