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Cross breeding, Line Breeding & In-breeding in goat farming
Breeding System
Crossbreeding, sometimes called "designer crossbreeding"
- Mating of two animals from different genetic genotypes.
- it can be a local goat against a boer or savanna or kalahari.
- Usually you want to improve the meat in your goats
- End up achieving a pure goat after 6 times breeding
Crossbreeding is the mating of males and females of different breeds or breed types. Purebreeding is the mating of individuals of the same breed or type. Crossbreeding is the recommended breeding strategy for commercial meat sheep and meat goat production.
- Mating of related animals but of less close
- Line breeding : Mating animals that are more distantly related which can be traced back to one common ancestor.
- Line breeding can accomplish several goals: 1) produce a more consistent and uniform offspring; 2) identify breeding populations that have no genetic flaws, or identify existing flaws so they can be eliminated; 3) accentuate and sustain more consistent excellence; 4) develop linebred progeny that will provide a "genetic kick" or hybrid vigor when they are outcrossed with non relatives.
- Mating of offspring and parents or siblings
Can cause bad genetic traits to become more
- Inbreeding refers to the mating of close relatives in species that are normally outbreeding. Matings between father and daughter, brother and sister, or first cousins are examples of inbreeding
- Examples of defects seen with inbreeding include:
* Reduced fertility.
* Reduced birth rate.
* Higher infant and child mortality.
* Smaller adult size.
* Reduced immune function.
* Increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
* Increased facial asymmetry.
* Increased risk of genetic disorders.
#crossbreeding #linebreeding #inbreeding
#goats #farming #boergoat #agriculture #vaccination #africanfarmer