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7 Home Decor Ideas To Fall in Love With Your Home Again!
Limited time 10% OFF your Casa Refined Shop order w/ code AMOR - https://casarefinedshop.com/
Today I am sharing 7 home decor ideas to fall in love with your home again! Sometimes we can grow tired of the same things, this video will give you ideas to think about your home decor from a new lens. Sit back and enjoy, happy decorating!
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large statue - https://amzn.to/46dL485
outdoor round side table - https://amzn.to/46eTwUI
design books - https://amzn.to/3WchpHY
gold candle holders - https://bit.ly/3Lw073n
faux tulips - https://bit.ly/483ty6s
vintage clay pots - (coming soon)
black round dining table - https://bit.ly/3YbmDX4
cane dining chairs (discount code CASAREFINED) - https://bit.ly/3ywN5j4
custom pinch pleat curtains (mine are Grey Beige color, pinch pleated, privacy liner, memory trained) use discount code JORGEGOMEZ - https://bit.ly/3LAXBsV
sheer curtains - https://amzn.to/3UZkRoL
curtain rod - https://amzn.to/3UUp90w
large curtain rings w/ hooks - https://amzn.to/3UV0nNR
smaller curtains rings (for the sheer rod) - https://amzn.to/3wXiydF
vintage clay pot - https://bit.ly/3Rtkpyo
faux magnolia branches - https://bit.ly/4fqL7Sd
Hotel Collection oil diffuser - https://bit.ly/3SjkvIV
modern lamp - https://bit.ly/47KaY3m
modern mirror - https://bit.ly/3Ww8zpJ
rustic wood riser - https://bit.ly/4corKam
cement bubble coasters - https://bit.ly/3YeAZGg
white modular sofa (use code micasa100)- https://sohnne.com/product/cam....aleonda-sofa-replica
recliner chairs - https://bit.ly/3YdGLrx
ceramic table lamp - https://bit.ly/3A2YTdq
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TreeHause (10% off with code CASAREFINED) - https://treehause.com/
Fable Dinnerware (10% off with code CASAREFINED10OFF) - https://get.aspr.app/SHGGW
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