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THE FORGE - Extended Preview

0 Views· 21/10/24
2,304 Subscribers

Ask yourself the tough questions and discover what’s within.

Follow Isaiah’s journey of personal growth through the power of prayer and discipleship in THE FORGE – the latest film from the Kendrick Brothers (and 5th to receive an A+ Cinemascore). Enjoy the first 10 minutes now and watch the rest of the film at home.

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Isaiah Wright has some growing up to do. A year out of high school with no plans for his future, Isaiah is challenged by his single mom and a successful businessman to start charting a better course for his life. Through the biblical discipleship from his new mentor, prayers of his mother and a prayer warrior named Miss Clara, Isaiah begins to discover God’s purpose for his life is so much more than he could hope for or imagine. From the Kendrick Brothers, the creators of the No. 1 hit WAR ROOM, comes THE FORGE, a faith-filled new movie with familiar friends and inspiring new twists.

Directed by:
Alex Kendrick

Written by:
Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick

Executive Producers:
Shannon Kendrick, Jim McBride

Produced by:
Stephen Kendrick, Justin Tolley, Aaron Burns and Trey Reynolds

Cameron Arnett, Priscilla Shirer, Aspen Kennedy, Karen Abercrombie

#TheForge #TheForgeFilm #AffirmFilms #SonyPictures #SonyPicturesHomeEntertainment #AlexKendrick #StephenKendrick #CameronArnett #PriscillaShirer #AspenKennedy #KarenAbercrombie

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