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The Response Of The Godly To Sin | Pastor Conrad Mbewe | 19th February 2023 AM

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Morning Sunday 19th February 2023 AM Service

THEME Gospel Proclamation

1. There’s a fountain filled with blood
2. Amazing grace (my chains are gone)
3. Yet not I but through Christ in me

Announcements Deacon on duty

Song Leader Emmanuel Mkandawire

Opening song There’s a call comes ringing

Opening prayer Song Leader

Second Song: Rescue the perishing (173 GHS )

Third song Tell me the old, old story

Bible Reading Genesis 32

Pastoral Prayer Elder on duty

Handover Singing through the Psalms Psalms 136 Give to our God Immotal praise (Tune of "Give to Our God Immortal Praise")

Pastor Conrad Mbewe
Text: 1 Samuel 15:10–12a
Title: The response of the godly to sin.
Series: The nature of false repentance
Closing hymn: We have not known you as we ought (694 GH)

As the congregation leaves Search me O Lord

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