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Bishop David Oyedepo's Arrival In COZA #COZA25thAnniversary
Catch the moment that our father's father, the highly anointed Bishop David Oyedepo arrived the COZA Auditorium, Guzape for its 25th Anniversary.
It was pure joy everywhere. Dreams do come true!
#COZAat25 #FoundersDay #25thAnniversary #GreaterHonour #GreatExploits #ReigningwithJesus #COZAGlobal #UKChurches #cozaexploits2022 #cozaexploits2023 #cozaexploits2024 #cozaexploits2023 #cozaworks #cozaglobal #biodunfatoyinbo #pb
COZA is a Global Church mandated by God to make disciples of all nations, reaching the unchurched who will re-establish God's Kingdom on earth and inform the nations adequately.
You can sow your seeds, pay your tithes & give your offerings by transferring to our Zenith Bank Account: 1013275906.
Members in the US can make payment via this link: https://bit.ly/cozagive-usd. For our UK Members kindly visit: https://bit.ly/cozapayments-gbp .
Hello eChurch, You can pay your first fruits by transferring to these accounts. For Naira:1014449841 Zenith Bank , 1466793187 Access Bank, for Dollars: 5070354251 Zenith Bank.
For our eChurch Members in the US and UK, you can pay your first fruits here: US: https://bit.ly/cozafirstfruits-usd , UK: https://bit.ly/cozafirstfruit-gbp
To partner with us in taking our vision of expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ click here: https://partners.coza.org.ng/
If you would like to share your praise reports/testimonies send to: praisereports@cozaglobal.org
To follow Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo on IG click here: https://instagram.com/biodunfa....toyinbo?igshid=1sn9z
Subscribe to COZATV YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/COZAGLOBAL
#PastorBiodun #BiodunFatoyinbo #COZAGlobal #COZA