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20 Million Workers Sort Our Trash. Now They're Unionizing | World Wide Waste | Insider Business
Globally, an estimated 20 million informal waste pickers are responsible for more than half of all plastic waste collected. Now, a 30-year fight for fair wages and legal protection has culminated in these workers' first international union. This video explores their essential role in how the world handles trash.
00:00 Intro
01:10 Landfill Pickers In Indonesia
10:37 Collecting Metal From Old Ships
22:18 The Children Working In Delhi's E-Waste Market
27:50 Earning A Living Off A Flaming Landfill
38:28 Hunting For Deadly Explosives In Afghanistan
47:56 The World's First International Waste Pickers Union
51:41 Credits
Editor’s note: At 48:07, a graphic in this video misidentifies Lucia Fernandez’s title. She is the General Secretary of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers, not the Secretary General. Also, at 51:43, we misidentify a videographer as “Mateo Fernandez.” His actual name is Mateo Vazquez.
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#insiderbusiness #worldwidewaste #trash
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20 Million Workers Sort Our Trash. Now They're Unionizing World Wide Waste | Insider Business