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Backed by Power - Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
1 Vues·
Film et animation
Scripture: Exodus 14:11-21 (NKJV)
Speaker: Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
When the children of Israel found themselves caught between the powerful Egyptian army and the uncrossable Red Sea, they had to resist fear and trust in the plan and power of God. It takes vulnerability and faith to remain connected to the ultimate source. He has ordained a time, place, and way to deliver you. Just like with the Hebrews, sometimes He might require you to
push through, and sometimes He might want you to stand still. It doesn’t have to make sense to YOU. But you have to be obedient if you want to see His power move!
#BackedByPower #SilentTransitionsOfPower #HowToSeeGodsPowerMove
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