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Deborah in the Bible | The Judge Who Saved Israel | Bible Stories
Deborah in the Bible - The Judge Who Saved Israel - Bible Stories
#biblestudy #womeninthebible
Step into the incredible story of Deborah, the only female judge of Israel, whose faith, wisdom, and courage saved a nation. From her powerful role as a prophetess to leading Barak into battle, Deborah’s story is a testament to God’s ability to use anyone for His purpose. Witness how she inspired victory over the mighty Canaanite army and brought peace to Israel for 40 years.
📖 What You’ll Discover:
Deborah’s unique role as a judge and spiritual leader.
How her faith in God turned the tide of a hopeless battle.
The significance of Deborah’s song of triumph in the Bible.
📜 Key Bible Verses: Judges 4:4-16, Judges 5:1-31
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