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Knee pain and injury prevention when returning to exercise Pt.2 - Lunges | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

2 Views· 26/07/24
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Again like with squats, what you are looking for is knee tracking problems. Don’t let the knee roll in across the foot. It’s ok to have the knee coming forward over the toe as long as you have the ROM in the ankle and you can keep your front door heel down on the floor. The other angle issue you need to address is the shin / spine / back-thigh all being parallel forward. If your stance is too short you will load the back patello-femoral joint too much. If you can't correct your technique it maybe a weakness problem that you should go and see your Physio about - to get the right hip stability and external rotation strengthening exeicses on one leg to improve it.

With the current global situation many of you maybe starting to head back into the gym - if not already! If you have had some time off from exercise, especially load (like weights and plyometrics) then launching straight back into gym work, running, group exercise classes and boot camps needs to be done with a bit of awareness around your mechanics.

Usually people dont feel mechnical knee pain until a few weeks into a new routine with non-optimum knee movement. Too many weeks of exercises with a knee rolling in, and then with load can lead produce stress on the knee tissues and eventually pain and injury. This will definitely put a road block in your training - that you have so long yearned to get back into. Don't let this happen to you!

Stay tuned for Part 3: Step Ups.

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