
UNDER LOCK | Latest Nigeria movie | full movie 2025 .

0 рд╡рд┐рдЪрд╛рд░реЛрдВ┬╖ 12/01/25
2,462 рдЧреНрд░рд╛рд╣рдХреЛрдВ
рдореЗрдВ Christian Movies

This is a highly inspirational christian movie .Under Lock is the latest gospel movie with a difference thay will pudh to God . When your faith is pushed to the very limit and your adversary is granted full access then you are UNDER LOCK. Under lock is a story of us. A thrilling action gospel film .
Directed and produced by John Oguntuase.

You can also be a part of this end time move and harvest by sowing or Patnering with us through any of the account details below.Thanks and God bless you as you do soЁЯСЗЁЯП╗

2nd Touch Production
Account Number: 1771895339
Polaris banks
Domiciliary account
Account Number; 1767984986
John Adesanya Oguntuase
Polaris bank
Pounds account
Account Number: 3084712866
John Adesanya Oguntuase
Polaris bank

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#nollywoodactors #ruthcadiri247
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#christmas #gospelmovie #drama #fullmovies #abejoye8 #abattoir

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