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Mystery Fabric Bag Makes - I Bought A Mystery Bag, What Can I Make From It?
How fab is this mystery bag of fabric? And for just a fiver! There was loads to choose from so I hope there will still be a good section of mystery fabric bags when I go back.
So inside the bag were three pieces of fabric. The first was a woven wool feel leopard print, the second was a mauve linen look woven fabric and the third was a black twill style fabric. It took a bit of imagination and some jiggery pokery but I managed to make a top and a skirt.
The top was made using the mauve and black as contrasting colour block placements. The pattern was by Peppermint Magazine and is the frill sleeve blouse.
The skirt was a new look pattern for a mini skirt and it was super quick to whip up.
Top – Peppermint Ruffle Sleeve Blouse https://peppermintmag.com/sewi....ng-school/ruffle-sle
Skirt – New Look 6217 https://amzn.to/3jfItTW (aff)
Fabric from https://www.exeterfabrics.com/
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