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Why Bespoke Savile Row Suits Are So Expensive | So Expensive | Insider Business
For over 200 years, tailors have been crafting high-end bespoke suits on London's famous Savile Row. A custom-made two-piece suit can cost £6,000. And while a tailor's tools are simple, the skills needed to turn a paper pattern into a pressed suit takes years to master. We followed Kathryn Sargent, the first female Master Tailor on Savile Row, to find out how she crafts a bespoke suit — and to learn what makes Savile Row suits so expensive.
Kathryn Sargent Bespoke Tailoring: https://www.kathrynsargent.com/
0:00 Intro
1:03 What is a bespoke suit
2:46 Suit consultation
4:02 Paper pattern
5:13 Suit fabric
7:51 Sewing the suit
8:44 Suit Fitting
10:10 Finishing and pressing the suit
11:37 The final suit
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#suits #soexpensive #insiderbusiness
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How A Savile Row Master Tailor Makes A £6,000 Suit