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ADLEY’s CHANNEL — https://goo.gl/a7ctjJ
Adley rides a HORSE — https://youtu.be/jbvOLF4dA9I
SCAN THAT SUBSCRIBE!! --- http://goo.gl/rfgp8V
Best Family Day Ever 754
You know its a Best Day Ever when Adley is making all the decisions. She decides what we both eat for breakfast, she picks out her own cloths. She even dresses herself with almost no help.
We're getting ready cause we're going to go visit Jenny at work. For those who might now not, Jenny is an Ultrasound technician which makes it really easy while were pregnant. We decide it would be fun to see what's inside Adley. Jenny scans her and we see the world's first cereal baby. Jenny then lays down to be scanned so Adley can see her brother for the first time.
We then treat Jenny to a surprise lunch!!
snag some sweet Shonduras merch --- https://shonduras.com/shop/
Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!
Music: https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Here's some stuff we use:
Office decked out by our friends at Fully:
Desks - https://www.fully.com/standing-desks/jarvis.html
Chairs - https://www.fully.com/chairs.html
Gaming Chairs - https://www.vertagear.com/products/pl6000-gaming-chair?view=buynow&variant=13682459672687
Camera: https://bhpho.to/2whsOwZ
Wide Lens: https://bhpho.to/2wh34Rk
Zoom Lens: https://bhpho.to/2ydN1ku
JOBY Pod: https://bhpho.to/2whIFM2
Cool Longboards: http://amzn.to/2im9lTo
Sweet Keyboard: http://amzn.to/2g8IM15
Rad Headsets: http://amzn.to/2zkv83L
DXRacer Chairs: http://www.dxracer.com/us/en-us/
Other HyperX Stuff: https://www.hyperxgaming.com/us
Tell us what your doing for Valentines if you read this far