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TL Osborn - Receive Miracle Healing audio book

1 Views· 26/07/24
2,305 Subscribers

This teaching was uploaded with written permission from the owner. The book and audio book can be found at their website: https://shop.osborn.org/produc....ts/receive-miracle-h https://shop.osborn.org/products/biblical-healing


If you are healed listening to this and would like to testify, or you still need help, contact us. You can just mention your interest in the comments.

Dr TL speaks truth here from Scripture that breaks down satan's strongholds against God's People in the area of sickness. The truths he shares have strengthened my faith and understanding as I've listened multiple times over the years. They've healed me and kept me well several times.

This is not the end all of what the Bible teaches us about healing. Bro TL did his part, and others have added other truths from Scripture to fill in our understanding. This teaching, combined with bro. Andrew Wommack's teaching, "SPEAK TO THE MOUNTAIN," is a powerful combination. Both of these and more can be found in this playlist and under "Teaching for Disciples," at Jesussavesandheals.com.

We must continue to do our research and keep learning. This teaching is especially good in the area of understanding, from Scripture, God's will to heal all. As TL said, "The purpose of this message is to show you that it is God’s will to heal...."


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