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Shirley Caesar | Shirley Caesar Best Songs Hits Playlist
Shirley Caesar | Shirley Caesar Best Songs Hits Playlist
Shirley Caesar | Shirley Caesar Best Songs Hits Playlist
Shirley Caesar | Shirley Caesar Best Songs Hits Playlist
[00:00:00] - 01. Jesus I Love Calling Your Name
[00:03:40] - 02. He's Working It Our For You
[00:09:13] - 03. Everyday is like Mothers Day
[00:14:18] - 04. Yes, Lord, Yes
[00:19:07] - 05. Can't Even Walk
[00:25:58] - 06. Just as I am
[00:32:34] - 07. I Remember Mama
[00:38:51] - 08. Nobody
[00:43:06] - 09. You're Next In Line For A Miracle
[00:50:11] - 10. So Satisfied
[00:54:18] - 11. Been So Good
[00:58:41] - 12. No Charge
[01:02:10] - 13. Favor
[01:06:53] - 14. I Remember Mama
[01:13:10] - 15. Strong Man
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