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0 Views· 09/04/23
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1. The Lord says I am restoring your broken down sporting sectors. I will rehabilitate and revive a sleeping giant and renewed federations will form in sporting for Caribbean sporting relations and young entrant enterprises.
2. I will release upon the land through tech and crypto currencies a democratised economy that will begin among your youth. It will be a grassroots economy that will cause networks to emerge in investments. There is a Caribbean move to free Caribbean currency from the grip of US dollar. There is a central move backed by Me, that will cause leaders to abandon currency pairings in favour of crypto and other forms of currency. Something is emerging not only backed by the dollar, it will be backed by Me. As I shake the US, I will birth a transfer of wealth.
3. I saw a sweep and brush going across your government to sweep up those who benefit from a broken down Nation and those who wish to leave it as the colonial past left it. I will sweep away at the oligarchy that has held Jamaica on pause with a tight belt around her waist that restricts the fatness that I want to release upon the land.
4. I saw an evil eye, connecting to the Caribbean islands and West Africa, there was a practice behind it. This practice was set up to keep an ancient mysticism and a curse upon the land. The Lord says, as I restore the prophets, no longer will there be a superstition surrounding an evil eye or an ancient voodoo that has been well sought after over the land. If I can fill a void with my prophets then no longer will a people seek the eyes of principalities but they will seek me again through My prophets says the Lord.
5. There is a growing movement of those trying to reclaim their lost African heritage. Almost like the fight of the African American, there has been a war in the soul of Jamaica to retrace her roots.
6. I saw something emerging with Dutch currency on it. Almost as if there was a renewed effort or commitment to renew or repent of a history. There will be among kingdoms of the west talks of a renewed commitment to change.
7. Say no more in your heart that there is a slumber upon the Nation for there is not a slumber but a stirring. An agitation as of an oyster, it will sweep across your universities and colleges, a chant of a young people who desire change and restitution. They desire the Berlin wall between tourist Jamaica and real Jamaica to be broken and it is from this educated youth that I will birth a new Jamaica. A Protestant voice will rise among the islands and a cry for an end to tyranny will spill over into a cry for change.
8. I saw a case in the spirit. A young woman had been raped and murdered. It looked like a high profile and recent case that swept across the Nation. It was for a moment a catalyst and then silence. Jamaica do not let the injustice of a rape culture go unheeded. For if you will not rise to fight for justice for those who have been abused, I will allow a feminist culture to sweep across the land and plug the gap that My bride has left vacant. I will not allow a denialism to fill a culture and it’s policing unit. Righteousness and justice will proceed again from My house and not from an apathy of an underfunded policing system. Church answer the cry! Do not let my Nation daughter be raped by silence. Let your movements arise or I will allow a justice to arise void of righteousness.
9. China is a great sea dragon, whose hopes will be fulfilled in the Caribbean islands, do not allow your leaders to sell your inheritance to a leader whose desire is for the seas. I will expose the agenda of the CCP and her interest more in your waters than in your lands. I will cause a tug of war over the land between US and China and suddenly they shall both be interested. In the middle of this tug I will cause the benefit to come to the land as a wooing of Nations come to her. Many will say better the devil you know than the one you don’t but I will say, better the God you know than the devil you don’t! I will cause you to benefit from Nations who come to woo you. Do not be attracted by their woos for your waters are precious to them and they will call for bases to be established on your waters in response for training and strengthening of your security and military services. I will leave you in the middle. Caribbean islands, you belong to Me says the Lord, I am your inheritance and My jealous is over you! Do not let your inheritance go to another who is more interested in your seas than they are in your land.
10. There is a fear that oil will be found in Jamaica, this fear will cause an energy dependence to sweep across the Nation and no longer will the land import it’s oil. There is a healing that I wish to bring to the land and there are those who are disinterested in this discovery and blame it on expense. If My people called by My name shall humble themselves, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will release the fat of the land!

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