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“When Hell Drops By”, By Pastor Jim Davis

0 Views· 17/05/23
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Bible reference: Book of Job

Job’s troubles - a lifetime of study.

The manual for the product of life: the Bible.

God and Satan conversation.
Life of Job highlighted by God.
Only living for God because of what he gets (riches)?
Evil knocked on Job’s door.

“God is at fault.” Often our response.
God set Job up?
God will risk you walking away once you know who He is and what He’s doing in your life.

Pain gives pleasure a value.
Pain gets you to a doctor.
Pain produces thankfulness.
Pain is a teacher.

Psalm 23 comfort.

Sometimes problems aren’t just about you.
Sometimes spiritual realm that only God knows.

Ask 4 things:
1. God, did I do (cause)this?
= repent, help me
= you grow
2. Did other people do this to me?
= opportunity to forgive
= opportunity to move on
= you grow
3. Did the Devil do this?
Did I open the door to him?
Is there sin in my life?
= pray for forgiveness
= pray for victory
= pray for protection
= you grow

No answer?
God, did You do this?
Teach me what?
Is it for your glory?
How will I come through it?
**Will I still trust you?**

Trust in what you don’t understand.
Trust in victory.

Will I get double for my trouble?
You missed the point of the story.

Job is a student in class to benefit.

Job 1 - In all this, Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

Job 13:15 - Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

Will hold Job’s hand in the dark.

Friends you don’t need.

Job 19:25-26 - ...Yet shall I see God.

Job 23:10 - ...I shall come forth as gold.

**He knows what I’m going through.**

Ever pray and don’t hear God?
Job: If only I knew where I could find Him. ...But he knows where I am.

May not understand why things happen.
Job wouldn’t choose to go through all that just to get back double-for-your-trouble.

Job 11 - Then came all siblings + friends and bemoaned him and comforted him over all.
Why console him?
Because Job still had a tear in his heart.

Learned to trust God in the dark. In the pain.

1. Some things I will never understand and some I will never recover from.
2. I have learned to trust HIM. He makes no mistakes.

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