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THE POWER OF CONSISTENCY - The Most Powerful Motivational Speech (FT Marcus A. Taylor)
THE POWER OF CONSISTENCY. Consistent effort EVERYDAY makes a HUGE impact. One of the Motivational Speech and our new release with Marcus Elevation Taylor.
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Marcus “Elevation” Taylor
Marcus is a sought after Transformational and Motivational speaker, pastor, filmmaker, singer and musician. He is also the CEO and creative director of Unlock Elevation, a forward-thinking transformational ecosystem that educates and empowers people from all over the world to unlock their future. Marcus is a lyrical architect on a mission to help millions build a bridge from dreams to reality through the gift and power of language.
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Website: https://bit.ly/MarcusTaylorWebsite
FREE 10 Day Challenge by Marcus Taylor: http://bit.ly/UnlockElevation
Playlist: https://evolveorexpire.com/
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#Motiversity #MarcusElevationTaylor #powerofconsistency #consistency