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The Story of the Book of 1 Kings | Bible Stories | Wisdom and Glory
The Story of the Book of 1 Kings | Bible Stories | Wisdom and Glory
n this video, we explore the captivating story of the first 11 chapters of the Book of 1 Kings. Discover the rise of King Solomon, his legendary wisdom granted by God, the construction of the magnificent temple in Jerusalem, and the splendor of Israel during his reign.
We delve into the decisions that defined Solomon's legacy, from moments of divine wisdom to the challenges that tested his heart. Join us as we journey through this pivotal period in biblical history, filled with lessons of faith, leadership, and the pursuit of God's will. Perfect for anyone seeking deeper insights into the Bible!
0:00 - 1 Kings - 1 - Adonijah wants to be king, but David puts Solomon on the throne.
7:49 - 1 Kings - 2 - David dies and Solomon becomes king.
15:31 - 1 Kings - 3 - Solomon asks God for wisdom.
19:51 - 1 Kings - 4 - Solomon organizes the kingdom and becomes famous.
24:15 - 1 Kings - 5 - Solomon makes a deal to build the temple.
26:55 - 1 Kings - 6 - Solomon begins building the temple.
31:36 - 1 Kings - 7 - Solomon finishes the temple and builds his palace.
37:54 - 1 Kings - 8 - Solomon dedicates the temple to God.
48:35 - 1 Kings - 9 - God speaks to Solomon about obeying His commandments.
53:09 - 1 Kings - 10 - The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon and admires his wisdom.
57:30 - 1 Kings - 11 - Solomon turns away from God and faces problems.