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Why Buddha's Hand Citron Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Insider Business
Buddha's hand citron, also known as the fingered citron, is one of the oldest varieties of citrus. It looks like a lemon with long segments growing from it. Its name is derived from its unusual shape, which also resembles a hand position for prayer. A single fingered citron can cost $25 but go as high as $170 depending on how well-shaped and magnificent it is. The farmers in a small Vietnamese town are reaping the financial benefits, but at what cost? And why exactly is Buddha's hand citron so expensive?
0:00 - Intro
1:22 - Meet the farmer from the Dac So Village
2:20 - Powerful Aroma
2:38 - Getting ready for the Big Festival
3:57 - Tree Care and Harvesting
7:02 - Huge Risks
8:32 - Fingers and the Perfect Buddha’s Hand
10:32 - The Biggest Threat to its Appearance
11:28 - Careful Packaging
12:37 - Local vs International Prices
13:43 - Outro
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#citrus #soexpensive #insiderbusiness
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Why Buddha's Hand Citron Is So Expensive