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Special Ops Sniper Rates 11 More Sniper Scenes In Movies And TV | How Real Is It? | Insider
Nicholas Irving, a former special-operations sniper and an author, rates 11 more sniper scenes in movies and television shows for realism.
Irving breaks down the plausibility of shooting moving targets in "Better Call Saul" S5E8 (2020); "Extraction" (2020), with Chris Hemsworth; "Skyfall" (2012), featuring Daniel Craig; and "28 Weeks Later" (2007), with Jeremy Renner. He discusses countersniper operations and different types of rifles in "The Last of Us" S1E5 (2023), starring Pedro Pascal; the desert-warfare scene in "The Wall" (2017), with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and John Cena; and "Hacksaw Ridge" (2016), with Andrew Garfield. He also looks at other sniper tactics — such as concealment, target detection, and the mathematics behind a long-distance shot — in "Sniper" (1993) and "Battle for Sevastopol" (2015); the spotting scope from "Operation Red Sea" (2018); and the firearms used in "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation" (2015), starring Tom Cruise.
Irving was a special-operations sniper in the 3rd Ranger Battalion for the US Army. He is known as The Reaper for his 33 confirmed kills in Afghanistan in less than four months. He is the author of multiple nonfiction and fiction books, including his most recent novel, "Reaper: The BOARD."
You can follow Nicholas on YouTube:
You can find his latest book here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com..../w/reaper-nicholas-i
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Special Ops Sniper Rates 11 More Sniper Scenes In Movies And TV | How Real Is It? | Insider